This is to answer a question that has been posed to me several times and more so recently..and I have decided to answer.
Mind you I am not explaining myself, I am merely stating the condition. I've heard many opinions on mediums, clairvoyants and such through out my life. I have been around many who have good, bad and indifferent ideas and or opinions. When I am among my peers (others with sight) I I will involve myself fully in conversations etc. When I am not, I find myself becoming very still and quiet..for those who know me, that is a very unusual accurance!
I have been asked why I do not join in, my answer is simply this "there are believers and non-believers, it is your choice to decided how you accept or feel about people like me.
I have lived my entire life denying or having to defend who I am and what it is that I "see and feel." The critizism through out my life has been hurtful and scarring, I am now past all of that. It has taken me many years to come to terms with who I am and "why me." I will not defend myself or why I am an empath, God is the only one who can say. I am just like you, I hurt and I feel. I now know that I must continue learning how to keep myself "safe and protected" so I may continue on this path that I have accepted. I now accept me with all the "good, bad and the ugly" however others do not have to accept me, you do not have to beleive me.
With me, you do not have to defend your thoughts and actions or opinions ever! You have a right to them..but please, kindly keep in mind I do not have to either and will not defend me or others like me, to you or anyone else. Hence not joining in the "conversations." Because I have found peace in who I am and what being who I am means, I do not feel the need to "have a say" and it is so rewarding not having to defend me any longer! I have come a "long way baby" and no one will ever put me back in that dark place where I can not speak or be heard. I am who, I am and I finally have found peace in all of this. For you I wish exactly the same, peace..So peace be with each of you my dear friends..and say what you mean, mean what you say and then there will be no defense only truth..