Story by: Tidi
Art… the creative story that an artist or author has to express themselves in a million different ways that only they understand and, that allows them to translate it into masterpieces that we the public interpret according to our perception of it.
Introducing a very talented and seasoned Zimbabwean sculptor, Tawanda Sarireni who, I am sure many of you may know, or have heard of, or are about to discover.
Tawanda’s passion for art and his wealth of experience as a curator and sculptor has over the years, allowed him to produce some of the most beautiful, striking and breath-taking pieces that have been featured in prestigious gardens and galleries around the world.
Mystery in Stone, one of his most successful collections, has travelled around the world to much acclaim from art collectors and the public and his latest collection, Out of Africa, is ready to be revealed to the world and will be showcased in August at one of central London’s largest, friendliest and most accessible exhibition spaces – Mall Galleries – Federation of British Arts.
Take a glimpse at the some of the amazing work he has done (pics below) and gear yourselves up for the exhibition taking place from the 2nd – 7th of August 2016 in London.
Get ready to be blown away by 35 exquisite pieces that reflect the Shona culture in Zimbabwe from the 1950’s and exhibit Tawanda’s imagination and technical skill.
For more information visit http://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/out-of-africa-shona-stone-carving
Out of Africa features 35 contemporary examples of Shona stone carving from Zimbabwe.