People Worldwide is happy to finally announce that the official launch of People Work will take place next Wednesday, 15th of November at 19:00.
While creating People Work, out team was inspired by amazing stories of outstanding people whose work changed our work and lives forever. Lounge zones and meeting rooms named after Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Jack Ma and others were created to inspire coworkers.
Our members will have a chance to work in a real Alibaba.com shipping container, rest in a winter garden, host a BBQ party on a roof terrace and brainstorm in other amazing meeting rooms!
Nākamnedēļ, 15. novembrī tiks atvērts lielākais kopā strādāšanas (coworking) centrs Baltijā – People Work, informē projekta pārstāvji. E. Birznieka-Upīša ielā 21 atrodas ēka, kas renovēta atbilstoši individuāli izstrādātam dizainam, ņemot vērā visas mūsdienu biroja un A klases nekustamā īpašuma