Feature: | Mad or Nomad ?
Andy and Alissa always wanted to travel the world while still being independent and self-reliant through all of it. Their love for and experience with turned out to be the key to their adventure.
On the first day of 2018 they set out on their trusted Yamaha XT660R to make that dream possible - to explore, have an adventure, meet new people and discover another way of living.
Around that time they started Mad or Nomad as a simple blog to keep their friends and family in the loop and log their travels.
Adventures and misadventures combined, today Mad or Nomad.com has grow into an extensive trove of information on and
So, we're stoked to tell you about our contribution on 'Guided Motorcycle Touring in India' on their platform.
The guide breaks down all you should know if you're thinking of a motorcycle tour in India.
Please do check it out at :
See what Mad or Nomad are upto at: https://www.madornomad.com/
With an almost full Himalayan season ahead, we can't to begin touring again! Chat with us if you need help with best places to ride in India at the moment.
the road never ends.
Images by Mad or Nomad.com