Duirwaigh Studios

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Duirwaigh Studios Duirwaigh is a portal into Everyday Enchantment. We hope you'll see, feel and embrace the magic. The

Duirwaigh Studios is home to the creative talents of husband-and-wife team Angi Sullins and Silas Toball. They, along with their menagerie of artist, writer and film-making friends, produce products and services that inspire creative consciousness. We believe each product and experience should transport its audience through the portal of wonder and into the limitless realm of soul, where impossibl

e things happen every day. With creative wild abandon and imaginative play, with a belief in the infinite possibilities of the human psyche, with feet on the ground and heads in the stars, we endeavor to knock at the door of the human heart, re-minding ourselves and each other that once upon a time is really here and now.

Sovereignty is the ability to belong to one’s self. This isn’t taught in school. You’ll be hard-pressed to find much wri...

Sovereignty is the ability to belong to one’s self. This isn’t taught in school. You’ll be hard-pressed to find much written on the subject because women who belong to themselves are hard to control. They know their value, have boundaries and speak truth to power. This makes them dangerous in the best sort of way. Now is the time to free yourself from the burning altar of other people’s expectations and approval. Become self-referential, rooted in your own authority. A sovereign woman is identified by confidence, as she is no longer willing to doubt herself based on the fear that others will critique, judge or shame her choices or decisions. You’re already queen of your own castle. It’s time you claimed your throne.
© ∽ Angi Sullins

"Fearless: Fight Like A Girl," Oracle Deck

Art Bente Schlick


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As any lion queen will tell you, sometimes you must stand tall and roar. Now isn’t the time to shrink in modesty or tame...

As any lion queen will tell you, sometimes you must stand tall and roar. Now isn’t the time to shrink in modesty or tame yourself into compliancy. Take stock of your skills. Count up all the times things have gone right. Acknowledge your past successes. Chances are you’re living a life right now that a younger version of you could only dream about. Let those past successes embolden you. It is your faith in yourself, and your soul’s fire, that will carry you through this moment. You will survive, because the fire in you burns brighter than the fire that surrounds you. Open up your throat and roar that truth.
©️ ∽ Angi Sullins

"Fearless: Fight Like a Girl," Oracle Deck

Art Bente Schlick

She is the mistress of her own power, and she lives in you. Now is the time to call on her. Her message is, “Trust yours...

She is the mistress of her own power, and she lives in you. Now is the time to call on her. Her message is, “Trust yourself.” There is no source outside your sacred self that can make decisions or choices for you. Your feelings, convictions, experiences and inner knowing are enough. The Judge asks you, right now, “Who is the ultimate judge of your worth and well-being?” Is it a spouse, your kids, a boss, a friend, lover or family member? Is it a project, a deadline, an expectation? Is it a school or church or other organization? Is it an old belief, a handed-down outdated thought? Is it a society that demands your conformity? A W.I.T.C.H. knows that the ultimate authority is her self, and therefore she devotes a significant amount of energy listening, tending and growing the relationship with that self. She is the ultimate judge: listening to all the various voices, thoughts and opinions both in her head and in her circle of support, dismissing whatever insults her soul. Now is the time to consult the authority in you, and allow yourself to embody her value. Don’t shrink for others. You are a galaxy, with stars hidden in your skin. Trust yourself.
∽ Angi Sullins

Feature from the "W.I.T.C.H. - Woman In Total Control of Herself," Oracle Deck

Art by Silas Toball - Music and Visionary Art

A W.I.T.C.H. is a Woman. In. Total. Control. of Herself. She has shifted her allegiance from pleasing to pleasure, from ...

A W.I.T.C.H. is a Woman. In. Total. Control. of Herself. She has shifted her allegiance from pleasing to pleasure, from subservient to subversive, through the very act of claiming her inner knowing as her highest authority. She’s willing to abandon everyone else’s expectations before she’ll abandon herself. She’s stopped fearing her path and started blazing it, loyal to the visions in her head and the longing of her heart.
∽ Angi Sullins

"W.I.T.C.H. - Woman In Total Control of Herself," Oracle Deck

Art by Silas Toball - Music and Visionary Art

"Justice Being brave enough to seek the truth. An equal partnership between compassion and accountability. Detaching fro...


Being brave enough to seek the truth. An equal partnership between compassion and accountability. Detaching from any desired outcome in hopes of being impartial enough to recognize truth. Deliberating. Negotiations. Weighing a situation to determine a just course of action. Insight. Fair and impartial judgment. The Law of cause and effect. Seeking balance in relationship, business, legalities. Equal partnership. Successful outcomes in legal situations. Listening to the inner call of right action regardless of pressure from external forces. Risking rejection in the name of following your intuitive sense of right action."
∽ Angi Sullins

"When Woman Had Wings," Tarot Deck available for Pre-Order here:

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Art of Autumns Goddess- Jena DellaGrottaglia

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"There was a time when women walked the earth, danced by the fire, swam the rivers and took to the sky. It was an age of...

"There was a time when women walked the earth, danced by the fire, swam the rivers and took to the sky. It was an age of awe and wonder, but also an age of wisdom. It was a time when gods and goddesses lived in harmony, men and women celebrating their differences and similarities, while the masculine and feminine energy in each person lived together gently, side by side."
∽ Sullins

"When Woman Had Wings," Tarot Deck available for Pre-Order:

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Art of Autumns Goddess- Jena DellaGrottaglia

Published collaboratively by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"Draw your allies close about you right now. It is time to commune with those you trust. Whether you need support, guida...

"Draw your allies close about you right now. It is time to commune with those you trust. Whether you need support, guidance, or simply a kind ear that helps you truly hear yourself. You are being asked to express your needs in a safe, protected environment. Seek your trusted friends. Share. Let yourself be witnessed and received. And if you have no one to hold space with right now, do not underestimate your invisible allies. Your favorite authors, artists, creators and/or your spirit guides can be an active source of support in your life. Write a letter. Explain your heart in a mediation or visualization. Some of your greatest allies are in the unseen realm. Confide your truth. Express your heart. Experience the communion of your belonging."
Angi Sullins

"Dream Song," Oracle Deck. Now available for Pre-Order:

Oracle written by Angi Sullins

Art by Marta Orlowska Surreal Gallery

Published together by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

DreamSong OracleNow Available for Pre-Order:https://www.usgamesinc.com/dream-song-oracleWritten by Angi Sullins Art by M...

DreamSong Oracle

Now Available for Pre-Order:

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Marta Orlowska Surreal Gallery

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"It’s time for harvest. Take stock of what has come to fruition for you and what still needs tending. Celebrate your vic...

"It’s time for harvest. Take stock of what has come to fruition for you and what still needs tending. Celebrate your victories. Harvest the round ripe fruit of your manifestations. All your hard work has created sustenance for you. Revel in that. Look back at all the versions of you: the dreams your younger self had, the goals and projects and ambitions. See how many things once only imagined are now a part of your experience. Perhaps things your younger-self craved are already so much a part of your life, you now take them for granted. Your younger-self is high-fiving you today. Any unfulfilled dream can be viewed with this same lens: it’s only a matter of time. You’re in a constant cycle of wishing, believing, receiving and manifesting. Honor how far you’ve come. Take time to celebrate. Radically participate in your own blessings."
∽ Angi Sullins


"Wisdom of the Wild Things," Oracle Deck now available here:

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Evaboneva

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"Bring on the Hagitude. Baba Yaga is the O.G. witch badass from fairytales. She’s seeking your attention right now. She’...

"Bring on the Hagitude. Baba Yaga is the O.G. witch badass from fairytales. She’s seeking your attention right now. She’s ancient, powerful, and full of hagitude: an attitude of ‘do no harm but take no bullsh*t.’ Women of a certain age have seen and lived too much to put up with toxic people-pleasing, conformity, compliance or soul-sucking compromise. Their spine has been forged with the steel of experience. They trust their intuition more than they trust your facts, and they’re certainly not going to play nice to get ahead. It’s time to dish up your inner hag. Let yourself be the powerhouse you are without dissembling, diluting, dumbing down or playing small."
∽ Angi Sullins

From the "Wisdom of the Wild Things," Oracle Deck

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Evaboneva

This deck is available at:

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios


You have to plant a lot of dreams given that you never know which one is going to hatch. So let yourself have the ideas,...

You have to plant a lot of dreams given that you never know which one is going to hatch. So let yourself have the ideas, without the restrictions of practicality. When you let yourself dream big, and plant wide, your chances of hatching grow exponentially. This moment urges you not to judge or criticize any particular option. Let yourself play with all the potential, considering all ideas. You never know which one is going to hatch.
∽ Angi Sullins

The Oracle Deck "For The Love of Dragons," available for you here:

Oracle written by Angi Sullins

Art by Amy Brown Fantasy Art Inc.

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

Like Medusa, the Devouring Mother is the part of our psyche that can turn our enthusiasm and bravery to stone. She is th...

Like Medusa, the Devouring Mother is the part of our psyche that can turn our enthusiasm and bravery to stone. She is the embodiment of not-enoughness, the soul of lack, who says your gifts and talents will never be enough, your ideas and plans are a waste of time, and won’t amount to anything. Like an intimidating parent or a disapproving schoolteacher, all she has to do is cast a glance at your creative spark with a disapproving stare and you shrink, convinced you’ll never be enough. So you hide your gifts or worse: refuse to develop them. Suffer her gaze too long and your creativity turns to stone, paralyzed by fear.
∽ Angi Sullins

From the 'W.I.T.C.H. - Woman In Total Control of Herself," Oracle Deck

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Silas Toball - Music and Visionary Art

Open Editions Available Here:

Limited Collector's Edition signed by Angi & Silas available here:

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"Now is the time to rest. Let go. Cease the endless cycles of productivity. Abolish your white-knuckle resiliency. Lay y...

"Now is the time to rest. Let go. Cease the endless cycles of productivity. Abolish your white-knuckle resiliency. Lay your cheek along the luminous and sensuous. Lean into earth’s solid ground and feel the support waiting for you there. Curl into the wisdom of the wild, where all seasons are allowed, including the one of rest and recuperation. Surrender isn’t defeat. It’s the sacred pause that allows you to use all your senses to receive a new vision. This is the domain of the divine feminine. Listen to her encourage your receptivity. There are times when effort only creates futility and extends suffering. This is one of them. Something new wants to communicate with you and is awaiting your presence. Surrender. Enter the power that is the sacred pause."
∽ Angi Sullins

"Dream Song," Oracle Deck now available for Pre-Order:

Oracle written by Angi Sullins

Art by Marta Orlowska Surreal Gallery

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios


"Now is the time for moon bathing in hope. Mother moon is friend to all dreamers. She incubates your dreams and grows wi...

"Now is the time for moon bathing in hope. Mother moon is friend to all dreamers. She incubates your dreams and grows wings for all your wishes. She encourages all to remember not all who wander are lost. Roam. Wander. Receive. She doesn’t shine exclusively for the special, the brightly talented or accomplished. In fact, she shines brightest in the dark. Embrace those hopeful rays. Take a walk in her radiance. Bask in her glow. Have a conversation with her about all the untold stories in your soul and the wishes waiting to grow wings. Ask her to guide you through the dark night, bringing luminosity to all that’s currently unknown, unseen, or unformed."
∽ Angi Sullins

"Dream Song," Oracle Deck is now available for Pre-Order:

Authored by Angi Sullins

Art by Marta Orlowska Surreal Gallery

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

It's here!! "Once upon a time you were friends with the stars. Your neighbor was the moon, story was your guardian, and ...

It's here!!

"Once upon a time you were friends with the stars. Your neighbor was the moon, story was your guardian, and dreams, your native language. When you had an idea, Lila, goddess of play, circled you with joy, calling upon your creativity. Making your way through the Universe was a playful dance as you moved to the dream song of your heart."
∽ Angi Sullins

The "Dream Song," Oracle Deck is now available for Pre-Order:

Oracle written by Angi Sullins

Art by Marta Orlowska Surreal Gallery

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios

"In order to loosen the bindings of the external patriarchy and free herself from the jail of the inner patriarchy, you ...

"In order to loosen the bindings of the external patriarchy and free herself from the jail of the inner patriarchy, you must first learn, then demand, sovereignty."
∽ Angi Sullins

Open Edition "W.I.T.C.H. - Woman In Total Control of Herself," Oracle Deck featured here now available through:

Limited Edition Collector's copy signed by both author and artist is available at:

Written by Angi Sullins

Art by Silas Toball - Music and Visionary Art

Published in partnership by U.S. Games Systems & Duirwaigh Studios



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