WE SING in Thomasville, GA
Enrichment activities from June 13th, 14th & 15th in Thomasville, Ga! We had an amazing time! The kids were given and absorbed a lot of valuable information!
Teaching kids about self control using ballons!
Happy kids having fun prior to us starting!
Teachers from the Decatur County 21st Century Program today showing the kids they learned the Bully Song just like they did!
Charity did an AMAZING JOB singing our song defining what a bully is, check it out. I just love her to pieces!!!!!!
BPS K9 UNIT goes to work, looking for the planted contraband, and of course, he found it!
BPS speaking to the kids about the effects of drugs and the K9 Unit.
Decatur County 21st Century elementary kids in the WE SING Program today learned about bullying and how that's not the way to be. It's all about helping others rather than hurting others. Within this session, they were taught a song using the words first letter to describe what a bully is. A bully is a BIG, UGLY, LONER, LOOSER, YEARNING FOR ATTENTION! The song ends with them saying a bully, "That's not me"!
21st Century Youth from the Middle school arriving today!