Hanno just next to Tokyo

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Hanno just next to Tokyo We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK. We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA,
just next to Tokyo@hanno_just_next_to_tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese Events, Enrollment ceremony called "Nyugakusiki"!// Hi. In Japan, the school year starts in April. And w...

\\ Japanese Events, Enrollment ceremony called "Nyugakusiki"!//

Hi. In Japan, the school year starts in April. And we have an enrollment ceremony to welcome the new students. This year's enrollment ceremony had a great opportunity to enjoy the cherry blossoms🌸. Enjoy your new school life!!

こんにちは。 日本では新学期は4月に始まります。 そして新入生を迎える入学式が行われます。 今年の入学式は桜🌸を楽しむ素晴らしい機会となりました。 新たな学校生活を楽しんでください!!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Play Spot,  Metsa Village// ~About Metsa village~✅Feel the Nordic countries lifestyle!You can have the general go...

\\ Play Spot, Metsa Village//

~About Metsa village~

✅Feel the Nordic countries lifestyle!
You can have the general goods and foods of the Nordic countries.

✅Enjoy with your pets!
You can enjoy with your pets outside.

You can enjoy the various activities such as island boating and canoeing. Refresh yourself with extraordinary experience.

✅Feel the nature!
You can enjoy the scenery and flowers of the four seasons. Relax and feel the warmth of the trees and comfortable breeze.



アイランドボートやカヌーなど様々なアクティビティをお楽しみいただけます。 非日常の体験でリフレッシュしてください。

四季折々の景色や花々をお楽しみいただけます。 木の温もりと心地よい風を感じながら、ゆったりとお寛ぎください。

📍 327-6, Miyazawa, Hanno, Saitama
Open: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm (Mon-Fri)
9:30 am - 6:00 pm (Sat and Sun)

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ FOOD,  Shirimochi// Shirimochi is a famous confectionery representing Hanno, and is an oval-shaped daifuku. Daifu...

\\ FOOD, Shirimochi//

Shirimochi is a famous confectionery representing Hanno, and is an oval-shaped daifuku. Daifuku is a traditional Japanese confectionary consisting of mochi (rice cake) filled with anko (sweet bean paste) made from azuki beans. The horizontal branding iron is ``Koshian'' and the vertical branding iron is ``tsubuan''.
We recommend coming in the morning before out of stock.

しり餅は飯能を代表する銘菓で、楕円形の大福です。 大福は、小豆から作られた餡子を餅に詰めた伝統的な和菓子です。 横の焼印は「こしあん」、縦の焼印は「つぶあん」です。売り切れる前、午前中のご来店をおすすめします。

📍 52-1, Nakai, Hanno, Saitama
Open: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (Tue-Sun)

📍 453, Nagata, Hanno, Saitama (main store)
Open: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (Tue-Sun)

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese Events, Graduation ceremony called"Sotsugyosiki"!// Hi! March is the season for graduation in Japan. We ...

\\ Japanese Events, Graduation ceremony called"Sotsugyosiki"!//

Hi! March is the season for graduation in Japan. We had graduation ceremonies all over Japan this weekend. It is one of the most important events in school life. Some female students wear traditional kimono called hakama. Parents of graduating students also attend the ceremony. When the names of graduating students are called, they walk up onto the stage one by one and receive the certificate from the school principal. They song a few songs including the national anthem and the school song. The new school year starts in April in Japan. We will be starting a new stage in our life! We can't wait!!

こんにちは! 3月は日本では卒業の季節です。 今週末は日本各地で卒業式がありました。 学校生活の中で最も大切な行事の一つです。 女子生徒の中には、袴と呼ばれる伝統的な着物を着ている人もいます。卒業式には卒業生の保護者も出席します。 卒業生の名前が呼ばれると、一人ずつ壇上に上がり、校長から卒業証書を受け取ります。 国歌や校歌など数曲を歌います。日本では4月に新学期が始まります。 私たちは人生の新たなステージをスタートします! 楽しみ!!
We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ FOOD  #1 Shinshimadaya// We can get manju(buns), dango(dumplings), and other Japanese sweets. Especially, the mos...

\\ FOOD #1 Shinshimadaya//

We can get manju(buns), dango(dumplings), and other Japanese sweets. Especially, the most famous one is called "miso-manju". Furthermore, we can eat freshly made foods!! Have a good day.

饅頭やお団子などの和菓子が買えます。 特に有名なのが「味噌饅頭」です。
しかも出来たてが食べられます!! 良い一日をお過ごしください。

📍 7-7 Hachimancho, hanno, Saitama
Open: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (Tue-Sun)

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese Events, Hinamatsuri!// Hi! Today (March 3) is a special event day in Japan, called Hinamatsuri.  It's th...

\\ Japanese Events, Hinamatsuri!//

Hi! Today (March 3) is a special event day in Japan, called Hinamatsuri. It's the day to pray for healthy growth and happiness for young girls. Most families with girls display dolls called Hina-ningyo. Today, we eat traditional dishes like Chirashi Sushi and clam soup for the Doll Festival. 
Have a great Hinamatsuri!!

こんにちは! 今日(3月3日)はひな祭りと呼ばれる日本の特別な行事の日です。
女の子の健やかな成長と幸せを祈る日です。 女の子のいる家庭では、ひな人形と呼ばれる人形を飾ります。 今日では、ひな祭りのちらし寿司や貝汁などの伝統的な料理を食べます。

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese culture, HINANINGYO// In Japan, when a baby girl is born, her grandparents or parents give her hina-ning...

\\ Japanese culture, HINANINGYO//

In Japan, when a baby girl is born, her grandparents or parents give her hina-ningyo for her first Hina-matsuri. Hina-ningyo is said to protect girls from calamity or misfortune. Parents display hina-ningyo around after Setsubun, which is a traditional Japanese festival on February 3rd. The display represents a Japanese imperial wedding ceremony. There is a wish for a happy marriage in girls' futures.

1st tier: two imperial dolls
Two main dolls on the top tier represent the emperor and empress. The emperor holds a ritual baton and the Empress holds a fan. The Empress’s twelve-layered ceremonial robe looks gorgeous. Two lamps stand on both sides.
2nd tier: three court ladies
3rd tier: the five court musicians
The third tier holds the five court musicians.
4th tier: the bodyguards
Two bodyguards come on the fourth tier. Between them, diamond-shaped rice cake stands and food trays are arranged.
5th tier: three servants
On the fifth platform, three helpers are displayed. They are flanked by a mandarin orange tree and a cherry blossom tree.
6th tier: marriage furniture
Marriage furniture comes on the 6th and 7th row.
7th tier: travel goods

In these days, some hina-ningyo are smaller and in fewer numbers, with only odairi-sama and ohina-sama to fit Japanese houses. Regardless of the scale of the Hina dolls, they are filled with wishes for a happy life!! If you come to Hanno, you can see the Hinaningyo from outside. Feel free to stop by.
📍6-1, Nakamachi, Hanno, SAITAMA
Orikyo office building,1st floor

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\🌸The Hanno Hina Decoration Exhibition 2024🌸//〇Term : February 20th (Tue) to March 3rd (Sun)〇Location: 6-1, Nakamac...

\\🌸The Hanno Hina Decoration Exhibition 2024🌸//

〇Term : February 20th (Tue) to March 3rd (Sun)
〇Location: 6-1, Nakamachi, Hanno, SAITAMA (Orikyo office building, 1st floor)

*You can view the Hina decorations from outside. Feel free to stop by.

🎎Hina Tour Stamp Rally🎎
🌸Belief Plus Kura
🌸Business hours: 10:30-15:00
🌸Closed: February 24th, 25th, 26th, March 2nd

There are many buildings listed on the ``Hanno Historic Buildings Walk Map'' including the main venue, ``Tenzo Kinjin'', a tangible cultural property designated by Hanno City! Precious Hina dolls are on display at 104 locations including shopping streets. Please take this opportunity to enjoy a walk around Hanno.
We are looking forward to meeting you!!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese Events, Juken!// It is currently the examination period for high school and university in Japan, called ...

\\ Japanese Events, Juken!//

It is currently the examination period for high school and university in Japan, called Juken. The Japanese education system includes 6 years in elementary school, 3 years in middle school, 3 years in high school, and 4 years in college. Elementary schools and middle schools are compulsory education, but about 98% of students enter high schools. We need to take the exam for not only private high schools but also public high schools. The entrance exam race is getting hard. You can do it!! Good luck.

現在、日本では受験と呼ばれる高校と大学の受験期間です。 日本の教育制度は小学校6年、中学校3年、高校3年、大学4年となっています。 小学校と中学校は義務教育ですが、高校への進学率は約98%です。 私立高校だけでなく公立高校も受験する必要があります。 受験戦争はますます厳しくなってきています。 がんばれ受験生!! 幸運を祈ってます!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Happy Valentine's Day!!// Valentine’s Day in Japan is when women give chocolate to men.Not necessarily to your lo...

\\ Happy Valentine's Day!!//

Valentine’s Day in Japan is when women give chocolate to men.
Not necessarily to your lover, women tend to give chocolates to their coworkers, family members, friends, and even themselves on Japanese Valentine’s Day😍
Have a good day!


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈Hi. Happy Wednesday afternoon!!Please check this out! This is the Hanno station area guide map in English. You can g...

Hi. Happy Wednesday afternoon!!
Please check this out! This is the Hanno station area guide map in English. You can grab it when you exit the Hanno station gate. We have four languages map, English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Have a good day😉

みなさん、これをぜひチェックしてみてください! 英語版の飯能駅周辺案内図です。 飯能駅改札を出るとすぐに手に入れることができます。 英語、中国語、韓国語、日本語の4か国語をご用意しております。 良い一日をお過ごしください😉

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\ Japanese food, Udon// It's snowing and so cold today. A cold day definitely makes us want to eat something warm l...

\\ Japanese food, Udon//

It's snowing and so cold today. A cold day definitely makes us want to eat something warm like Udon. Udon is thin and long noodles made by kneading wheat flour and water that is then boiled and eaten. We have many different kinds of udon. If you have a chance, please try it!!

今日は雪が降っていてとても寒いです。 寒い日はやっぱりうどんなど温かいものが食べたくなりますよね。 うどんは小麦粉と水をこねて作った細長い麺を茹でて食べるものです。 色々な種類のうどんがあります。 機会があればぜひお試しください!!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo

ーーー✈\\ Japanese culture, SETSUBUN// Hi! Today is a holiday in Japan called Setsubun. We would like to share about that. ...

\\ Japanese culture, SETSUBUN//

Hi! Today is a holiday in Japan called Setsubun.
We would like to share about that. It is held on Feb 3rd. Setsubun is the event held to pray for our happy and healthy life. It’s a lot of fun for children. On that day, Throwing the soybeans represents getting rid of bad luck and welcoming good luck. As we throw the beans, we say “Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi." This is called "Mame-maki" (Mame means beans, maki means throwing away.) And people eat beans as numbers as their age. Also, we eat "Ehoumaki" which is a thick sushi roll. It is regarded as good thing to eat Ehoumaki in Setsubun.

こんにちは! 今日は節分と呼ばれる日本の祝日です。
節分についてお話ししたいと思います。これは 2月3日に開催されます。 節分は私たちの健康で幸せな暮らしを祈るために行われる行事です。 子どもたちにとってはとても楽しいイベントの一つです。 この日は、厄を払い福を迎える行事です。「鬼は外、福は内」と言いながら豆をまくのを「豆まき」といい、人々は年齢の数だけ豆を食べます。また 節分には、恵方巻を食べるのが良いとされています。

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\ Japanese culture, KIMONO// Hi! We would like to share about the KIMONO.Kimono is a traditional Japanese cloth tha...

\\ Japanese culture, KIMONO//

Hi! We would like to share about the KIMONO.
Kimono is a traditional Japanese cloth that means a “thing to wear” in Japanese. Until the Meiji era, when Western culture came in, Japanese people wore kimonos, both daily and special clothes. Today’s kimonos are mainly worn for formal occasions such as weddings and traditional events. Would you like to wear that? What color do you like? Let us know in the comments!

こんにちは! 着物についてシェアしたいと思います。
着物は、日本語で「着る物」を意味する日本の伝統的な布地です。 西洋文化が入ってくる明治時代まで、日本人は日常着でも特別な服でも着物を着ていました。 現在の着物は主に結婚式や伝統行事などのフォーマルな場で着用されています。着物を着てみたいですか? あなたは何色が好きですか? コメントで教えてね!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\ Japanese culture, ORIGAMI// Origami is the art of making figures by folding paper and Japanese paper-craft art. W...

\\ Japanese culture, ORIGAMI//

Origami is the art of making figures by folding paper and Japanese paper-craft art. We can make various things, like animals, flowers, and boxes. There are many different kinds of paper used for making origami. Irogami (color paper) and chiyogami are the most commonly used kinds of paper. Irogami is Western-style paper of different colors and chiyogami is Japanese-style paper with colored patterns. Both kinds of paper are squares with sides that are 15 cm long. Origami ranges widely from simple forms intended for children to complex forms, which are considered arts and crafts. Origami is now one of the most popular crafts in the world. What kind of origami would you k**e to make? Let us know in the comments!

折り紙とは、紙を折って形を作る芸術であり、日本の紙工芸品です。 動物やお花、箱など色々なものが作れます。 折り紙を折るときに使われる紙にはさまざまな種類があります。 最も一般的に使用される紙の種類は、色紙と千代紙です。 色紙はさまざまな色の洋紙で、千代紙は色柄のある和紙です。 どちらの種類の紙も、一辺の長さが 15 cm の正方形です。 折り紙は、子供向けの単純なものから、芸術品や工芸品として扱われる複雑なものまで多岐にわたります。 折り紙は現在、世界で最も人気のあるクラフトの 1 つです。 あなたはおりがみでどんなものを作りたいですか? コメントで教えてね!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo



ーーー✈\\ Japanese food, Ekiben// Do you know the "Ekiben"?  Ekiben is a special kind of lunch box that you can usually get...

\\ Japanese food, Ekiben//

Do you know the "Ekiben"?
Ekiben is a special kind of lunch box that you can usually get at stations before taking a train like the Laview. Each region of Japan has its own range of unique ekiben which can be found at not only local stations but also major stations in big cities and on the shinkansen. Ekiben are often of high quality and local regions take pride in their ekiben. Great care is put in the food as well as the packaging. Before you take on the Laview, you can buy the ekiben at SEIBU IKEBUKURO. Have a fun!!

駅弁とは、通常、Laviewなどの電車に乗る前に駅などで購入できる特別な種類のお弁当です。 日本各地には、地方の駅だけでなく大都市の主要駅や新幹線の駅弁など、それぞれの地域で個性豊かな駅弁が揃っています。 駅弁は質の高いものが多く、地元の駅弁に誇りを持っています。 中身だけでなくパッケージにも細心の注意が払われています。 Laviewに乗る前に、西武池袋本店で駅弁を購入しましょう。 ぜひ楽しんで!!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi! We would like to share about the express train by Seibu Railway, called Laview. It operates on the Ikebukuro Lin...

Hi! We would like to share about the express train by Seibu Railway, called Laview. It operates on the Ikebukuro Line by Seibu railway (between Ikebukuro and Seibu Chichibu Station). The Labiew has reserved seats and wide windows, so you can sit very comfortably. In addition to a regular ticket, a separate limited express ticket is required. It's very cool, stylish, and nice like the Shinkansen. Check the below the Labiew points!!
✅buying the tickets even through the app.
✅Using the free wifi
✅Using the power for any charge
✅Using the toilets
✅Taking out the trash
(It's difficult to find a place where you can throw off trash in Japan🤣)

The Labiew is very convenient and comfortable, so we highly recommend using that!!

こんにちは! 西武鉄道の特急「Laview(ラビュー)」についてご紹介します。 西武鉄道池袋線(池袋駅~西武秩父駅間)を運行。 ラビューは指定席で窓も広いのでとても快適に座れます。 乗車券とは別に特急券が必要です。新幹線みたいでとてもかっこよくてオシャレで素敵です。 ラビューのポイントは下記をチェック!!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo



ーーー✈Hi!  Have you ever been to any shrines? This is the Hachiman shrine in Hanno.⛩How to make a prayer at a shrine⛩① You...

Hi! Have you ever been to any shrines?
This is the Hachiman shrine in Hanno.

⛩How to make a prayer at a shrine⛩
① You make a bow before entering the shrine through the torii gate.
② When walking on the approach, avoid the middle and walk along the edges.
This is because the middle is the path of God and is the most precious place called the median.
③ Cleanse your hands and mouth at the chozuya.
A chozuya is a place to purify your mind and body. Use a ladle to draw water, wash your left and right hands, fill your left hand with water, rinse your mouth, and wash the handle of the ladle.
④ Stand in front of the offering box and throw in your offering money.
Offerings are meant to express gratitude to the gods, and although there is no fixed amount, it is often a pun on words such as 5 yen (for good luck) that brings good luck.
⑤ Ring the bell, bow twice, clap twice, and bow once more.
Bells are used to notify the gods of the presence of worshipers.
For the second bow, bow deeply, for the second clap, open your hands shoulder-width apart and make a clapping sound, and for the first bow, pray or say words of gratitude in your heart.
⑥ When leaving the torii gate, bow once. I bow once as a farewell to the gods and exit through the Torii gate.

The shrine is a very mysterious and beautiful spot. If you get the chance, please come and visit!!

📍12-6, Hachimanmachi, Hanno, saitama

手水舎は心と体を清める場所です。 柄杓で水を汲み、左右の手を洗い、左手に水を汲んで口をすすぎ、柄杓の柄を洗います。
⑤ 鐘を鳴らし、二礼、二拍手、一礼します。
⑥鳥居を出るときは一礼します。 神様にお別れの気持気持ちを込めて一礼し、鳥居を抜けます。

神社はとても神秘的で美しいスポットです。 機会があればぜひ遊びに来てください!!


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi! We would like to share about the Nishikawa-wood.Hanno in southwestern Saitama Prefecture prospered during the Ed...

Hi! We would like to share about the Nishikawa-wood.
Hanno in southwestern Saitama Prefecture prospered during the Edo period (1603-1867) as a production center for Nishikawa-wood, a high-quality timber.
It came to be called Nishikawa wood, meaning "wood that comes from the river west of Edo (present-day Tokyo)." Hanno's climate and soil are suitable for growing cedar and cypress trees, which produce high-quality lumber. In Hanno, they are familiar with forests and live in them. Forest volunteer activities are also active.
In Hanno, Nishikawa wood is used in various places. The library is one of them. Please check it out!

「江戸(現在の東京)の西の川から流れてくる木」という意味で「西川材」と呼ばれるようになりました。 飯能の気候と土壌はスギやヒノキの生育に適しており、良質な木材が生産されています。 飯能では皆、森に親しみ、森と共に暮らしています。 森林ボランティア活動も盛んです。
飯能では様々な場所で西川材が使われています。 図書館もそのひとつです。是非チェックしてみてください!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo



ーーー✈Welcome! Our sweet home, Hanno is located in Saitama prefecture.Easy access from Ikebukuro, Tokyo by train that take...

Welcome! Our sweet home, Hanno is located in Saitama prefecture.
Easy access from Ikebukuro, Tokyo by train that takes only 40-50 min.
Located: Southwestern part of Saitama Prefecture
Area: 193.05km2
Total population: 79,583 people
(Estimated Population, December 1, 2023)
Symbolic flower: Azalea
Symbolic tree: Cedar
Especially, Nishikawa wood has a high reputation and has become the mainstay of the local industry.
Symbolic bird: Warbler
Next time, We would like to share about "Nishikawa wood" in detail.
Thank you.

面積: 193.05km2

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi! This is a beautiful mountain in Hanno, called "Tenranzan".Although the altitude is low 197m,  the view from the ...

Hi! This is a beautiful mountain in Hanno, called "Tenranzan".
Although the altitude is low 197m, the view from the top is nice, and you can see not only the city of Hanno but also the mountains of Oku-Musashi and Okutama, as well as Mt. Fuji. It is also fun to hike along the nearby Hannogawara, Lake Miyazawa, and Kinchakuda. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from Hanno Station to the starting point. and it takes about 20 minutes from there to the top. It is a typical spot that elementary school students from nearby areas visit on field trips. Most age groups will enjoy it!

こんにちは! 飯能にある美しい山「天覧山」です。
標高は197mと低めですが、頂上からの眺めは素晴らしく、飯能市街だけでなく奥武蔵や奥多摩の山々、そして富士山も見ることができます。 近くの飯能河原や宮沢湖、巾着田などをハイキングするのも楽しいです。 飯能駅からスタート地点までは徒歩約20分。 そこから頂上までは約20分かかります。 近隣の小学生が遠足で訪れる代表的なスポットです。ほとんどの年齢層が楽しめるでしょう!

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi! This is a beautiful historical structure, called "Kura". In Japan, a "warehouse" was called a "Kura" and has bee...

Hi! This is a beautiful historical structure, called "Kura".
In Japan, a "warehouse" was called a "Kura" and has been considered a symbol of wealth. Storehouses were used not only for food storage but also for storing important books, stuff, and items that had been handed down from generation to generation. You can see this Kura in Hanno, Saitama. We highly recommend you visit there if you get the chance. You can also go inside this Kura!

こんにちは! ここは「蔵」と呼ばれる美しい歴史的建造物です。日本では「倉庫」を「蔵」と呼び、富の象徴とされてきました。 蔵は食料の保管だけでなく、大切な本や持ち物、代々受け継がれてきた品々などを保管するためにも使われていました。

We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\ Japanese food, Ramen// Have you ever eaten that? Ramen is one of the most popular Japanese noodle dishes. You can...

\\ Japanese food, Ramen//
Have you ever eaten that? Ramen is one of the most popular Japanese noodle dishes. You can find a ramen restaurant anywhere in Japan. The ingredients for that are noodles, soup, meat, and vegetables. Depending on the restaurant, it has various types of soup, such as soy sauce, salt, and miso. I really love the Ramen!! When you eat the ramen, be careful not to burn your tongue😉


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi! This is the highlights of Hanno,Saitama.Hanno's biggest charm is the combination of nature and historical struct...

Hi! This is the highlights of Hanno,Saitama.
Hanno's biggest charm is the combination of nature and historical structure.
Let's take a walk along the Hanno-riverside or in the forest and visit historical structure. You can have a great time!!


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈\\ Japanese food, sushi // Nigiri sushi is the most popular type of sushi.This is a bite-sized vinegared rice with a...

\\ Japanese food, sushi //
Nigiri sushi is the most popular type of sushi.
This is a bite-sized vinegared rice with a slice of raw fish, like tuna, salmon or shellfish on the top. Do you like it? What is your most favorite. Let us know in the comments!


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi!! Our city, Hanno, Saitama is in just next to Tokyo.It takes 120 min from Narita International Airport.Or if you ...

Hi!! Our city, Hanno, Saitama is in just next to Tokyo.
It takes 120 min from Narita International Airport.
Or if you are in Tokyo, it only takes 40 min from Ikebukuro! Using Laview, it's three stations from there to Hanno. Next time, we're going to share about that special train called Laview!!


We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo


ーーー✈Hi. Welcome to the new Instagram and page of the Hanno just next to Tokyo!!There are a lot of interesting t...

Hi. Welcome to the new Instagram and page of the Hanno just next to Tokyo!!
There are a lot of interesting things in our region. We would love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA(just next to Tokyo). So follow along to keep up with Japanese culture,events, and activities!

はじめまして、新しいインスタグラムとフェイスブックのページ「Hanno just next to Tokyo」へようこそ。
We are a non-profit organization, the HANNO UNIVERSITY NETWORK.
We'd love to share about Hanno, SAITAMA, just next to Tokyo






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