Been asked all of these I think! Very well observed and written...
“Love your photos! What kind of camera do you have?” “… …”Look, I get it. Being an amateur photographer is tough for a lot of reasons, but a large one is having to humbly ask questions you desperately wish you didn’t have to say out loud. We’ve all been there. At some point in our lives, every professional has started out as an amateur. We’ve all been on the other side of the coin, secretly trying to make sense of all the photo technical jargon while still trying to appear like a coherent adult that deserves to own a camera.And while my blood boils every time I get asked, I just have to tell myself to chill the eff out. I know you don’t mean to be insulting; you just want to learn. You’re simply trying to figure out a little more about the process, and asking about the camera is your go-to step one. Hell I did the same thing as a newbie – upon observing the fact that my point-and-shoot just wasn’t achieving the same effect as a pro, the question out of my mouth to any photographer that would listen was, “What kind of camera do you have?” I was naive and stupid and I didn’t know any better.But now I do know better, and in the spirit of helping new photographers get the information they’re actually after (while at the same time avoiding pi***ng off every established photographer they ever hope to learn from one day), lets lay down a few ground rules.Note: Don’t think I’m discouraging you from asking questions because you’ll potentially come across as annoying. These following listed below are not necessarily bad questions, mind you, it’s just that they can’t be answered with any kind of valuable information. If you’re going out of your way to ask a pro for their insight, at …