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Pacha Terra Travel PachaTerra ( One Earth ) Spiritual journeys to Egypt and Peru.

Travel in comfort and safety with Mary ( Egyptologist & Astrologer) and Amaru (Peruvian Shaman & Healer) who have been leading these specialized tours for over 20 years.

It’s A Beautiful Morning ❣️

It’s A Beautiful Morning ❣️

NEW MOON IN PISCES MARCH 10, 2024Hello Everyone, Happy New Moon in Pisces and Happy Spring Equinox for those of you in t...


Hello Everyone, Happy New Moon in Pisces and Happy Spring Equinox for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere! This will be a very short newsletter, as I am celebrating this New Moon with my group in Egypt, and we were blessed to have spent a glorious day with Goddess Sekhmet in Karnak Temple…no words can describe it…but we left her sanctuary much lighter than we walked in! As we continue on our journey of peace through this blessed land, our next stop is Dendera Temple, the home of Goddess Hathor, and then on to Abydos Temple. This New Moon in Pisces is about forgiveness, compassion and healing. Spring Equinox is a time of balance, when the day and night is of equal length, and equilibrium can replace chaos. Both giving and receiving is of equal importance. Finding solutions to heal long standing karmic wounds is the message now. We cannot move forward into a healthy future, unless we release the traumatic past. Our little group is on a pilgrimage of peace and goodwill, as we send loving thoughts and healing energy from these sacred sanctuaries to our loved ones, friends, and to all sentient beings on Mother Earth. March begins the holy month of Ramadan in Egypt, as well as Passover and Holy Week/Easter. Take the time on this New Moon in Pisces to meditate, open your heart, release past grief and sorrow, and to know that on a soul level, we are all One.

The Lion-headed Goddess Sekmet represents the female power of Mars and Pluto. She is the powerful, warrior- like aspect of the goddess related to medicine, psychic surgery, and the women’s blood mysteries which govern birth, life and death. She is fierce and compassionate; relentless healing. She gives us the courage to face life’s most difficult challenges and transform fear into action. She works with releasing the karmic cords that bind us to toxic relationships and situations.

Find your inner sanctuary and relax. Light a white and/or red candle. Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). Take a few deep breaths, letting go of any stress or body discomfort. You are safe and protected by your guides and angels, and only the Light may now fill your presence. See yourself walking along a well-worn and familiar path leading you to the main gate of a Temple enclosure. You can see the crescent moon above you, and you feel the protection of your guides around you. A white-robed priestess awaits you at the gate and leads you inside the inner sanctuary of the temple. You find yourself standing before a tall statue made of smooth black granite. It is the image of Sekhmet with her beautiful lion face and well-formed woman’s body. She wears the sun disc on her head; she is the daughter of the Sun God, Ra. She carries a lotus staff in one hand and holds the key of life, the ankh, in the other. She is here to help you cut the cords that bind you to the past. She can assist in releasing old hurts and betrayals .She can devour the past and assist you in shedding outworn layers of cellular memory. Sekmet knows the shamanic realms of magic and manifestation. You spend some time in meditation with her and ask for her healing presence to assist you in your process. There is a small red carnelian heart lying at her feet; this is for you. You thank the Goddess and leave her sanctuary. The white-robed priestess leads you back through the moonlit temple; back to your own time and space. You feel lighter and more peaceful after this journey. You are ready for the NEW.

May you walk in Truth and Beauty Always!

©Mary Lomando/Temple Beautifu

With Sekhmet at the new Grand Egyptian Museum…Well Worth the Wait!

With Sekhmet at the new Grand Egyptian Museum…Well Worth the Wait!

It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This…Predawn Moon Over the Pyramids… Leaving the Mena House is Such Sweet Sorrow…Luxor Ne...

It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This…Predawn Moon Over the Pyramids… Leaving the Mena House is Such Sweet Sorrow…Luxor Next …

The New Grand Egyptian Museum…well worth the wait!

The New Grand Egyptian Museum…well worth the wait!

VIRGO FULL MOONFEBRUARY 24, 2024This Full Moon promises more than a few astrological breakthroughs as Venus, Mars and Pl...


This Full Moon promises more than a few astrological breakthroughs as Venus, Mars and Pluto are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius forging new paths ahead; while Jupiter and Uranus are still together in Ta**us asking us to reassess what is really of value in our lives. There are also no retrograde planets at this time, so the energy feels like it is moving forward at the speed of light! The message of this practical Earth sign Virgo Full Moon is to maintain our physical bodies and mental/emotional balance. Also, during this time, the Virgo (Moon) and Pisces (Sun) polarity represents the health axis in astrology. Spirit (Pisces) into Matter (Virgo) is the message. On a personal level, it is time to “En-Body” all the spiritual practices and techniques learned in this lifetime and others. Saturn, which rules time and physical matter is also with the Sun in Pisces now. The lesson is to let go of what no longer serves you, and, in the words of Ram Dass: “Be Here Now!”

On another note, my next newsletter will be for the upcoming New Moon Solar eclipse on April 8th. I will be in Egypt the month of March. (For those of you who are interested you can follow our group’s journey through Egypt on my FB and IG pages,


This Full Moon falls in the Virgo/ Pisces polarity. Both of these signs are about service, and Virgo is the Earth sign is concerned with our practical everyday reality. Virgo is noted for being good with details and the astute assessment of a situation in order to improve, fix, or remake it. The trick is to use the Virgo energy without becoming overly judgmental or critical, especially of ourselves. Pisces is the polar opposite water sign, which asks us to “go with flow” and follow our spiritual and creative impulses. Pisces wants “out of body” experiences, while Virgo is all about being grounded in the physical body. The one characteristic that both signs share is the theme of being of service to others.

Personally Speaking: The ruler of the sign of Virgo is the planet, Mercury, which rules our thought processes, language and communication. It is also the sign of healer, as it is the ruler of Chiron, the wounded healer of the zodiac. Virgo asks how you may be of service on the planet, but also how are you in service to yourself? How well are you taking care of your own needs? The Virgo/Pisces polarity can bring up the victim/martyr scenario, as well as feelings of self-judgement and/or guilt of not being perfect or good enough. Virgo expresses itself through words. Be aware of how you choose to express yourself. Words do matter! Are your words toxic or nourishing to yourself and others? Your words can wound or heal.

If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant (Rising Sign) falls in the sign of Virgo, this is your personal Full Moon. If Virgo is your sun sign, or you have major planets in the sign, the themes of discrimination, self-analysis, and attention to detail (especially in regard to health matters) are important for your growth and development. Virgo appreciates the value of daily routine. If you have natal planets in Virgo, the trick is to avoid becoming a creature of habit and obsessive thinking. Virgos can be vulnerable to excessive worry and anxiety, which affects the nervous and digestive systems. If you are a Virgo, pay close to attention to your diet (since Virgo rules the intestines), especially in regard to food allergies. Virgos like to look and feel good, so they may be involved in the fashion industry, as well as health, fitness, and beauty professions. Virgos are good with their hands and very skilled at fixing things. Designers, models, craftspeople, accountants, medical technicians, and musicians (especially guitarists) have Virgo prominent in their birth horoscopes. The lesson with Virgo is to become aware of any negative thinking patterns, which unconsciously lead to self- sabotage. If you find yourself being overly judgmental of self and others, try using positive affirmations to break the habit. Often a simple dose of fresh air and physical activity helps to free the mind from endless chatter. Having a loving pet, and/or hobby can also help to alleviate any Virgo anxiety. Since Virgo rules the Mind/Body connection, this is a good time to investigate alternative health practices, as well as make improvements in diet and exercise. Treating your body as your Temple is the key to longevity.

PLANETARY PICTURES: Full Moon in Virgo Opposite Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Pisces: This can be a challenging aspect where too many choices can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused. Although Virgo wants to take care of the business at hand, the intense Pisces opposition presents challenges to practical Virgo. Both Virgo and Pisces have a tendency to be hard on themselves and can lapse into negative thinking patterns, especially with Mercury and Saturn in in the mix! This can be the proverbial “glass is half empty” syndrome, but there are ways to shift your perspective. Firstly, don’t allow yourself to feel martyred or victimized by circumstances. Maintain your psychic and physical boundaries. Learn how to say “No” without feeling guilty, if that is a problem area for you. As mentioned earlier, Full Moons have a tendency to shed light on a situation that began with the previous New Moon two weeks earlier. If this Pisces Full Moon brings up anxiety or self-doubts, do some inner work/ meditation/ journaling and see where you are self-sabotaging or fearful of change. If you are feeling pulled in many directions or on overwhelm, take a time out during this Full Moon time and find your center and just breathe through the anxiety or fear. With both Saturn and the Sun in Pisces, something in your life may be coming to a closure, as Pisces is the end of the cycle. Look to the Pisces house(s) in your birth chart, as this the area where you may need to clean up. Both Virgo and Pisces are mutable signs, which means that your thinking should remain flexible. Don’t paint yourself into an “either or” corner; list the pros and cons of your alternatives, and then trust your intuition to make the right choice. As mentioned earlier, some effective techniques for discovering the answers within are: journal writing, meditation, hypnosis, past life regression, and dream analysis. Find a deck of inspirational cards that speaks to you and see what messages come. Have some fun with it and let your mind unwind. During this Full Moon you may be much more in tune with your inner psychic and healer!

Moon in Virgo Trine Jupiter in Ta**us:This is a very beneficial Earth trine which provides some emotional relief to the above-mentioned opposition. Jupiter with the Moon allows for a more optimistic view of things and expands opportunities; but these are Earth signs, so it is necessary to put some effort into it. Both Virgo and Ta**us want to see practical results; so, it’s time to shake off any feelings of lingering self-doubt and focus on a realistic plan (Virgo) for achieving what you value (Ta**us).

Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius with Pluto in Aquarius Square Jupiter in Ta**us: This is the “speed of light” aspect mentioned earlier. There is a quirky, “maverick” feeling to this conjunction. Aquarius is not afraid to be an innovator or a rebel. With Pluto as part of the wide conjunction, there is a passion for new ideas that are progressive, innovative, technical and scientific. Hot topics are quantum physics, AI, alternative realities, and of course, astrology! We no longer want to be burdened by old truths or old beliefs, but leaving the comfort zone of Jupiter in Ta**us may be a challenge for some. Both Aquarius and Ta**us are fixed signs, so each one challenges the other’s viewpoint (change vs. status quo). You can end up feeling at odds with yourself. Once again, look at your Virgo/ Ta**us houses to see where the positivity of the Moon/Jupiter trine can be beneficial in moving forward.
Blessings, Mary

**If you would like to join my mailing list for the full version of my astrology updates including guided meditation, or request a personal reading email: [email protected]

Leaving For Egypt Soon…Can’t Wait!!

Leaving For Egypt Soon…Can’t Wait!!

ASTROLOGICAL UPDATE FOR THE FULL MOON IN LEO JANUARY 25, 2024Hello Everyone,Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2024, the ...


Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2024, the Leo Full Moon. Leo, and in its purest expression emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and the courage to follow your passion. It also highlights the connection between Heart (Leo) and Mind (Aquarius). However, this can also be an emotionally volatile time as both the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius oppose the Full Moon in Leo. Personally, you may feel impatient, nervous and overwhelmed as the electrical spin on planet Earth increases. Stay grounded and listen to your body now. With Pluto in Aquarius, we are in the midst of a massive global “reset”, and physical bodies (especially heart, spine and nervous system) need more TLC than ever before. On a collective level, major planetary changes are occurring. The planet Uranus was discovered in 1781 the last time Pluto entered Aquarius. Chaos and disruption often precede evolution, and Humanity is preparing for a new age to begin. The Great Sphinx of Giza once had the face of a lion and symbolized the advent of the Age of Leo. We now stand at the polarity point of a twelve-thousand-year cycle as we enter the Age of Aquarius. Opening Our hearts to love and liberating our minds from fear is the way out of the Dark Ages of the past.

Leo symbolizes the life affirming energy of the sun, and the joy of love. The symbol of the Lion (Leo) has been used by royalty for ages; we even call our heroes Lion-hearted. This Full Moon emphasizes the heart chakra. Where do you find joy in life; and even more importantly, are you able to express it? Heart blockages can occur on many different levels. Long standing resentments, bitterness, and victimhood can close down the heart chakra.

Nothing makes a Leo personality happier than feeling appreciated. Leos love to have fun and they can be generous to a fault; however, the shadow side of Leo can manifest as an over-inflated ego, and the need to be the center of attention all of the time. Leos are the natural entertainers and performers of the zodiac; they love drama! They are usually outgoing personalities who strive for recognition and often become famous as actors and entertainers, but no matter what their field, their inner child just loves to play! Well-known Moon in Leo personalities are: Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, David Bowie, and Paul McCartney, to name a few. Famous Sun sign Leos are Mick Jagger, Madonna, Andy Warhol, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and Carl Jung…each one expresses the courage to stand out and be his or her authentic Self. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant falls in the sign of Leo, this is your personal Full Moon, which only happens once each year in your birth sign. The Full Moon in Leo is about having the courage to create your heart’s desire, and express yourself. What is your passion? What feeds your soul? Follow your Heart. Think of the feline kingdom (ruled by Leo). Cats do as they please; cats are comfortable in their bodies, fluid and free. Leo rules the heart, back and spine, so staying flexible by walking, stretching and deep breathing is important now. Physical exhaustion, heart problems and chronic inflammation are all signs that your Leo energy may be out of balance. The house Leo occupies in your birth chart shows where you can become more playful, self-expressive and generous. For example: if the Full Moon in Leo falls in your First House of Personality, you may feel like doing something fun like socializing with friends or going to a rock concert or sports event. If the Full Moon in Leo falls in your 4th House of home and family, you may feel like showing off your home, entertaining and/or decorating with new furnishings, and bright colors, In the 7th House of relationship, you may want to splurge on a romantic date night with your partner. If you are not in a relationship, gift yourself something special. We all have the sign of Leo somewhere in our charts…have fun with it!

This Full Moon in Leo creates a very dynamic aspect with the Full Moon in Leo opposite both the Sun and Pluto Aquarius and squaring Jupiter in Ta**us. In astrology this is called a fixed-T-square and denotes a polarization between personal ego (Leo), collective goals (Aquarius) and a stubborn resistance to change (Ta**us). On a personal level, we may be feeling like we are on overwhelm or there is just too much energy and information coming in at once. It may feel unsettling. Listen to your intuition now. What is your heart telling you? Jupiter in Ta**us wants to simplify things. Don’t overthink overdo things. Often life’s most important questions cannot be resolved through rational intellect alone. It is why meditation and retreat centers have been utilized throughout history by individuals seeking to quiet the mind. Inner answers come from the heart. This Leo Full Moon/ Aquarius Sun opposition is highly electrical and can be very hard on the nervous system. Unplug from your electrical devices this weekend. Instead, schedule a relaxing massage, get some healing energy work, walk in nature, chant, drum, BREATHE and RELAX! Your physical and emotional bodies are undergoing big changes with Pluto in Aquarius. You may feel impelled to completely change your dietary habits; get rid of old possessions and relationships, and re-invent yourself. Be patient with yourself. Meditation and spiritual practice assist in grounding your body and feeding your soul. Trust your intuition and have faith that there is a Divine Timing to everything!

Capricorn Stellium: Mercury, Venus and Mars in Capricorn: After the intensity of the fixed square energy mentioned above, this square is very grounding by comparison. Capricorn Earth energy wants to take care of things in a practical way. Patience is key. If your mind is running in circles, ground your earth energy with drumming, chanting, and crystal bowl healing. There are no retrograde planets right now, so things can move forward with the Capricorn’s methodical expertise.

In ancient Egypt, the Lion-headed Goddess Sekhmet was revered, respected and feared, as she can both heal and destroy with her powerful energy. Sekhmet is the powerful, female warrior and shamaness, who governs the women’s blood mysteries of birth and death. Her healing energy subdues demons, releases anger and cuts cords with the traumatic past. With her assistance, miracles can occur.
Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). Take a few deep breaths, letting go of any stress or discomfort. You are safe and protected by your guides and angels, and only Light may fill your presence. Now, see yourself walking along a well-worn and familiar path leading you to the main gate of an ancient Temple enclosure. The moon is high and full and casts a whitish glow over the temple. You can feel the energy and protection of your guides around you. It is a good feeling; you are home. A white-robed priestess awaits you inside the gate. She hands you a cone of frankincense and leads you to a large bronze door, which she slowly opens. The frankincense fills the room. As the smoke from the incense clears, you find yourself standing before a tall statue made of smooth black granite. It the image of Sekhmet with her beautiful lion face and well-formed woman’s body. She wears the sun disc on her head as she is the daughter of the Sun God, Ra. She carries a lotus staff in one hand and holds the key of life, the ankh, in the other. She stands a full head taller than you, and her eyes look down upon your face. You see your own reflection in her crystalline eyes. You are safe here, but you cannot keep any secrets from her, for she can see deeply into your heart. Spend some time communing with her. Sekhmet is here to help you cut the cords that bind you to the past. She can assist in releasing old hurts and betrayals. She can devour the past and assist you in shedding outworn layers of cellular memory. Sekhmet knows the shamanic realms of magic and manifestation. You may ask her to grant your heart’s desire, but be sure it is really what you want. Take some time to examine what is inside your heart. What do you need to feel whole? To be in a sound state? Like a protective Mother, she is generous, but will only give you what is for your highest good.
As you prepare to leave, Sekhmet offers you a gift. There is a small ruby heart lying at her feet; this is for you. You thank her and leave her presence. The white-robed priestess leads you back through the temple moonlight; back to your own time and space. You feel lighter and more peaceful after this journey. You are safe and remain in a sound state with the Goddess.

May You Walk in Truth and Beauty Always
©Temple Beautiful/Mary Lomando 2024

May Your Year Be Filled With Miracles❣️💫✨

May Your Year Be Filled With Miracles❣️💫✨

Hello Everyone:Happy New Year and Happy Full Moon! We began 2023 with the Full Moon in Cancer (January 6th), and we end ...

Hello Everyone:
Happy New Year and Happy Full Moon! We began 2023 with the Full Moon in Cancer (January 6th), and we end the year with this last Full Moon in its home sign of Cancer. Cancer is the cardinal water sign, which is reflective, empathetic and nurturing. This Full Moon signals a time for going inward and paying more attention to emotions, feelings, dreams and intuition. Cancer is also the archetype of the nurturing Mother from whom all life and blessings flow. In ancient Egypt, Isis was revered as the Divine Mother Goddess with her son, Horus; and later, Christians celebrated Mother Mary and her son, Jesus. As we honor the birth of the Divine Child at this time of the year, we are reminded that our inner child is also worthy of love, and that is the real message of this season. This is the perfect weekend to unwind, to take some time for yourself and use your crystals, tarot cards, essential oils, and spiritual tools to create your own sacred space. Since the sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon, subconscious emotions may come up in dreams or during meditation time; old memories may float up from the past (especially now that Mercury is retrograde); and you may be feeling more sentimental than usual. This Full Moon also signals that it is time to release past emotional hurts, forgive them and move on before we begin a brand new year. The personal planets are really being positively energized by this Full Moon (see Planetary Pictures). These aspects will help to nourish your New Years’ resolutions and intentions. Use the illumination of this Cancer Full Moon to lighten up your heart and allow more love into your life.
When the Moon is full, it is always in the opposite sign to the Sun. This month’s Full Moon falls in the water sign of Cancer opposite the earth sign, Capricorn. Cancer rules our emotional security; Capricorn, the physical. This water and earth combination is a fertile one; things grow and are nurtured to fulfillment, but patience is necessary. Cancer/Capricorn is also the Mother/Father/ parental axis of the birth chart, so family and domestic issues are prominent during this Full Moon. The Moon is in its home sign in Cancer, and rules emotions and memories, the connection to our biological mother, the subconscious and the astral body. Esoteric astrology teaches that it is in the sign of Cancer that we first emerge from the safety and security of the cosmic womb and give birth to ourselves as the Divine Child. This watery Full Moon gives us the opportunity to further work on balancing our inner male/female aspects, as well as healing family issues. Not allowing others to push our buttons is part of the package, especially during holiday gatherings. Enjoy your family and loved ones, but also and take the time to nurture yourself. This Full Moon is a very potent time to take a few quiet moments and reflect on what you are thankful for in your life right now, and what you would like to grow and nurture in the coming year. As always, look to the Cancer/Capricorn houses where the Full Moon falls in your birth chart to see where this new birthing will take place in your life.
Personally Speaking:
The sign of Cancer is all about emotions. Full Moons are about harvesting what has been previously sown. How has your emotional garden grown? What needs to be weeded out? Do you deny that you have any emotional needs at all? Are you afraid of being vulnerable? Are you overly needy or co-dependent in relationships? Cancerians have an intense need for security; they tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves, and they may insulate themselves with material comforts (especially food) as a defense mechanism. On the positive side, their intuition, compassion and empathy are boundless. Esoterically, the sign of Cancer is the gateway into life experience on this planet. It also governs our relationship to our home and family, our ancestral lineage, and the Mother Earth herself. We all have heard that Cancerians (whether male or female) love to nurture, and are natural empaths, sensitive to the feelings of others. This is because Moon Children are ruled by the subtle currents of the subconscious and make excellent psychics, teachers, artists and writers, as well as psychologists. They also love history and antiques, and decorating comes naturally to them. With this Full Moon in Cancer, intuition and psychic abilities flow freely. Trust your insights, your dreams and your visions. Memories, dreams, and reflections that come to you now are gifts from the world of spirit. Take the time to record them in your journal; draw them; paint them; sing them. Let go of old hurts; allow new thoughts, feelings, and space into your consciousness. This is the perfect time to use your tarot cards, crystals, essential oils and psychic tools to enhance your inner knowingness. Take a few moments to “moon bathe” under the light of the full moon. Allow the moon’s light to pe*****te your third eye and open your perception. Ask the Divine Mother (whether you call her Mother Mary, Isis, Kwan Yin, Pacha Mama, or by any other name) for inner peace and healing. Love heals all.
Planetary Pictures:
Full Moon in Cancer Trine Mars in Scorpio: This water sign trine supports emotions to flow and be expressed freely. There is a harmonious balance between male and female energies, so that personal relationships may feel more passionate than usual. This is also a very psychic aspect, so it will be difficult to keep secrets.

Sun in Capricorn Sextile Mars in Scorpio Trine Jupiter in Ta**us Retrograde: This aspect gives great strength of purpose and will-power with the Sun and Mars. The Capricorn and Ta**us earth signs understand how to manifest in the material world, especially with Jupiter in Ta**us. Even if things are not perfect, you may feel more stability in your life right now.

Full Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces and Sextile Jupiter in Ta**us:
This is another positive aspect. Cancer and Ta**us provide the much needed stability for our everyday needs, while Cancer and Pisces are emotionally sensitive to the needs of others. This transit offers great support for emotional healing and growth by forgiving ourselves and others for past mistakes. The only negative side of this aspect can be overeating or overdrinking.

Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces:
This is a wonderful aspect for bringing more love and beauty in to your life. Venus in Scorpio is very passionate about whom and what she loves and Neptune in Pisces, as the higher octave of Venus raises that love to spiritual heights. This is a very feminine, creative, and spiritual trine, which has been called the “soul-mate” aspect. Spend time with people you love doing what makes your heart happiest.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius Conjunct Mars in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces: Normally, both Mercury and Mars in the fire sign Sagittarius want to move forward without fear or hesitation; but with Mercury retrograde, there is a need to reevaluate patterns from the past in order to see what worked and what didn’t before forging ahead. This is when the wisdom of experience pays off. There may be a necessary pause until Mercury goes direct January 2nd. With Neptune in Pisces, some things are just not clear yet. People may disappear or not respond because of holidays, illness, etc. Travel plans may be delayed or disrupted. Be prepared to just wait it out until after the New Year and remain flexible. The strong Jupiter/Sun aspect mentioned above is bringing better news.

The Cancer Full Moon is associated with Isis, the Great Mother Goddess of Egypt. Isis was the Goddess who taught her people the right use of magic, the healing arts and the importance of “words of power”. Healing chants, drumming and sacred dance were all part of the rituals that were used in the healing temples of Isis to insure health to mind, body and spirit. Her most important aspect was as Mother to her Divine son, Horus. She embodies the nurturing and protective Mother archetype, as well as magician, healer and oracle. Isis was associated with the star Sirius and the life-giving waters of the Nile; and as such, she was celebrated in every temple throughout ancient Egypt. We can call on the Goddess Isis for all Full Moon work, but especially during the Moon in the sign of Cancer, the cosmic womb.

Take a few moments to gaze at the light of the Full Moon. (If you cannot view the moon, imagine it in your mind’s eye.) Allow the light to pe*****te your third eye. Then, light a white candle, get into a comfortable position, and allow all that is heavy or toxic (worries, anxiety, and troubling thoughts) to leave your body. If you have a favorite essential oil, anoint your third eye and heart chakras at this time. (You may prefer to do this meditation after a relaxing bath). If you work with a special crystal, the full moon is a good time to reactivate and recharge it. Now, visualize a radiant blue lotus opening at your crown chakra and beaming a blue-white ray to the star, Sirius, the home of Isis. As you connect with this “star cord”, the Goddess Isis appears before you wearing a white linen gown and a blue cloak trimmed with gold. Her forehead is encircled with a band of gold, and a 5-pointed star of lapis lazuli sits over her third eye. Her gaze is deep, but loving. She communicates with you telepathically. She asks that you to meditate on all that you are thankful for in your life right now. It can be as brief or as detailed as you like. She then asks that you think about all that you wish to release or let go of in your life over the next 2 weeks. All that is causing you pain, grief, worry or regret. (You can also write this down in your journal or diary). Then, she asks that you project yourself into the future and write down how you see yourself in the next 6 months. What would you like to manifest? You can meditate on this for a few minutes. Then, Isis leads you into her temple, a vast crystalline hall bathed in Light. The full moon is beaming down through the top of the temple which is open to the night sky. The light of the Star Sirius also shines into her temple entering your Crown chakra. Feel the diamond white light of Sirius and the soft white moonlight mix together like an elixir of light that bathes your crown chakra in its delicious essence. Allow this crystalline liquid to bathe your mid-brain and pass through your entire body. Immerse yourself in this diamond liquidity of light. Breathe it in. Allow a few minutes to float in this womb of Light. Know that you can birth your creations into form. You are a Divine Child of Light.

Blessings, Mary

[email protected]



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