What is your Level of Awareness?
Stage One, Two, three, Four, Five, Six Or Seven?
Awareness grows as the brain grows over 7 stages.
These natural stages of growth happen over the first 21 years of life.
But this doesn’t automatically mean you’re at Stage 7.
You see, most of us had restraining influences that have held back this natural process.
So, if Stage 1 is basic Survival-Instinctual and Stage 7 is Integrated-Holistic, you are somewhere along this line of development.
And the beauty of brain development is that continues throughout life.
So, if you have not attained Stage 7, it’s not a problem.
It’s an interruption - not a hard stop.
But the greatest problem of awareness we face as a human population is the lack of expanded awareness.
Let’s call it World or Global Consciousness.
The earlier, more narrow levels of awareness dominate the social and behavioural landscape.
These are Stage 2: Self-Centred Impulsive; Stage 3: Self-Centered Power, and Stage 4 Group-Centered Identity.
Accounting for the majority, these awareness levels are putting Life as we know it at risk because people at these stages cannot THINK in terms of the Big Picture.
Right now, there is a great opportunity before us to awaken this awareness in people to their next natural stage.
This can only happen if we approach this with compassion and understanding of the origins of the narrowed awareness.
That is the conditioning and experience from early childhood that has restricted its development.
The sledgehammer approach that is being used so frequently now to try and get people to be more aware is producing the opposite result of the desired outcome!
Making people feel wrong, bad, stupid or guilty DOES NOT WORK!
To effect REAL change, en-COURAGE the awakening of awareness with an appreciation that the inner child that lives in the adult has been hurt.
Use kindness, understanding and care to open the door, making it safe to have a look.
This is the approach I use to achieve my objective, which is to
a) Help People Awaken and
b) To help people who help people to awaken.
Awaken to what?
To realizing their own True Nature, Potential, Purpose and Self-Worth on the Planet.
From the false mindset of limitation, self-doubt and false identity…
This Realization is also called Self-Knowledge, Enlightenment, Bliss, Nirvana, God-within, Oneness.
Here’s the basis for how I do this:
1) Understanding that the evolution of brain’s development in thinking and consciousness is interrupted due to negative early childhood conditioning and experiences.
2) Knowing the general framework of the brain’s stage-by-stage development of thinking and consciousness, I can determine the level of an individual or group’s development.
3) Choosing strategies based in compassion, understanding and observation that are appropriate to the stage of development, enables me to most effectively open the door of awareness for a person or group. This is designed by intention to empower.
4) Practices are developed to strengthen the mind based on 1-3 of twelve approaches that can be adapted to any level of development to serve as a foundation for ongoing growth and development which, in reality, is ongoing, awakening to the next level of joy and ‘aha’ experiences, which is blissfulness.
This gives a person or persons the best chance to continue their own development, because the mind is open.
The broader this approach can be applied, the better the chance we have of averting the most serious of consequences that we are facing from our past collective behaviours…
And in the process, Awakening us to the Awareness of the Potential that this Planet and all its inhabitants can truly en-Joy, including sustainable peace, prosperity, equality, love and freedom.
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Read the book. https://roadmap.brainfocushealth.com