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Big Mountain Outfitters Remote moose hunts available. Zones 1,2,4,5. Focused on providing a high quality hunting experience.

As most of you saw our post last fall, one of our hunters Matt killed a fantastic 60” bull (not exaggerated). This bulls...

As most of you saw our post last fall, one of our hunters Matt killed a fantastic 60” bull (not exaggerated). This bulls age came out at only 5.5 years old, which shows the incredible health of the Maine moose herd. Today we closed the final chapter of this bull, by having him officially scored.

A brief synopsis of 2024 and what to expect in 2025: Last fall brought a lot of excitement to our team with the exceptio...

A brief synopsis of 2024 and what to expect in 2025:

Last fall brought a lot of excitement to our team with the exceptional results we received from our scouting and camera surveys revealed no shortage of moose. After going through all of our pictures and data gathered we had our best fall ever in terms of the number and quality of trophy bulls. By far it beat all of our previous years.

This year is looking very promising. To date we are having another very mild winter, which bodes well for moose survival. We fully expect the majority of both young and old bulls to make it through. As most of you saw, our client success last fall was fantastic. Here are a few pictures from 2024 of bulls who are still alive, let’s see what we can find in ‘25

Moose camp week 2 - Another fantastic week! With over 100 moose spotted amongst the hunters it certainly didn’t have a l...

Moose camp week 2 -
Another fantastic week! With over 100 moose spotted amongst the hunters it certainly didn’t have a lack of action. Calling was slow, as this was a month after the primary rut had started. We were fortunate to have mostly cool temps early in the week, which led to some good sightings. The weather warmed on Thursday, however the action continued. The groups of hunters and guides all put in a tremendous effort with each group walking 7-10 miles per day.
Without the team and support we have, none of this would be possible. It isn’t one single person that makes all of this come to life, it’s a group effort.
We have already started talking about some of the bulls who made it through this season which is their biggest hurdle. Most of them should make it through the winter. Plans are in motion to find some of these giants and take them down next year!
Thank you to all of the hunters who put your dreams in our hands, our families, guides and friends who make this happen each year!

“King Of The Valley”During the September 2023 season I was guiding a bow hunter. One morning before light we stopped to ...

“King Of The Valley”

During the September 2023 season I was guiding a bow hunter. One morning before light we stopped to listen for moose before entering our hunting area. Unbeknownst to us, we had stopped right between a very large bull and his cow. He quickly let us know he was unhappy by smashing his large antlers against the trees around us only 30-40 yards away. I’m not sure what he thought we were nor do I think he cared. He and the cow ran away and for the next 35-40 minutes, I could hear what sounded to me like the screams of Sasquatch roaring at us in displeasure, it was LOUD!
Despite placing cameras after that encounter and trying to locate this bull I was never able to get a single picture of him, but experience told me he was large.
In 2024 I also attempted to get his picture, but he seemed to be reclusive, avoiding the commonly used trails and travel routes other moose were using. He lived deep in the green cover. I never had any amount of great knowledge of King Of The Valley, except for that one prior encounter in 2023 and then hearing him with his cow during my hunt for “King of the Hill”. He remained in my mind, and I wanted to see just how big he was.
On Thursday evening of the September hunt, a plan was made with fellow guide Liam Hackett to take his hunters Matt and Rick in to hunt for this ghost bull. They had both waited 15 years to be drawn, and had a great close encounter with another large bull we have 4 years of history with on Monday morning but were unable to connect the dots.
After hearing King of the Valley answering my call on Tuesday and Wednesday with his cow, we knew he probably wouldn’t be very far away from where he had been hanging out near a brook in some dark spruce growth. A pin was placed on ONX and based on the weather conditions we decided to make a plan to enter from a lower location hoping he would still be there and could be called in.
We arrived early that morning, and made the half a mile walk in to setup. We approached silently, often stopping to listen. We never heard a grunt, but thought we could hear a cow at times. Liam stayed with his hunters and setup for a shot, I stayed back and did the calling. It didn’t take long after the first call to hear a distant grunt, and some raking. It was a long ways off, but was coming from the exact location of my ONX pin. We could hear the bull working his way up along the other side of the brook to find a crossing. Once he started to come closer he was grunting every breath. This bull was completely fired up. As he neared closer I started to get nervous as I realized the bull was going to come out in the trail we had already walked on. I knew he would catch our scent. I walked further away to try and redirect him. He remained steady on his line and continued. I could see Liam and Rick get excited as they must have seen a glimpse of the bull. I watched as Matt and Rick readied for the shot. As soon as this massive bull entered the trail, his feet planted down and he immediately knew something was off. He had definitely caught our scent, and was getting ready to turn and run. Matt and Rick were ready, waiting, and well placed shots were fired. The other King was dead, almost exactly where he stood. He was a massive 60 5/8” bull.
I’ll never forget the looks on everyone’s faces as I walked up and saw them standing over this beautiful creature in amazement. The bull had been completely imaginary up until this point, and seeing him for the first time was better than I could have pictured. It was a special moment shared between the four of us.

“King of the hill”We first learned of this bull in September of 2023 while checking cameras, we had our first video of h...

“King of the hill”

We first learned of this bull in September of 2023 while checking cameras, we had our first video of him. The camera had malfunctioned and stopped taking videos shortly after he appeared. He didn’t really grab our full attention last year, nor did we have any information on his consistency to this area.
We placed another camera in the same location in 2024 hoping he would show back up. Not only did he show up, he was larger than last year and we had two other large bulls on the same camera as well. The other bulls seemed to be pushed out by “King of The Hill” once he had arrived, as they never re-appeared on camera. We did believe we were very close to his fall area as the amount of sign he was leaving and camera videos shows he spends a lot of time in this spot.
This bull would be pursued by guides Jerod Kronholm and Matt Hunnewell teaming up with a pair of hunters Tessa and Byam.
On Tuesday evening of the September hunt the conditions were right to hunt this area. We setup and began our calling session. We received 6 different responses from bulls all at the same time. There seemed to be grunts coming from all directions. After sorting through all of the noise we could hear what sounded to be a fully mature bull on the hill, as well as one in the valley below us. Those two bulls stood out as we could hear large antlers hitting trees, and loud roars coming from their locations as a warning, suggesting to us “don’t come any closer”. We could also hear cows with them. Despite not laying eyes on the larger bulls that evening, we had figured out our game plan for the next morning.
We arrived to the area at first light and listened, not hearing as much as the evening prior. We made our way into the spot a short distance from our camera and quickly called in a small bull and then a mid to upper 40s class bull which we decided to pass. After checking the camera from the prior nights activity, we had a video of our target bull going towards where we thought he might bed.
We set up to call for him and had a cow respond. We made a plan and quickly relocated, spotting our target with 5 cows. The hunters, Tessa and Byam settled in to take long awaited shots on this incredible 56” bull.
This was the end of a story much greater than I can tell or could imagine, but we are humbled to be a part of it.
Stay tuned to hear about “King of the valley” which came to a conclusion 2 days later.


Here is a bull we called in last week. The hunters chose to pass, as we knew what was in the area. They were rewarded with a 56” bull shortly after this was taken.

INCREDIBLE - The moose season for our team began as it always does with a lot of pre-season scouting, camera placement, ...

INCREDIBLE - The moose season for our team began as it always does with a lot of pre-season scouting, camera placement, checking both new and old areas for bulls, camp prep and many other things. We had a list of bulls from previous years we had hoped to encounter this year.
As we had hoped many of our target bulls returned, right on time as they always do. Also some new large bulls appeared which we had never known about. One of the oldest bulls we targeted for 4 years, we learned may have been wounded by another hunting party last October. Unfortunately he never returned to any of our cameras this year.
With no shortage of big bulls to go after on Monday morning we went to work. Putting on many miles, and passing on immature moose each of our 5 hunting parties were eventually rewarded. We were able to harvest 43”, 48”, 53”, 56” and a 60.5” bull. Truly amazing! The two largest bulls were certainly rivals and were killed less than a mile from one another. One seemed to be king of the hill, and one was king of the valley. I want to thank everyone who helped or participated in this past weeks hunt. Without a team like this, it wouldn’t be possible! At some point we will put together some stories on some of the hunts because they are some good ones to show and tell!

CLAYS BULL - Maine has one of the best moose hunts in North America. Our team is fortunate to guide in this great state....


Maine has one of the best moose hunts in North America. Our team is fortunate to guide in this great state. When an opportunity to harvest a big bull is lost, it can leave a sinking feeling, wondering if you will get another chance. But Northern Maine has a very healthy moose population and with a proper amount of pre-season scouting, and prep work we can quickly relocate to different areas. That’s what happened during this hunt.

When Clay booked his hunt with us last June, I’m not sure if he had ever hunted in a place like Maine. Being from the Midwest, things are a lot different there.
The hunt began on Monday morning at a place we are very familiar with. Within the first half hour of the hunt Robert saw a very large bull making his way across an opening at 70 yards. The chance to shoot this bull was quickly lost. Admittedly Robert wasn’t paying close enough attention to that opening and hadn’t seen the bull in time for Clay to shoot.
Throughout the week there were other opportunities to shoot nice bulls, but the stars didn’t seem to align, as the bulls were quickly lost out of sign in the dense forest.
During the middle of the week Clay had come to the realization of how difficult this hunt would be, as they trekked many miles during the past couple of days, I’m pretty sure he was exhausted, and that’s ok.
A plan was made for Thursday morning to hunt slower and easier than the prior days. After getting setup several bulls could be heard a short distance away, and after making a couple of moves and getting in close Clays dream was a reality. He pulled the trigger on this beautiful bull as they watched him stand up out of his bed in a thicket right in front of them at 25 yards.

Over the past couple of weeks our guide team has started scouting and strategically placing cameras in preparation for t...

Over the past couple of weeks our guide team has started scouting and strategically placing cameras in preparation for the upcoming rut. We also pulled some cards from cameras we have had out since last year. The work has just begun and we are well prepared.
We also made some major upgrades this year to our tents, which we are sure our guests will enjoy. The most exciting time of year is just around the corner, follow along to see what we can accomplish this fall!

We still have some openings available. Join us in moose camp this fall!

We still have some openings available. Join us in moose camp this fall!

The lottery winners for 2024 have been posted online. Check for your name.

The lottery winners for 2024 have been posted online. Check for your name.

Results shown are in the following format: Name, Town, State, Wildlife Management District (WMD), Season, and Permit Type

WE UNDERSTAND it can take a lifetime to secure one of the most sought-after moose tags in North America, look no further...

WE UNDERSTAND it can take a lifetime to secure one of the most sought-after moose tags in North America, look no further.

-Experienced guides
We use the same guides each year, which has developed into a bonded team. Our approach is always through teamwork to ensure the highest success and satisfaction.

-Extensive pre-season scouting
Our operation is solely focused on guiding moose hunts. This provides hundreds of hours of combined scouting prior to your hunt, both on foot and with over 100 game cameras in place.

Being well rested and comfortable are key factors to success. We have invested in high quality wall tents for each individual hunting party, equipped with XL cots, and large overnight wood stove. Despite being in an off grid remote location, we have a very comfortable camp which includes on demand propane hot showers, and dedicated camp cook for hot meals.

-Game care
The weather can vary greatly from year to year. We are equipped to handle your downed animal from single digits, to the hottest of days. All of our moose are quartered and packed out. Once in camp we will have your quarters hanging in a walk in cooler in a short amount of time, this is an advantage most outfitters do not provide.


Big things coming this fall. There hasn’t been a tagging station within our hunting area since Covid started. This has meant over 2 hours of travel one way to tag a moose, not just for us, but for every outfitter and guide service in the area. Not only will Nate and his team be tagging our moose, they will also be butchering. We now have a complete one stop shop.

In less than 2 weeks over 4,000 dreams will come true when the moose lottery results are released. If you are considerin...

In less than 2 weeks over 4,000 dreams will come true when the moose lottery results are released. If you are considering hiring a guide start doing your research now. Some key points to consider:

•Look at past results
Results speak volumes of what type of hunt you are getting. Consistent success shows the effort put into the hunts.

•How far will you have to travel each day to hunt?
Depending on who you choose may dictate a number of factors on each days travel. Some lodges aren’t even located close to the zone you book them for and travel can be 1-1.5 hours each way before your hunt even begins. This can mean a very long and tired week.

•Pre-season scouting efforts
Will the guide service you hire spend enough time prior to the season scouting moose for you? We have over 100 game cameras dedicated to moose hunting, as well as extensive knowledge and history in the area.

•Does the camp have a dedicated cook and support team?
Our camp has a cook. This is a very important factor. A cooks day begins well before the hunters alarm clock goes off, and doesn’t end until everyone is done eating at night.
We also have support staff to help pack moose out when the temperature rises or when it’s a long way from the truck.

•Game care
When choosing a hunting camp, they are often located 50-80 miles from a local butcher traveling over dirt roads. When you consider the time from the initial shot until the moose is back to the truck several hours have already passed. There are still a few steps before you are at the butcher such as tagging the moose. If you shoot later in the day, the tagging station may be closed. If the temperature is warm, meat will begin to spoil quickly.
Our camp has ice to cool the meat, as well as a walk in cooler provided by our butcher.

Rest and comfort is key to a successful hunt. Our tents are dry, and equipped with an oversized wood stove you will not need to wake up every few hours to throw wood in it. We also provide extra large cots with room for you to move around and stay comfortable.

• Moose extraction
If you are interested in a backcountry style hunt, make sure the guide you hire has plenty of experience in quartering and packing moose. If their truck is loaded with 1000 feet of rope and a half of a canoe you can rest assured you won’t be hunting any further from the truck than that rope can reach. I know this is hard to believe considering how guiding is done in the rest of the country, but rope extraction is very common in Maine.

Regardless of what you choose to fulfill your dream, we wish you the best success in the lottery and on your hunt. Most of all be safe, have fun, and make memories.

Moose hunting isn’t about the moose. When I think back on how fortunate we have been to be apart of so many memories, an...

Moose hunting isn’t about the moose.

When I think back on how fortunate we have been to be apart of so many memories, and have many wonderful people to make new ones with, rarely do I ever think of a particular moose that made it so special.
Those who have waited years to draw a tag in Maine have probably created a dream bull they shoot and how it all goes down. I’m here to tell you, it won’t go down how you dream. You will realize there’s so much more to it. The most common complaint I ever hear about moose camp is “I wish we had more time”.
Some of the best friends we have ever made came out of this camp, from the fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, uncles and best friends who have all been apart of it.
There are a couple of weeks left to apply for your moose camp memory. I would strongly encourage you to spend the 15.00 to apply.
For those who have already been apart of it, thank you and we would love to see you back again someday!

Here is another impressive bull taken by the Big Mountain Outfitters team last fall. Sometimes we are placed in the righ...

Here is another impressive bull taken by the Big Mountain Outfitters team last fall. Sometimes we are placed in the right spot at the right time for reasons we can’t explain. That’s exactly what happened here.
One part of our operation that has worked out very well for us is our guide training. We really enjoy teaching new guides how we hunt moose and care for our clients. There is way more to it than just a moose call. We won’t allow a new guide to take on his own hunt until they have spent at least a couple of seasons learning from other guides. It’s not a mandatory requirement from the state, but it is with our operation. One of those new guides is Liam, he was teamed up with Brett Patten last fall to finish out his second and final year of his training, and will be guiding his own client this fall. Brett is a seasoned veteran and he was a good matchup with Liam.
Brett and Liam were guiding Gary and Justin last October. It was mid week and they were hunting an area with a lot of feed as we often do. They knew of a few impressive bulls in the area, and there was very little hunting pressure around from other parties.
Halfway through the hunt on this day Brett had handed over the reigns to Liam and said “you take it from here” Brett had seen enough and was confident Liam could get the job done. Just after saying that the group had started down a beaten moose path with a lot of feed sign. Liam and Gary were in the front. Brett had tried to signal Liam to stop because he wanted to point out some fresh moose sign. Liam didn’t quite hear him well enough, and thought maybe Brett had seen a moose. The group stopped to look and as Liam stood on a stump to see what was there he saw the paddle of a large bull behind a tree. Gary took his opportunity and made a great shot putting the bull down.
When everything was said and done, they recapped and realized it was just pure coincidence that this had all happened in exactly the right sequence and had Brett not been pointing out the sign they would have walked right by the bull. So 10 minutes into Liam’s guiding career he has a bull most guys dream their entire lives of harvesting.
Truth be told, we didn’t know anything about this bull prior to that day. We did know of several other large bulls which is why they were there. But you never know what’s around the next corner. I’m not a big fan of deductions so without those this bull scores 184 1/8 putting him just shy of the official 185” minimum b&c score. Both of these bulls I posted this week were killed on the same day, at almost the exact same time.



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