In June 2011 a group of friends rented a small office space in the city centre of Utrecht for one month. They called this space “Bedford” and hosted four duo exhibitions in it, celebrating art with music, drinks, and good times. This time we discovered different artists and showcased new designers, also inviting back a few of the greats from the first edition to keep the good times rolling. And ro
ll they did. As much as we’ve loved all of this, we’re convinced that Bedford is destined for greater things – more depth, more community, and more reach for the artists we’re excited about. Out of our obsession with print and it's opportunities we’ve created Bedford Pages: a series of four magazines. Based on our double-feature exhibitions in previous years, each issue of Bedford Pages is curated by the two different artists we invite to be guest editors. This duo will decide upon the content and will also create a series of works specially made for the pages of Bedford. By inviting two artists that never worked with each other before we create a unique experience for both artists and reader.