We gave quilt-HUGS to Timothy & Kari-Beth's children as reminders of God's love and our prayers for them all.
This update for Timothy H. was posted Tue night (9-9-14):
"Timothy is home from the hospital! He was released yesterday evening. They were so thankful (and surprised!) that he was well enough to go home, and very happy to have their family all in one place. He was approved to receive outpatient physical therapy, which hastened his departure.
That being said, last night and today were very hard for Kari-Beth. Timothy needs a lot of help. They're still having trouble managing his pain, so he isn't sleeping well. She is trying to balance caring for the him and the kids and is just exhausted. Timothy's sister is organizing meals for them, so if you would like to participate, email her at [email protected]. I will be going one day a week to clean house, run errands, and help with the kids, so if you would like to send a meal but can't make it to Easley, perhaps a freezer meal transported by me would be an option. She could save those for rough days after the schedule runs out.
If I haven't exhausted your prayers, please continue to pray for Timothy's recovery and pain. His arm suffered severely and causes him more extreme pain than his spine or abdomen (although the abdomen is pretty intense too). Please pray for the kids as they process all that has happened. Trinity in particular has had a lot of questions. And please pray for strength, grace, and endurance for Kari-Beth as she faces this trial. She is so thankful and praising God as she works tirelessly to care for her family."