It is important to realize that if you feel this way you are not alone. There is a great amount of pressure for us to be a certain way, to look a certain way, to have certain things (jobs, relationships, possesions). We are bombarded with processed, unhealthy foods that make us feel lousy within ourselves and about ourselves, and then given prescription medications to cover up the discomfort or il
lnesses. It IS possible to start eating healthy, tasty foods that make you feel good, grounded, balanced and energized. It IS possible to stop fighting the media and the standard images of what we're "supposed to be" and YOURSELF and START LOVING YOURSELF TODAY. Don't waste another moment. I believe in getting back to the earth, embracing our womanness and our goddess selves. I believe in being strong women, embracing our emotions and allowing ourselves to express who we truly are from the inside without having to worry about what other people or society may think. I believe in good friends and good food. I GREATLY believe in the power of yoga and meditation to heal the body- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I also believe in positive affirmations and energy work. I believe in doing whatever you feel is right for you, because every body is different. The more we can become who we are from our authentic selves, and let go of the judgements we receive from others, the healthier and happier we can become, and the more effortlessly our the lives we've been dreaming of fall into place. Once we unlearn everything we've learned that makes us feel bad about ourselves, or that we need to lose weight or constantly eat a certain way or keep in touch with people just because we feel obligated, or work a certain job because we feel we have to suffer, and we actually allow ourselves to believe it's possible to experience whatever we want- THEN we can achieve it.