مؤسسة روكان الطائي لخدمات رجال الاعمال
Roukan Al Taie Businessmen Services
Take a chance and will not compensate
Foundation announces of "Rokan Al Taie Businessmen Services," and through their work and activity in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) for the following works:
1.Businessmen Services - inside and outside the UAE, and the provision of such steps the investors and traders of a business
license and provide a place to work and the sponsor.
2. Services Legal Translation - Legal Translation approved for all documents, certificates, contracts, and agencies, documents, books, theses and doctoral degrees from English into Arabic and vice versa, and the Russian language to Arabic and French into Arabic, German into Arabic and Persian into Arabic, "all languages are supported by the Ministry of Justice."
3. Clearance Documents – copying, printing all transactions and clearing from the government offices by the best typists and delegates, the owners of competence, skill and registration of companies, and rent the place for the investors, and the provisions of bail.
4. Real Estate Management - Management of real estate, building, villas, houses and apartments and to provide safety, maintain the property and maintenance of our responsibility.
6. Travel and Tourism - providing tourist flights and secure visa (we have the visas to the UAE) and a ticket to travel to, and from the United Arab Emirates, booking hotels for tourists, visitors and businessmen, investors and job seekers, our transport services to the hotel.
7. The Media - we have the staff to film television commercials, photography and video for all concerts, events and gift CDs for the occasion and the work of editing and photo albums.
8. Festivals - we have a lot of events such as Magic show and Groups Classifieds and clown and children's theater and Alolker, fireworks, folklore troupes to local and global coverage of festivals in terms of theater, lighting, popular works in the hands of a skilled and band Aleguela UAE, and rental tents for parties, and to provide bands, and musical theater, and business henna women beautiful, and lighting for homes and buildings. [email protected]
Opening soon our website: