Michael Ghandi Beerman, one of the main Grand Dads of Maltese Rugby sadly passed away. I turned up to the magnificent church in Mgarr where all my rugby brothers and his dearest familiy members gathered to celebrate this man's great life. It was a wonderful event just as he deserved and I am sure Mike was there in spirit as everyone shared all the lovely memories shared with dear Ghandi. As is custom, we had a few pints together, so touching to see us all reunited just like it happened in the old slipway days when my journey in rugby started. Mike was a Stallworth in Maltese Rugby and his contribution and dedication goes u matched. A man of his word, disciplined, dedicated and also funny. Will be missed by all but forever in our hearts. May he rest in peace, I am sure he is in rugby heaven with Gordon, Greg, Leo, Ray and many others that passed, playing the best game forever in our hearts. Respect Beerman, now ref the game in the hall of fame!