Makayla has been working on the ability to flip between head and chest voice and also working on riffs and runs. She picked a perfect song to push and challenge herself and did such a beautiful job! This girl LOVES to sing and it shows!! Beautiful Makayla!!!
Elijah has grown so much in Drum lessons. He is playing so skillfully and loves the big challenges I give him. This is the biggest song he has learned so far and is playing along with a click. So very proud of you Elijah!
Finley is a first year student and is learning to play with both hands at the same time! How many of you remember Hot Cross Buns? Finley has learned all her numbers and letters and is growing so fast! Finley great job playing with both hands!!!
Elyas is in his first year of lessons and is doing a great job! He is one of my most thoughtful students always greeting other students as they come and go! He loves to play music games and is learning quickly! Great Job Elyas!
Miciah has grown so much this semester. He is now reading classically and challenged himself to memorize this song. Wow! Impressive Miciah! You are doing great!
Aria is a piano and voice student and is so creative. Here she choose a soft woodwind patch to play the song "Butterfly Lullaby". I'm so proud of this girl! Aria, you are doing great!!!
Jael is my youngest student both for piano and voice! She is awesome! She has switched over from numbers and is learning her letters fast! Here she is playing Row Row Row Your Boat. Great Job Jael!
Enfiniti has done a fabulous job this semester working on her vocals! Here she is singing, "God so Loved". I am so proud of her and how much she is growing! Great job Enfiniti!!! 🥰
June has learned her numbers and is now working on learning all the letters on the piano. Here she is playing "Butterly Dance" Soooo pretty June! Good Job!!! 🤩 🧚♂️
Wes has been learning the C Chord Family this semester and has challenged himself to be able to sing and play one of his favorite songs. He has only but working on this one for a few weeks and doing a great job meeting his goals! I played a prank on him and told him a forgot to record him. Check out his reaction at the end! 🤣
Addison loves a new challenge and she also loves to memorize music. Here Addison is playing, "Brahms Lullaby". She is advancing quickly at reading classical notes and playing with both hands! Very pretty Addison!
Olivia has such a sweet pure sound to her voice! And today is her Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Olivia! Here she took on Adell's "Sky Fall"! Get your popcorn ready! Makes me want to watch a 007 movie! Great Job Olivia and I hope your day is as awesome as you are!
Makayla is doing an awesome job in voice lessons this semester! She tried out for her Youth Worship team and made it! Great job Makayla! Here she is singing powerful truth that we all need to be reminded of from time to time! Love your song choice!!!
June is so sweet and fun! She has been working on both her right and left hand, knows how to play and read number patterns and is beginning to read the lettered notes. I am so proud of this girl! Here she is playing "Shepherd's Flute" and is using a flute sound.
Meet Finley! She is a first semester piano student who is excelling so fast! Sometimes we like to have fun with different patches on the keyboard. Here she is playing a flute sound to the song "Wind in the trees". She has great hand position and is playing with both her right and left hands. Well done Finley!!!
So proud of this family! Sophia wrote and recorded a song called "No Matter" and her brothers helped to play along with piano and drums. Julian also takes piano and he is here with her doing a fantastic job being creative in adding dynamics to her song. Here is her song along with a couple pics for the contest they entered! Check out Sophia's song at Sophia Nicole Music
Great Job Guys!!!!
Excited to welcome back all my students from Spring Break!
🥳🤩🌷 Here is Elijah playing a bucket drumming song. Just switching it up a little and having some drum fun! Elijah is doing very good on his timing and is currently working on a new project song on the full drum set. One of his toughest songs yet but just wait until you hear him play! Coming soon!!!
Makayla is a 2nd year voice student with me and she has been growing and growing!!! She has been strengthening her upper register and in this song is displaying the ability to smoothly transition from her chest to head voice. Great job Makayla!