It was definitely a fun ride 🙏🏼❤️
RIP “Travelling with Diana” ⚰️
Айде сега… не е нужно да сме толкова драматични, по-скоро я пращаме да се пенсионира 😁
Беше много голяма и важна част от живота ми, но e време да се фокусирам повече в една друга посока, а е трудно да го направя, когато искам да направя толкова много неща и да успея навсякъде, и накрая всички са добри, но не достатъчно. Така че трябва да се примеря с факта, че не мога да осъществя всяка моя луда идея и да се фокусирам върху по-малко неща 🙈
- Пътуванията винаги ще останат голяма част от живота ми, (това е най-прекрасния подарък, който можеш да си подариш, ако се направи по правилен начин) просто вече не искам да са най-големия фокус в живота ми 🌎
- Тъй като това стана не просто "нещото, което правя", а което обичам и буквално ЧАСТ от идентичността ми, ще продължава да живее (просто вече ще говори по-малко 😁)
- Искам тук фокуса да остане само върху пътуванията. А и аудиторията ми е прекалено различна събрана от целия свят с общата страст към пътуванията и разбирам, че по-голямата част от тези хора се интересуват само от това ☺️ и искам да го оставя този акаунт да бъде "travel", и
Day 30 - Discipline is everything
Motivation comes from action not the other way around
For that reason you have to be DISCIPLINED if you want to achieve something
It can be applied to any area of your life. No matter what you’re trying to achieve
Discipline is the key to any goal. You have to make a decision and keep doing it not because you feel like it but because you are disciplined enough
Day 27 - Film your progress
Because often it’s not like we didn’t make any progress, but it’s more the fact that we don’t notice it
By recording yourself (you can either do a video or a simple voice recording) you will always be able to go back and actually see how far you’ve come
It will keep you motivated to keep going, make you proud of yourself for how much progress you’ve made and you will be less likely to quit 📈
Day 26 - Incorporate this language into your life
When you start to use this language (even in the smallest of ways) in the activities beyond langua learning itself, incredible progress happens
You take it beyond the workbook and you start to use it in more useful ways. In the beginning it might be hard but it gets easier the more you do it.
Day 25 - Don’t focus too much on Grammar
Another mistake that I see many people make is focusing too much on grammar
Of course it’s important part of any language, there is no “hack” around it, you have to learn the basics!
Grammar is important but…
Day 23 - Go beyond the language
Don’t forget that the ultimate reason why we study a foreign language is because we want to be able to communicate with people from that country (at least in most cases)
So, take it beyond only the language and get interested in the country itself
Day 22 - Listen to podcasts
Going back to the subject of being immersed in that language
Utilise Podcast app on your phone
You can find so many interesting podcasts on there to choose from. Depending on your level it can be podcast dedicated to teaching that language or if you are more of an advanced level then the list is truly endless and it can be on any subject like psychology, money, spirituality etc.
Day 21 - Join some Facebook groups & pages
This is another way to use social media to benefit your language journey
Search for and join some language learning groups, pages and communities
Another thing that I incorporated in my language process was listening to French radio 📻
Why? Because it’s easy to do and you can keep doing something else in the meantime
Think again how much time you spend on social media 🙈 what if you could use all that time in a way which would benefit your language journey 😍
Try to find and follow accounts which post content in the language you are trying to learn
Going back to the basics today
You will have to study and memorize many words in that new language you’ve been trying to learn
Instead of going through the dictionary and try to memorize each word and it’s transcription, make the process a bit easier, more beneficial and faster
Today’s tip is all about utilizing the time on your phone wisely in a way which will benefit your language journey
The most beautiful sunrise 😍🇧🇬🌄
Вх. Юмрука ⛰🇧🇬 🔙 to last year when we got the opportunity to watch this magic 🙏🏼 never got an opportunity to share this precious moment on here but I guess its moment has come 🥰
Even though I've fallen in love with hikes and mountains in 2020, this year I didn't have time to go on as many hikes as last year but so grateful for everything that is happening... 🙏🏼
there is time / moment / season for everything in this life...
You just have to trust it ✨
When learning a new language it’s very important to practice your speaking skills above everything else
Today it’s all about choosing the right method
There are so many online platforms that can let you learn from the comfort of your home and at any time #languagelearner