Air France has always been my favourite airline! Not because I felt the need to support my mother in law's pension fund, but because of the "joie de vivre" their experience exudes from the moment you step onto that plane to the time-to-say-goodbye part. The safety briefing sounds like a romantic song. So captivated was I by this welcome and introduction, I learnt to recite that safety briefing before I knew enough French to make sure the higher office was comfortable. Mealtime presents as a fine dining experience, the menu and wines compliment the diverse culture that the French are known for through the different regions.
For those that may one day be traveling with Air France, or those that have been or will one day go to Africa, (even in imagination) this month has one more unusual reason to celebrate finding oneself on the French National airline; the opportunity to read a fantastic article on Zimbabwe written by Alexandre Kauffmann. The ring of his name alone sounds like that of a famous movie director and rightfully so, as his writing translates words into a creation of picturesque views in one's mind.
The article is an accurate and well described Zambezi experience and a Zimbabwean journey highlighting a rich history, wildlife experience, scenes and cultural interactions that even we as Zimbabweans miss or take for granted. What better place to read this poetic piece that relates to many travelers the reward of journeying through a slightly turbulent environment bubbling with adventure and beaming with potential for growth and development than in the reclined seat of the grand A380 or any other aircraft. I look forward to flipping through the pages and letting this article take me back home…
We were honored to play a part in Alexandre's adventure and I am even more passionate than about helping to create the re-discovery of this diverse destination Zimbabwe, a World of Wonders!
Merci beacoup, to all involved!
For those that won’t be traveling on the Le Bleu tail, you can read the article here on page 138 http://magazines.airfrance.com/fr/air-france-magazine/223-novembre-2015/.
Air France Magazine - 223