馬爾堡城堡(Zamek w Malborku)
上回提到, 檸檬星星一到著Gdansk就直入馬爾堡 Malbork, 為的就係去睇馬爾堡城堡🏰 故事起源係條頓騎士團在征服古普魯士後修建的, 主要目的是加強他們對該地區的控制. 這座城堡經過多次擴建, 以容納越來越多的騎士. 它由三座獨立的城堡組成 - 高城堡, 中城堡和下城堡, 由多條乾涸的護城河和塔樓隔開。
馬爾堡城堡曾經是德意志條頓騎士團的總部所在, 被認為是中世紀歐洲最大的城堡, 二戰後馬爾堡變成波蘭的領土, 後來馬爾堡城堡被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為世界文化遺產, 是波蘭和條頓騎士團相關的世界遺產之一.
城堡內部相當的大, 眼見外部內部仍是保養良好, 雖然城堡在過去曾經有戰爭及火災的破壞, 仍能保留有好的狀態. 參觀過後, 檸檬星星建議大家可以到城堡裡的餐廳飲杯咖啡, 在地庫深處坐低感受下昔日的情境, 稍稍休息再慢慢離開☕️
等我檸檬星星帶番個頭盔先👻... 歷史不是檸檬星星的強項, 以上內容只係東抄西貼, 如有雷同, 實屬巧合🫣, 看倌可自行尋根歸底👌
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Malbork Castle (Zamek w Malborku)
As mentioned previously, once Starlemon arrived in Gdansk, it went straight to Malbork to visit the Malbork Castle 🏰. The story behind it is that the Teutonic Knights built it after conquering Old Prussia, primarily to strengthen their control over the region. The castle underwent several expansions to accommodate more and more knights. It consists of three separate castles – the High Castle, the Middle Castle, and the Lower Castle – separated by dry moats and towers.
Malbork Castle was once the headquarters of the Teutonic Knights and is considered the largest castle in medieval Europe. After World War II, Malbork became part of Poland, and later, the castle was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is one of the world heritage sites related to Poland and the Teutonic Knights.
The interior of the castle is quite large, and both the exterior and interior are still well-maintained. Despite the destruction caused by wars and fires in the past, the castle has managed to retain its good condition. After visiting, Starlemon suggests that you stop by the restaurant inside the castle for a coffee, sit in the depths of the cellar, feel the ambiance of the past, take a little rest, and then slowly leave ☕️.
Frankly, History isn’t my strong suit, the above content is just pieced together from various sources. Any similarities are purely coincidental 🫣. You’re welcome to investigate further on your own 👌.
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