“Facts tell, Stories sell”...read below how it’s been proved to me, again today 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
11 years ago I was in the library with a school mate when I saw this book. Its name got my attention right away as I thought it to be really intriguing:
“The monk who sold his Ferrari”.
I started reading the first 2 pages and I was sold instantly to it.
As we had to leave back to class and as I didn’t had money with me, I left the book behind, telling me that I’ll come back and buy it.
At the age of 17, my attention span wasn’t great, so really soon - the story of that monk was left unheard.
Since then, every time I leave towards a library I try reminding myself to look for this book, and every time it’s the same story: I keep doing other things and forget to look for it... this has repeatedly happened for 11 years...I know how it sounds... but it’s a true story.
A week ago, my friend and colleague from .ro - .ro was telling me about a book that changed his perspective about focusing on the solutions and not the problems.
Yes, you guessed it: the book was “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin S. Sharma.
That’s when I remembered about all my attempts of buying the book in the past.
So I told him the story.
Still haven’t bought the book since then 🙄..
So this brings me to the end.
Today, after lunch, .ro comes to me and hands me this book...on the first page, along with his signature, he wrote: “This is for the best version of yourself...”
So after 11 years, I finally get to own a copy of this book that “haunted” my thoughts for so long...
ro Thank you for listening to my story, not just hearing it...
I will read it, study it and be grateful for it.
Today I learned a few lessons:
1. If something’s meant to happen, trust that it will, at some point!
2. If you plant a seed deep in your mind, it will grow as long as you water it.
3. Listen to the people around you, like .ro did. You’ll know what to do to “win” them, when the time comes.
4. Be grateful for what you have and receive.
5. A story, if told right, will sell more than a spoken fact.