Starlemon's Diary 檸檬星星日記

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Starlemon's Diary 檸檬星星日記 Hello! 我係你地既節目主持人阿Lu.
用心記錄, 誠意分享, 飲飲食食重新得力.

馬爾堡城堡(Zamek w Malborku)上回提到, 檸檬星星一到著Gdansk就直入馬爾堡 Malbork, 為的就係去睇馬爾堡城堡🏰 故事起源係條頓騎士團在征服古普魯士後修建的, 主要目的是加強他們對該地區的控制. 這座城堡經過多次...

馬爾堡城堡(Zamek w Malborku)

上回提到, 檸檬星星一到著Gdansk就直入馬爾堡 Malbork, 為的就係去睇馬爾堡城堡🏰 故事起源係條頓騎士團在征服古普魯士後修建的, 主要目的是加強他們對該地區的控制. 這座城堡經過多次擴建, 以容納越來越多的騎士. 它由三座獨立的城堡組成 - 高城堡, 中城堡和下城堡, 由多條乾涸的護城河和塔樓隔開。

馬爾堡城堡曾經是德意志條頓騎士團的總部所在, 被認為是中世紀歐洲最大的城堡, 二戰後馬爾堡變成波蘭的領土, 後來馬爾堡城堡被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為世界文化遺產, 是波蘭和條頓騎士團相關的世界遺產之一.

城堡內部相當的大, 眼見外部內部仍是保養良好, 雖然城堡在過去曾經有戰爭及火災的破壞, 仍能保留有好的狀態. 參觀過後, 檸檬星星建議大家可以到城堡裡的餐廳飲杯咖啡, 在地庫深處坐低感受下昔日的情境, 稍稍休息再慢慢離開☕️

等我檸檬星星帶番個頭盔先👻... 歷史不是檸檬星星的強項, 以上內容只係東抄西貼, 如有雷同, 實屬巧合🫣, 看倌可自行尋根歸底👌

謝謝你的閱讀, 感謝你的支持🫶 歡迎留言, 分享同俾個Like👋

Malbork Castle (Zamek w Malborku)

As mentioned previously, once Starlemon arrived in Gdansk, it went straight to Malbork to visit the Malbork Castle 🏰. The story behind it is that the Teutonic Knights built it after conquering Old Prussia, primarily to strengthen their control over the region. The castle underwent several expansions to accommodate more and more knights. It consists of three separate castles – the High Castle, the Middle Castle, and the Lower Castle – separated by dry moats and towers.

Malbork Castle was once the headquarters of the Teutonic Knights and is considered the largest castle in medieval Europe. After World War II, Malbork became part of Poland, and later, the castle was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is one of the world heritage sites related to Poland and the Teutonic Knights.

The interior of the castle is quite large, and both the exterior and interior are still well-maintained. Despite the destruction caused by wars and fires in the past, the castle has managed to retain its good condition. After visiting, Starlemon suggests that you stop by the restaurant inside the castle for a coffee, sit in the depths of the cellar, feel the ambiance of the past, take a little rest, and then slowly leave ☕️.

Frankly, History isn’t my strong suit, the above content is just pieced together from various sources. Any similarities are purely coincidental 🫣. You’re welcome to investigate further on your own 👌.

Thank you for reading and for your support 🫶. Feel free to leave a comment, share, or give a like 👋.


波蘭餃子唔知大家喜唔喜歡食餃子?? 檸檬星星就好alright啦😍 不論係中式, 日式, 韓式定波蘭式, 你無聽錯, 波蘭都好出名食餃子🉐 檸檬星星全部都喜歡😍 昨天晚上就去左Gdansk一間幾出名既餃子餐廳晚飯, 有個local人叔叔同我...


唔知大家喜唔喜歡食餃子?? 檸檬星星就好alright啦😍 不論係中式, 日式, 韓式定波蘭式, 你無聽錯, 波蘭都好出名食餃子🉐 檸檬星星全部都喜歡😍 昨天晚上就去左Gdansk一間幾出名既餃子餐廳晚飯, 有個local人叔叔同我地講, 佢行左兩公里路成半個鐘, 都一定要來排隊食d間餃子, 就等我同大家介紹下...

食評: O. MANDU

食物方面, 餐廳提供不少款式的餃子, 檸檬星星睇menu睇到眼花潦亂😵‍💫 你問我點order, 我真係IDK啦🤔 唔理三七二十一, 叫個staff問下有心水推介下, 最後拍板, 包括: 千島醬牛肉餃子 (見圖: 黃色大大隻), 裡面有滿滿既芝士口感, 正😋; 傳統東歐餃子 (見圖: 白色那種), dip dip 酸忌廉, 或者配搭洋蔥煙肉, 都係好特別🤩; 最後點左炸豆腐餃子, 炸起來不會過火喉, 入口鬆脆, 配上微辣芒果醬, 好味道😲... 最重要一提, 佢地d餃子全部人手即叫即做, 姨姨好好心機逐隻包, 食手工都抵番晒. 除左餃子, 仲有波蘭特色湯, 碗碗足料, 但有少少鹹😁 店內裝修好有格調, 燈光柔和, 職員態度親切, 加分👍 好適合朋友一齊來傾下計, 食下餃子👏

檸檬星星指數: 我俾佢9分👯‍♀️

有機會過嚟Gdansk, 推薦你來試下🙋‍♂️ 希望你喜歡 #檸檸星星日記

Polish Dumplings

Not sure if everyone likes to eat dumplings?? Starlemon thinks they’re alright 😍 Regardless of whether it’s Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Polish-style, yes, you heard that right, Poland is also famous for its dumplings 🉐 Starlemon loves them all 😍 Last night, we went to a well-known dumpling restaurant in Gdansk for dinner. A local uncle told us that he walked 2 kilometers for half an hour just to queue for these dumplings, so let me introduce them to you…

Review: O. MANDU

In terms of food, the restaurant offers many types of dumplings, and Starlemon was dazzled by the menu 😵‍💫 You asked me how to order, honestly, I don’t know 🤔 So I just asked the staff for some recommendations. In the end, we decided on: Thousand Island Sauce Beef Dumplings (as shown in the picture: large and yellow), filled with lots of cheese, delicious 😋; Traditional Eastern European Dumplings (as shown in the picture: the white ones), dip them in sour cream or pair them with onions and bacon, both were special 🤩; Lastly, we ordered Fried Tofu Dumplings, they weren’t overcooked, crispy on the outside, paired with a mildly spicy mango sauce, very tasty 😲… The most important thing is that all their dumplings are handmade on the spot, the auntie made each one with great care, you can really taste the craftsmanship. Besides dumplings, they also have Polish-style soups, hearty and filling, but a bit salty 😁 The restaurant has a stylish décor, soft lighting, and friendly staff, extra points 👍 It’s a great place to hang out with friends, chat, and enjoy dumplings 👏

Starlemon's Index: 9/10 👯‍♀️

If you ever come to Gdansk, I recommend you try it 🙋‍♂️ Hope you like Starlemon's Diary. Thank you.


倫敦去格但斯克再去馬爾堡天都未光, 檸檬星星晨早流流就出車去Stansted 機場, 出發今趟旅程的目的地 ~ 格但斯克 Gdansk, 波蘭🇵🇱 聽聞早兩日STN機場又再次大混亂, 總是感恩今天的飛行旅程十分順利, 過關及安檢沒需要太長的...


天都未光, 檸檬星星晨早流流就出車去Stansted 機場, 出發今趟旅程的目的地 ~ 格但斯克 Gdansk, 波蘭🇵🇱 聽聞早兩日STN機場又再次大混亂, 總是感恩今天的飛行旅程十分順利, 過關及安檢沒需要太長的時間, 我們就照原定既計劃, 一落地, 就直入馬爾堡, 檸檬星星旅行團 Starlemon's Tour 2025 正式啟動👏👏👏

到達格但斯克, 這裡係波蘭第三大城市, 機場雖然較少細, 但都是十分現代化. 我們首先坐車直達火車站 Gdansk Glowny, 再坐大約半小時快速火車到達馬爾堡 Malbork.

到著馬爾堡火車站, 你就會見到站內有不同條頓騎士團的圖畫, 因為著名的馬爾堡城堡就是在這裡, 稍後時間再同大家詳細講下這地方. 沿路往城堡的方向行走, 就會經過市中心地帶, 這裡的房屋建築有些是尖頂樣式, 襯上不同顏色配搭, 相映成趣.

又是回程的時候, 慢慢享受著慢速火車上的味道, 向窗外望看到了夕陽, 冰天的太陽溫暖著你我, 疲累在此刻就變得不再是什麼, 又是精采滿足的一天😍

感謝你的閱讀, 請繼續多多支持 #檸檸星星日記

London to Gdansk, then to Malbork

Before the sun had even risen, Starlemon set off early to Stansted Airport to begin our journey to Gdansk, Poland 🇵🇱. I had heard that there was chaos at STN Airport just a few days ago, but thankfully, today’s flight went smoothly. There was no long wait at immigration or security, and we stuck to our original plan. As soon as we landed, we headed straight to Malbork. Starlemon's Tour 2025 has officially begun 👏👏👏.

Arriving in Gdansk, the third largest city in Poland, the airport is small but modern. We took a car straight to Gdansk Glowny train station and then boarded a fast train for about half an hour to Malbork.

Upon reaching Malbork train station, you’ll notice various depictions of the Teutonic Knights, as the famous Malbork Castle is located here. I’ll tell you more about this place later. As we walk towards the castle, we pass through the town center, where the buildings have spires and colorful facades, creating a picturesque scene.

On the way back, I savored the slow train ride, watching the sunset through the window. The icy cold sun warmed us both, and the fatigue of the day seemed to fade away. Another wonderful and fulfilling day 😍.

Thanks for reading! Please continue to support Starlemon's Diary.


倫敦去格但斯克再去馬爾堡天都未光, 檸檬星星晨早流流就出車去Stansted 機場, 出發今趟旅程的目的地 ~ 格但斯克 Gdansk, 波蘭🇵🇱 聽聞早兩日STN機場又再次大混亂, 總是感恩今天的飛行旅程十分順利, 過關及安檢沒需要太長的...


天都未光, 檸檬星星晨早流流就出車去Stansted 機場, 出發今趟旅程的目的地 ~ 格但斯克 Gdansk, 波蘭🇵🇱 聽聞早兩日STN機場又再次大混亂, 總是感恩今天的飛行旅程十分順利, 過關及安檢沒需要太長的時間, 我們就照原定既計劃, 一落地, 就去入馬爾堡, 檸檬星星旅行團 Starlemon's Tour 2025 正式啟動👏👏👏

到達格但斯克, 這裡係波蘭第三大城市, 機場雖然較少, 但都是十分現代化. 我們首先坐車直達火車站 Gdansk Glowny, 再坐大約半小時快速火車到達馬爾堡 Malbork.

到著馬爾堡火車站, 你就會見到站內有不同條頓騎士團的圖畫, 因為著名的馬爾堡城堡就是在這裡, 稍後時間再同大家詳細講下這地方. 沿路往城堡的方向行走, 就會經過市中心地帶, 這裡的房屋建築有些是尖頂樣式, 襯上不同顏色配搭, 相映成趣.

又是回程的時候, 慢慢享受著慢速火車上的味道, 向窗外望看到了夕陽, 冰天的太陽溫暖著你我, 疲累在此刻就變得不再是什麼, 又是精采滿足的一天😍

感謝你的閱讀, 請繼續多多支持 #檸檸星星日記

London to Gdansk, then to Malbork

Before the sun had even risen, Starlemon set off early to Stansted Airport to begin our journey to Gdansk, Poland 🇵🇱. I had heard that there was chaos at STN Airport just a few days ago, but thankfully, today’s flight went smoothly. There was no long wait at immigration or security, and we stuck to our original plan. As soon as we landed, we headed straight to Malbork. Starlemon's Tour 2025 has officially begun 👏👏👏.

Arriving in Gdansk, the third largest city in Poland, the airport is small but modern. We took a car straight to Gdansk Glowny train station and then boarded a fast train for about half an hour to Malbork.

Upon reaching Malbork train station, you’ll notice various depictions of the Teutonic Knights, as the famous Malbork Castle is located here. I’ll tell you more about this place later. As we walk towards the castle, we pass through the town center, where the buildings have spires and colorful facades, creating a picturesque scene.

On the way back, I savored the slow train ride, watching the sunset through the window. The icy cold sun warmed us both, and the fatigue of the day seemed to fade away. Another wonderful and fulfilling day 😍.

Thanks for reading! Please continue to support Starlemon's Diary.


情人節又係一年一度情人佳節, 檸檬星星當當然首先祝福天下間佳偶甜甜密密, 恩恩愛愛😘😘唔知你地找左地方食飯慶祝未? 想唔想食自助餐慶祝下? 檸檬星星都有好介紹😍 COSMO係英國其中一間franchise 自助餐餐廳, 都好多local朋友...


又係一年一度情人佳節, 檸檬星星當當然首先祝福天下間佳偶甜甜密密, 恩恩愛愛😘😘

唔知你地找左地方食飯慶祝未? 想唔想食自助餐慶祝下? 檸檬星星都有好介紹😍 COSMO係英國其中一間franchise 自助餐餐廳, 都好多local朋友鐘意佢大件夾抵食, 我都一於去Derby個間試一試, 出個報告俾大家參考下🤔

食評: COSMO @ Derby

佢叫得自己做世界廚房, 食物方面就什麼日本, 印度, 中菜, 連墨西哥都有, 當然不是什麼頂級材料, 但叫做種類多同 all you can eat, 都算收貨啦👌 當中檸檬星星最最最欣賞就係鐵板燒, 你可以order帶子, 鮮蝦, 魷魚等, 即叫即煮, 帶子真係好好食🤤 ;另外, 中餐既ribs 個sauce同肉好夾, 算是水準之作; 其他食物味道大致可以. 一定要講下部雪糕機, 一直都以為係要自己揸住個cone自已扭, 你知啦😵‍💫, 每次轉個下都出晒事, 但今次部機不用自己扭, 放個cone上去就會出雪糕, 都真心係幾方便, 抵讚👍

價錢平日晚一個人£20有找, 飲品另計. 全場裝修都算是舒適, 卡位就略為窄少少😜 平日晚都坐得滿, 有興趣去食飯就記得book檯, 用餐時間有1小時45分鐘.

檸檬星星指數: 8/10👏

希望你喜歡我的介紹😁 多多支持🙌

Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of the year again, the annual Valentine’s Day! Starlemon first wishes all the lovely couples out there a sweet, happy, and loving celebration 😘😘

Have you guys found a place to eat and celebrate yet? How about a buffet for the occasion? I have a great recommendation 😍. COSMO is one of the UK’s franchise buffet restaurants, and a lot of locals love it for its generous portions at a good price. I decided to try the one in Derby and share a review with everyone for reference 🤔.

Review: COSMO @ Derby

They call themselves a “World Kitchen,” offering a variety of food from Japanese, Indian, Chinese, to even Mexican! Of course, it’s not top-quality ingredients, but the variety and the all-you-can-eat concept are decent enough.👌 The dish I appreciate most is the teppanyaki, where you can order scallops, prawns, squid, etc., and they cook it right in front of you. The scallops were really delicious 🤤. Also, the ribs in the Chinese section had a great sauce and tender meat—pretty impressive. Other dishes were alright. I must mention the ice cream machine, though. I used to think you had to hold the cone and twist it yourself (you know, things always went wrong for me 😵‍💫), but this time, the machine does it for you! You just put the cone on it, and the ice cream comes out—super convenient, worth praising 👍.

The price is around £20 per person on weekdays, drinks are extra. The overall decor is comfortable, though the seating can be a bit cramped 😜. Even on weekdays, it’s quite full, so if you’re interested in dining there, make sure to book a table. Dining time is limited to 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Overall, Starlemon's Index: 8/10👏

Hope you like my review! 😁 Thanks for your support 🙌


圍威喂呵呵, 又到星期六, 就有好節目... 打下牌, 傾下計, 一人有一個夢想, 大家一齊食好西🥂 圍威喂餐單都真係唔野少:  "骨肉分離" 可樂排骨;  "又肥又瘦" 燒肉;  "獨欠北菇" 臘腸蒸雞;  "拆散魚骨" 蒸魚; 仲有 "...


呵呵, 又到星期六, 就有好節目... 打下牌, 傾下計, 一人有一個夢想, 大家一齊食好西🥂

圍威喂餐單都真係唔野少: "骨肉分離" 可樂排骨; "又肥又瘦" 燒肉; "獨欠北菇" 臘腸蒸雞; "拆散魚骨" 蒸魚; 仲有 "西米泛濫" 楊枝金露. 同場加映, 小狗 bb 與你伴舞, 開開心心又一晚😍

下次圍威喂, 約定你啦喂🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ 謝謝你的閱讀, 歡迎CLS.

“圍威喂” Get-together with friends

Hehe, it’s Saturday again, time for a great show… Play majhong, chat a bit, each person has their own dream, and everyone enjoys good food together 🥂

The menu for tonight's party is really not bad: “Bone and meat separate” cola ribs; “Fat and lean” roast meat; “Just missing the mushroom” sausage steamed chicken; “Break the fish bones” steamed fish; and also “Sago overflow” Yang Zhi Gan Lu (a sweet dessert). As an extra treat, there’s also the little puppy BB dancing with you, another fun-filled evening 😍

Next time at 圍威喂, I’ll be counting on you 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Thanks for reading, welcome to CLS.


新張大吉🉐開心朋友仔港式茶記開檔, 檸檬星星一向都知大廚係廚藝了得, 當然要去支持支持. 同老板傾下計, 由於餐廳位置係民居附近, 所以主要做早午茶市, 落到去人頭湧湧, 週末時間記得訂檯👌食評: The Mee Cafe食物方面, 老板推...


開心朋友仔港式茶記開檔, 檸檬星星一向都知大廚係廚藝了得, 當然要去支持支持. 同老板傾下計, 由於餐廳位置係民居附近, 所以主要做早午茶市, 落到去人頭湧湧, 週末時間記得訂檯👌

食評: The Mee Cafe

食物方面, 老板推薦雪菜鴨絲米, 因為佢地個雪菜全部係自己做, 在調味加上雪菜絲的剪裁, 都用上了心思,好味😋 另外, 有個熔岩雞扒漢堡都係鎮店之寶, 個sauce有少少辣, 配上鮮嫩雞扒同香脆漢堡飽, ff 係熱辣辣嘅火山旁進食, 好有feel🔥 介紹多樣好西過你, 就係佢地既雞批, 先講下個格仔皮, 好鬆脆, 雞肉配上蘑菇汁, 美味しい🤤, 做飯後小食, 正😍 飲品就一大堆港式飲品, 你自己慢慢揀👻

朋友仔講過希望餐廳空間給予客人有寧靜的感覺, 內部裝修以淺綠色為主調, 另外亦設有一個小地方, 放置了老板私人的珍藏, 加上有一張小圓檯, 讓人坐下來飲飲咖啡, 細細深思😌

認真要提, 就只係熱飲品的水溫可略為提高一點🤔 檸檬星星指數: 9/10

有時間係附近, 大家要多多支持下📣


My friend's Hong Kong-style restaurant is now open. Starlemon has always known the head chef is great with culinary skills, so of course, I had to go show support. Had a chat with the boss, and since the restaurant is located near residential areas, it mainly serves breakfast and lunch tea, so it gets crowded. Remember to make a reservation on weekends! 👌

Food Review: The Mee Cafe

Regarding food, the boss recommended the pickled cabbage and duck shreds rice noodles. They make the pickled cabbage in-house, and the seasoning and the way they slice the cabbage are thoughtfully done, very tasty 😋. Also, the lava chicken burger is a must-try, with a slightly spicy sauce, paired with tender chicken fillet and a crispy burger bun, eating this by a hot volcano feels quite special 🔥. Another recommendation is their chicken pie. Let’s talk about the flaky crust—it’s super crispy, and the chicken with mushroom sauce is absolutely delicious 🤤. It’s perfect as a post-meal snack, really good 😍. As for drinks, they offer a wide variety of Hong Kong-style beverages, so you can take your time choosing 👻.

The boss mentioned that the restaurant space is designed to provide a peaceful ambiance. The interior features a light green color scheme, and there’s also a small area displaying the boss’s private collection, complete with a little round table where you can sit and enjoy coffee, taking a moment to reflect 😌.

One thing to note is that the temperature of the hot drinks could be raised a bit 🤔.

Starlemon's Index: 9/10

If you’re nearby, be sure to support the place!

Hope you enjoy Starlemon's Diary 🙌


Friday night.... 梗係食fish n chips 啦🐟🐟🐟Friday night… of course, it’s fish and chips time 🐟🐟🐟  #檸檸星星日記 #飲飲食食重新得力

Friday night.... 梗係食fish n chips 啦🐟🐟🐟

Friday night… of course, it’s fish and chips time 🐟🐟🐟


新年時間參加新年活動都好開心呀😍 檸檬星星去左一個香港人既新年活動, 又可以見下老友, 寫下揮春, 互相祝福, 在英國這地方慶祝一番農曆新年, 倍感親切🥺會場好有feel就是有個社織的攤位, 見到街上有些郵筒係過時過節, 同個郵筒帶番頂帽,...

新年時間參加新年活動都好開心呀😍 檸檬星星去左一個香港人既新年活動, 又可以見下老友, 寫下揮春, 互相祝福, 在英國這地方慶祝一番農曆新年, 倍感親切🥺

會場好有feel就是有個社織的攤位, 見到街上有些郵筒係過時過節, 同個郵筒帶番頂帽, 依家正正農曆新年, 帶上了"中發白"麻雀, 對香港人嚟講, 特別有意義🤩 等我檸檬星星都唔執輸, 同財神爺影番張相留念下先🙋‍♂️

Starlemon had so much fun participating in Lunar New Year activities during the New Year time! 😍 I went to a Hong Kong-style New Year event, where I could catch up with friends, write some couplets, exchange blessings, and celebrate the Lunar New Year here in the UK. It felt so familiar and warm 🥺.

The venue had such a great vibe, especially with a community booth. I saw some mailboxes on the street that were dressed up for the occasion, with one even wearing a hat. It’s exactly the Lunar New Year now, and they’ve put a “Zhong Fa Bai” mahjong on it. This holds special meaning for Hong Kong people 🤩. I also not missed this opportunity—let me take a photo with the Caishen for a keepsake! 🙋‍♂️


📣今日係乜野日子??? 赤口勿推我😅 祝大家路路平安😍📣 What day is it today??? Don’t push me on 赤口 (Chikou), Be clam, bro.  #檸檸星星日記

📣今日係乜野日子??? 赤口勿推我😅 祝大家路路平安😍

📣 What day is it today??? Don’t push me on 赤口 (Chikou), Be clam, bro.


可能當人人年初一都食中餐過新年既時候... 🤔Maybe when everyone is having Chinese food to celebrate the New Year on the first day of the luna...

可能當人人年初一都食中餐過新年既時候... 🤔

Maybe when everyone is having Chinese food to celebrate the New Year on the first day of the lunar new year…🤔


又差唔多過農曆新年既日子, 檸檬星星係英國就沒有太大既節日氣氛, 但一班人總是不少得賀年糕點來賀一賀新春佳節... 呵呵, 有蘿蔔糕, 有馬蹄糕, 仲有年糕, 好多溫暖, 好有味道. 檸檬星星係依度先拜個早年, 祝大家新年快樂, 身體健康🙌...

又差唔多過農曆新年既日子, 檸檬星星係英國就沒有太大既節日氣氛, 但一班人總是不少得賀年糕點來賀一賀新春佳節... 呵呵, 有蘿蔔糕, 有馬蹄糕, 仲有年糕, 好多溫暖, 好有味道. 檸檬星星係依度先拜個早年, 祝大家新年快樂, 身體健康🙌 新的一年, 繼續 #飲飲食食重新得力😍

It’s almost that time of the year again, close to the Lunar New Year. In the UK, Starlemon doesn’t really feel the festive atmosphere, but we always end up with some new year cakes to celebrate the New Year… Haha, there’s radish cake, water chestnut cake, and sticky rice cake—so much warmth, so much flavor. Starlemon firstly wish everyone an early Happy New Year, wishing you all happiness and good health. 🙌


"芒果星星"???檸檬星星學人畫 self-portrait, 唔知點解最後變左個芒果😅"Starmango"???Starlemon learns to draw a self-portrait, not sure why in the ...

檸檬星星學人畫 self-portrait, 唔知點解最後變左個芒果😅

Starlemon learns to draw a self-portrait, not sure why in the end it turned into a mango 😅


只是帶一件小型行李輕裝上路, 你又選擇好要去的地點未???Just lightly bring a small luggage on the journey, have you already decided on the destinat...

只是帶一件小型行李輕裝上路, 你又選擇好要去的地點未???

Just lightly bring a small luggage on the journey, have you already decided on the destination you want to go to?


椒鹽炸雞絲條拼春卷 + 咖喱雞+秘製沙茶醬炒河粉清碟, 一件都無得留低🥂 謝謝款待, ありがとう😊Salt and pepper fried chicken strips with spring rolls + curry chicken ...

椒鹽炸雞絲條拼春卷 + 咖喱雞+秘製沙茶醬炒河粉
清碟, 一件都無得留低🥂 謝謝款待, ありがとう😊

Salt and pepper fried chicken strips with spring rolls + curry chicken + stir-fried ho fun with special satay sauce.

Very Nice🥂 Thank you for the hospitality, ありがとう😊”


有時候係冬天既英國想見下個太陽都難, 今日就係好天氣既時候食番個太陽餅開心下😍Sometimes in the winter in the UK, it’s hard to see the sun, so today I’m enjoyin...

有時候係冬天既英國想見下個太陽都難, 今日就係好天氣既時候食番個太陽餅開心下😍

Sometimes in the winter in the UK, it’s hard to see the sun, so today I’m enjoying some sunshine by having a sun cake to cheer myself up!






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