NLBA is dedicated to the advancement of black attorneys as well as promoting issues affecting the black community. The Napier-Looby Bar Association ("NLBA") is a bar association dedicated to the advancement and development of black attorneys as well as attorneys interested in issues affecting the black community. Its membership consists of attorneys, in the private and public sectors, as well as j
udges, law professors, law students, paralegals and other interested individuals. Become a member of the NLBA through our Membership Page. The NLBA provides a unique platform for professional development and legal education, networking, and strategy for law. It promotes the exchange of information between lawyers and legal associations, covering all areas of law and public and professional interests. NLBA provides regular opportunities for its members to socialize and network with each other, sharing their knowledge, contacts, and information about job opportunities. This is an excellent way for attorneys to continue building their client bases and for law students to find mentors and to discover information about job opportunities. NLBA also strives to provide educational opportunities for its members and the community at large to learn about or expand their knowledge about legal issues relevant to members of our community. Past educational topics covered have included judicial forums and tools and tips from the bench. In coordinating social events, continuing legal education, and pro bono and volunteer opportunities, the NLBA promotes the objectives of the National Bar Association and addresses the needs of the African-American community. We welcome you to visit our website as often as you like and join us in celebrating Black culture, influence, and progress in the Nashville legal community.