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Empathic Inspirations Empathic Inspirations "Experience the awakening of your inner spirit" Readings of Spiritual Energies Pacticitioner: Candy Savarese

Reading your past, your present and your future through spiritual energies. You are the energy by which I receive the inspiration. Thoughts and feeling of where you have been, where you are and where you are going and those that are guiding you.


Sometimes you just have to stop… really stop, do nothing and sleep. Sleep can help restore and heal you. When you are depleted, you have to allow yourself to just give in to the need to recoup your energy. Recoup your mind, body and soul.
When life is just TOO much and you feel out of sorts, you may only need sleep to put you back on track…not meds, not food, not caffeine just sleep.
God created sleep for us to be able to begin again with renewed energy and peaceful restored calm. Take what has been given you to help you be the best you can be and it’s FREE!
If its free it’s for me! Now go dream a good dream and be reborn again tomorrow’


How angry do you get when you see/feel that something isn't right and you are not being heard? The frustration is unbelievable!
This can lead your day from being bright and beautiful, to down right ugly and angry. So...what can you do about it?
Nothing, really are you ever ready to just do nothing? That doesn't mean that you have to accept it, it means you have to find a way to deal with it. Not easy, that is for certain, but doable. I have never been one to sit on my hands when something wrong is occurring but sometimes we just have to let karma take care of itself! This my dear friends, is not an easy task...matter of fact it may be the hardest thing you will ever do...sitting and waiting for things to change is very hard.
My words...and don't change them (I'll know)
"you can't make anyone see what they do not want to see"!
Patience is deficiently not one of my virtues, but the only thing that is going to "fix" this type of situation is time and patience.
Dear Lord, please let me learn from my message...I sure do need help! Put your hand over my mouth and guide me while I fume!
Good luck to you because this is a tough one for everyone, not just empaths!


There are those who are so sincere and truly care about you and for you...then there are those who live in a world of "me". The world of "me" does not include anyone or anything except their own thoughts and agenda. My mom would say "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"....
When you have the "feeling" that something isn't quite right or truthful about someone...sit back and let their true self emerge.
"No one is that nice" may be an old fashioned phrase but you might find that it suites the situation.
This is not about being careful, it is about being aware...."eyes wide open" can't hurt!


Why is everyone in such a hurry to do nothing?
In a hurry driving
In a hurry eating
In a hurry to judge what someone else is doing, saying, wearing, or personal changes.
You don’t get to be the judge, because let me tell you…you are not perfect! None of us are!
So before you set out to be in such a hurry, look in your own closet and slow your ass down!


This is to answer a question that has been posed to me several times and more so recently..and I have decided to answer.
Mind you I am not explaining myself, I am merely stating the condition. I've heard many opinions on mediums, clairvoyants and such through out my life. I have been around many who have good, bad and indifferent ideas and or opinions. When I am among my peers (others with sight) I I will involve myself fully in conversations etc. When I am not, I find myself becoming very still and quiet..for those who know me, that is a very unusual accurance!
I have been asked why I do not join in, my answer is simply this "there are believers and non-believers, it is your choice to decided how you accept or feel about people like me.
I have lived my entire life denying or having to defend who I am and what it is that I "see and feel." The critizism through out my life has been hurtful and scarring, I am now past all of that. It has taken me many years to come to terms with who I am and "why me." I will not defend myself or why I am an empath, God is the only one who can say. I am just like you, I hurt and I feel. I now know that I must continue learning how to keep myself "safe and protected" so I may continue on this path that I have accepted. I now accept me with all the "good, bad and the ugly" however others do not have to accept me, you do not have to beleive me.
With me, you do not have to defend your thoughts and actions or opinions ever! You have a right to them..but please, kindly keep in mind I do not have to either and will not defend me or others like me, to you or anyone else. Hence not joining in the "conversations." Because I have found peace in who I am and what being who I am means, I do not feel the need to "have a say" and it is so rewarding not having to defend me any longer! I have come a "long way baby" and no one will ever put me back in that dark place where I can not speak or be heard. I am who, I am and I finally have found peace in all of this. For you I wish exactly the same, peace..So peace be with each of you my dear friends..and say what you mean, mean what you say and then there will be no defense only truth..


The only thing that is guaranteed in our life is change. Fear of change doesn’t make it easier but that ole saying “ I know what I have, I don’t know what I’ll get” is usually our first reaction. Not knowing isn’t a bad thing. Here’s a thought…you only need to adjust you, not the world. Make it work in your favor. Change, is exactly what life calls for, let’s face it, we are like the weather, constantly in motion. So, true fact…”good outcomes happen through adjusting to change. How about we set the intention to enjoy the ride before getting off at the next stop”… no one said it’s easy, but we do have the choice to let it be a wondrous ride!


I haven’t posted in quite a long time but here goes:
Freedom has so many different meanings…freedom from stress and anger that it can cause is like finding a new you. Be who you are, let the heart of you emerge. It is a kind of independence that only you can create.
Go for it… choose your best self every chance you get.
Peace and honor to you on the 4th of July,
Empathetic Inspirations

Life changes, sometimes for the better and often not by choice. It can be as simple as a lifestyle change, as happy as a...

Life changes, sometimes for the better and often not by choice. It can be as simple as a lifestyle change, as happy as a birth, or as devastating as a death. Sadly, changes can also come from an unkindness, people with an uncaring attitude and not seeing the hurt is causes.
It isn’t always easy to see change as an opportunity but it can be, whether it is welcomed or not.
Candyism… “can’t make anyone see, hear or feel what is right in front on them.”
LEt go and live on. Change will show, if it is happy or if it’s hurtful, so choose to wear it well. That is how to turn change into an opportunity for your own new beginning.


Words can be magic when shared and acknowledged!

Beautiful Serenity

Beautiful Serenity

‘Nough said

‘Nough said

Each time I look I see something new for me to learn! Balance power worthy

Each time I look I see something new for me to learn!
Balance power worthy


I wrote this on 8/20/2011
Blessed are those who call thier own by name.."this is mine, I belong, my family is my life" all else is just an added "extra" special gift to me...my dear friends may I call you by name too...

Today, 10 years later, We are living with such grief, painful hurts and events we have no control of or cannot fix or change, it has become so hard to connect. There’s so much distance and so many that are troubled and feel so alone.
There’s no easy answers …
I’m finding the search for peace, comfort And and confidence, is the requested need. How do we fulfill the need and bridge the distance?
My message has been too share the words given…
”take time to really listen, take it slow, don’t get in the middle of what isn’t yours and stay truthful to what does belong to you.
Right now life does NOT need to be about who’s right, it needs to be about who’s trying to get from point A to point B. Connect to those you love and trust. Have big Ears, small voices and God’s Love in your heart because that is all there is. When it’s from your heart there’s no right or wrong, it’s just love!”

This is still where my heart lives…My dear family and friends I ask “may I continue to call you by name”!


I never said ′′ I want to be alone ".
I said ′′ I want to be at peace ′′
and there's a big difference.

Greta Garbo


And isn’t that the truth, plain and simple!


A stronger you..


Our plight…
It is VERY hard for people who do not see or feel what empath’s do, to hear us, to understand where you’re coming from. Knowing when something is in air, changes that are happening or going to happen, even if it’s a long time off, we want to share it.
Well, get ready light workers, “gifted” people all empaths…WE are the messenger and not everyone is ready or wants to hear the message.
Frustrating ain’t it! It Does not matter how many different versions of the same message you deliver…if the recipient doesn’t like the message or isn’t open or willing to listen…they will not accept your words or actions. Even if you clearly wrote it all down for them…in the end, it won’t matter because they don’t want to hear it.
After trying continually to deliver what is right in front of them, their own message, sent to you for them, for them not you…you just need to know when to stop.
The plight of a messenger…is knowing the outcome and not being able to do a damn thing about it! We are not given a message to “fix” or control anyone’s outcome.
Our job is to simply deliver…
How often I have delivered that quote “I am only the messenger, I am not the message!”
For those who think they know us best, it usually falls on deaf ears…stop trying, they do not want to know.
Let’s us learn to deliver our “knowing, knowledge” without our egos or lower self getting in the way! It is not easy keeping messages to ourselves or having our words be heard as us “giving our opinion” when really all we want to do is help by sharing our knowing of their message. Let us choose positive over anger, let us decide to leave the message and not get emotionally attached. Let us not put our hearts into the outcome. An empathic heart is caring and therefore in a constant state of mending. “Be careful out there”, it’s been rough and in rough times, more than ever, we need to let go of the message and move on.

Good advice!

Good advice!


This was written 2011
It’s good because it is true. Anyone having to over come and change because of what life has dealt them, understands that you cannot say, “I used to”, that continues to put you back and it hurts, because you’ve actually lost part of You! Go forward with “this is what I do now, this is who I am”!

Dear Congresswomen Giffords,
How happy America is to see you doing what you were meant for!! I am also a recovering brain injury story and I will tell you it does get better. How far we have come and how joyous the future is. Advice given to me by my neuro doctor...."don't sweat the small stuff, live one moment at a time, nothing is more important then who you are today, don't look back only forward!


You're having a bad day...doesn't matter where the cause came from having a bad day sucks, however that doesn't give you the right to spew your foul mood on others. Of late so many, many people are impatient, rude and 'want what they want, when they want it' like immediately because they are 'handling so much at once'...well guess what chickie so is everyone else. "We" as in the entire world is dealing with our lives being out of control. Isolation, loneliness, depression and anger seem to be the 'mood' of late. None of this gives you the right to be hurtful, unkind and rude to others because your having a bad day...guess what honey, all of us are having bad days! Don't take it out on others, especially those who you count on, those you turn to and those whom you coexist with on a daily basis...work, home, socially...all of everyone! When you react the action continues on...if you would just take that most important moment to just stop yourself, take a step back, redirect that 'mood' it will help you and everyone else around you. Go outside for a few, go throw water on your face, go make it better, calmer before your 'mood' becomes an angry sound. Today was a sh*tty day, most of the week has been, but tomorrow will be better and if it isn't, I promise to not make you feel bad because I do. Let me live by my words and let you understand them. Tomorrow will be a better day...you hear that God, we all need a break!


Living in the “sea of denial” does not help anyone or soften any bad situation! Looking at life through “Rose colored glasses” does not change the truth, it does not make change go well. All you’re doing is avoiding what is staring right at you! Keep avoiding the truth, ignoring change and those who have changed, will eventually catch up to you. When everything around you implodes, you will only be left with the pieces of debris all around you. See the truth for what it is and know avoiding it will not change it, just make it harder to except!


Life at its best is when you get to “say what mean and mean what you say!”
When you are continually stifled, cut short, or meeting with aggressive interactions, it is a natural self defense to suddenly doubt your own words! Doubts in what you’re doing and saying become the new way you present yourself. You are than giving in to someone else’s expectations of how they want you to be. It is belittling, hurtful and not fair. Sadly, it will continue unless you stand up for you. When you’re constantly being made to feel that your wasting “their” time and your input is unworthy, it’s time to step back and reassess the situation. Be you, be comfortable in your own skin, in your head and most importantly in your heart. You cannot make someone hear you, you cannot make someone see what you see and you cannot look there for understanding. Know your choices and move in the direction toward those who actually want to hear you. We cannot change someone else’s short sightedness. Keep in mind, that you have the ability and the right to “saying what you mean and mean what you say”!


“Don’t let the sun catch you crying” by Jerry and the Pacemakers…
“Your heart maybe broken tonight, but in the morning light, don’t let the sun catch you crying. You know that Cryin’s not a bad thing but stop your crying when the birds sing…
So don’t let the sun catch you crying, no don’t let the sun catch you crying oh no…no, no, no”.
The words are simple, they touch your heart and it tells the truth.
When your heart loves to the fullest, it gets broken to the fullest. Living with a broken heart… well that’s pretty much our lives in the real world. You have to bare with it, you have to cry, you have to mourn, then you have to realize there isn’t any going back, only moving forward. Wherever your heartbreak comes from, it Hurts. Loss, change, anger it all needs to be mourned. You must Go through the paces, feel all the stages of denial, disbelief and anger so you can get to the other side.
Oh yes, there surely is another side, it is acceptance. Be kind to you while you’re grieving, be kind to those who grieve with you. We can do this, we can and we will. We only get one chance to be here, to love and to be loved, accept, forgive and have peace, just let it happen. Don’t let the sun catch you crying”
I wish you acceptance, peace, happiness, light and love…always choose love!


Worth the read!!! WOW JUST WOW…”try it, I promise you’ll like it!”
July 2016…”This morning as I am blessed enough to sit on my front porch and enjoy the landscape that only God in His wisdom can create, I'm thinking about what is coming next? Will I be going from the "frying pan into the fire" or will I be creating the best of both worlds by "just letting life happen." Today, this moment, I know my life is changing, my world as I am used to will take a 90% turn and I am choosing to let that happen. I have come a long way from darkness into the light and will not allow my future to walk backwards. The days of "OMG what will I do" can still come up every now and then, but now they have become "OMG" what are we going to next! ??? Change is the only thing that is constant and we either change too, or end up living in regret. I try each and every day to not let the "coulda, woulda, shoulda, be part of any decision or factor in my "here and now." NOTE...Living in the light is most certainly not throwing causion to the wind! It is choosing to live by listening to your message, using your intellectual mind and going with your gut instincts. Learning to "let it be" is actually opening your world to opportunity, some wrong turns, adventure and enlightenment. I stand in the light and look forward to "what happens next!!" Try it, I promise you'll like it!”

Fast forward 5 years…life has bitten us all in the ass…
what my Gods plan has been…life has unfolded in pieces…I’ve moved from my beautiful front porch that took 2 horrendous moves in 13 month’s, I’ve had moments so beautiful they are forever stamped in my heart! A favorite memory, like seeing my daughter walk up the isle on her dad’s arm to a wonderful man, a daughter’s surprise, cross country move and a happy engagement to a kind, respectful man. How about all the stupid ridiculous body not working right issues! Throw in a pandemic, leaving us stifled, shut down, closed off and still angry! And the worse…baring of such a painful loss that we still cannot wrap our head and hearts around that continues to hurt. All with seeing and “knowing” that change was coming. The feeling continues to have you & I, watching and waiting for the “other shoe to fall”.
Here is the past and present colluding, I stand by living in the light and being open to “letting life happen!”
2021 the here and now…
“Let it be” by the Beatles runs through my head and the words of wisdom are what we need now more than ever…let life happen, say what you mean and with that truth even if it’s ugly be kind, love with your whole heart, remember to listen, listen and let it be!






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