Navisyo™ is dedicated to connecting boat owners and travelers from around the world to both authentic Voyages, Floatel & Events’ experiences on the water with honesty, safety, integrity and by following their heartfelt motto of “Keeping it Real”.
The Navisyo™ concept was inspired in part by two of the leading Disruptive Innovators on the market today; “AirBnB and BlaBlaCar”. However, Navisyo™ clearly distinguishes itself from all others on the market.
Worlds apart, Navisyo™ approaches this market with a unique sense of humanity which is reflected throughout the overall concept. Navisyo™ is set to become a leading online platform connecting both worlds of the traveler seeking adventure to those boat owners who are in turn “sharing” their passion and unique world through planned Voyages, Floatel Stays on boats for overnight stays, and Events for special celebrations.
The summary.
In summary, there are three distinguishable options available to the traveler via Navisyo™:
To experience a unique, affordable “Floatel Stay” in selected marinas, private docks or moorings with or without the Boat Owners on board.
To book an affordable, authentic Voyage with the boat owners.
To book space on a boat to celebrate any corporate or private event.
An adventure at sea.
Private boat charter or experiencing an adventure at sea for an extended period of time has always been an inaccessible dream for the average traveler or backpacker, due to the cost restrictions of private chartering and ‘boat-share’ charters require a certain number of passengers and can be very impersonal.
There are thousands of Boaters or ‘Cruisers’ sailing the waters of the world right now. They have ‘sail plans’ with departure dates / times and destinations in mind, yet never really stay in one place for very long. They are driven by passion, a costly passion most would agree, yet they will dedicate their lives to living out their dreams on the seas no matter its costs. Many are not business people and most will be living off their “sailing kitty” or life savings and have little opportunity to turn their passion into an income. This is where Navisyo comes in.
Many ‘live-aboard’ Sailors would be thrilled for Travelers to join them on certain ‘legs’ of their journey. A Boat Owner can offset some of their costs in exchange for sharing their passion, their time and their “home” with these world travelers. Just imagine a world where these Sailors have an opportunity to connect to an Online platform similar to Airbnb, post their own scheduled ‘Boat Offers’ and open up seats and beds at an affordable price to those eager travelers seeking an amazing, yet entirely authentic experience.
A traveler would then be able to sign up absolutely Free onto the Navisyo’s platform and search from the many “Boat Offers” available from the available location. They can choose either a “Sea Voyage” or “Floatel Stay” or “Event” for those wishing to celebrate a special event on a boat. Three incredible options for both Boat Owner and Travelers alike! A win win!