We've got a lovely litte branch that comes down off the mountains from a natural spring at the top of the ridge. I've c;eared out all the fallen branches and weeds, laid down some mulch and added an old weathered teak bench. I call it my grotto, a spot to stop, sit for a moment and enjoy the gifts of Mother Nature all around us. #casaonthecreek #tusquittee #meditationgarden #ferngrotto #mountaincreek #mossyrocks
With the little bit of rain we've received in the last couple of days, the little branch in our grotto is finally flowing happily! #grottogarden #creeklife #casaonthecreek #mountainlife #tusquittee #quietnature #woodlanstream
We chased some waterfalls in the Lake Rabun area yesterday-- Angle Falls, Panther Falls and the hands-down favorite Minnehaha Falls. Here's a bit of Panther Falls.
#waterfalls #waterfallchaserchallenge #casaonthecreek#hayesvillenc #ourlittlecornerofthemountains #minnehahafalls
When we're blessed with a beautiful spring day here in our little corner of the mountains, the only thing to do is get out for a quiet walk along the creek.
#hayesville #tusquittee #springflowers #creeklife #casaonthecreek
Small wildfire a couple of miles down the road from Casa on the Creek yesterday, and they brought in the big guns to help snuff it out. Our guests at Gili's Cove Cottage and Blackwell Branch Cabin, not to mention ourselves at our own house, had a ringside seat of the efforts being made. All three of our houses look right at the pond, just across the creek. Always something exciting going on here in our little corner of the mountains! #casaonthecreek #firefighting #ourlittlecornerofthemountains #wildfires #forestservice #hayesville #tusquittee
Tusquittee Branch after rain
Mother Nature provides her own music here at Casa On the Creek.
Casa on the Creek is available!
Blackwell Branch Cabin open for "Social Distancing". Enjoy the solitude and peace of our little cornerr of the mountains. #casaonthecreek
Tusquittee Creek
The small branch that comes down off our land and flows into Tusquittee Creek right in front of our home.
Tusquittee Creek Rising
Here at Casa On The Creek, last night and this mornings' rains have Tusquittee Creek raging!
Tusquittee Creek raging today!
Two days of heavy rain and the creek is roaring this evening. Amazing to see the power of so much water rushing by. Mother Nature's always got something up her sleeve here in our little corner of the mountains...
#tusquittee #ourlittlecornerofthemountains #casaonthecreek #hayesville #creeklife