National Child Safety and Protection Month is an entire month dedicated to recognizing the potential dangers many children face in their everyday lives and taking steps of prevention against those challenges.
Taking safety measures can help reduce the number of unintentional injuries and deaths. In honor of Child Safety and Protection Month, we encourage you to take precautions to keep children safe. It is important to talk to children about the potential dangers that surround them in their everyday life.
Safety At Home
A child’s home should be the safest place for them. There are simple ways that you can make your home a healthy, safe, environment for children.
Poison Risks
Always keep medications and vitamins in hard to access areas, leave on child safe caps and lids.
Keep cleaning supplies and detergents out of children’s reach.
Never use food containers to store non-food items, this can cause confusion and result in accidental ingestion.
Always keep the Poison Control contact information somewhere that is easily accessible in the case of an emergency.
Safeguard your Bathroom
Always pay close attention to water temperatures.
Safely store razors out of reach of children.
Install slip resistant mats.
Cover electrical outlets.
Ensure that all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are properly functioning and check batteries often.
Safety Around Water
Always keep a close eye on children around bodies of water.
If you have a pool, keep a safety fence around it and always keep it locked.
Never leave a child unattended in the bath or shower.
Child Product Safety
Always pay attention to safety warnings on toys and devices kids are using.
Keep choking hazards out of children’s reach.
Pay attention to recalls on products you might have purchased for your children.
Protection From Other Factors
There are many other factors in life that can require protection for children. Not just injuries from items and things at home. It is also crucial to protect and prevent incidents that are out of your control. A great way to get started with this protection is to check out the SAFE Hearts Proactive Parent Guide. Talking about how to turn hard to talk about subjects into kid friendly conversations.