Snapcart is Asia's first real-time shopper engagement app where it allows brands to connect with its consumers directly. Snapcart applies AI to build the richest offline database of users in emerging markets. The company enables brands and retailers to measure, target, and optimize advertising and price promotions (globally a USD1.7 Trillion industry), helping clients compete in an increasingly da
ta-driven world. Since its launch in September 2015 in Indonesia, the app has been downloaded for more than a 1,000,000 times with very minimum marketing push. In attracting its loyal users, Snapcart offers rewards for users to upload their shopping receipts. Through its data factory with hundreds of machine learning models, the company is able to process and predict receipts information within seconds. Aside from that, the Snapcart app also provides a platform for brands to run surveys and promotions, where users of the app can gain even more Rewards for participating in said features. This further allows brands to enrich their customer's data alongside the actual purchase data from the collected receipts. Snapcart collects and processes in real-time, billions of data points at an individual shopper and retailer level. The company is backed by prominent VC firms, Vickers Venture, Wavemaker Partners, SPH Ventures, Social Capital, Kickstart Ventures and JG Summit Group. To date, Snapcart has partnered up with over 75 brands of fast-moving consumer goods. For further information, please visit our website at