Aidan Mack Productions is currently focusing on The Aidan Mack Show and Aidan Mack Coaching. Aidan Mack Productions will expand to include EyesHands Video Production within three to five years. Entertainment:
The Aidan Mack Show:
The Aidan Mack Show is a thirty-minute, bi-weekly TV talk-variety show that broadcasts in White Plains and via webcast on the Internet. The Aidan Mack Show includes a
live stage show where Aidan Mack will travel and give presentations, entertainment and Emcee and host the show in local, regional, and national levels. The Aidan Mack Show has a diverse mix featuring monologues, life stories, adventures, humor, guest interviews, celebrity news, breaking news from all over the world, and a spotlight on individual talents and stories. The Aidan Mack Show's goal is to move, connect, inspire, challenge and enlighten hearing and Deaf viewers. Coaching:
Aidan Mack Coaching:
Aidan Mack Coaching provides coaching services that will support clients to break out of the rut and take action, develop their courage and self worth, build their confidence in facing and overcoming obstacles and find an action plan that matches their goals both personally and professionally. Aidan Mack Coaching has six programs; American Sign Language Coaching, Entertainment Coaching, Transition Coaching, Entrepreneurial/Business Coaching, Life Coaching, Health, Food & Fitness Coaching, and Self Designed Program Coaching.