The British Wool Weekend is an annual event which is held at the York Auction Mart on Friday 5th August and Saturday 6th August 2016. The aim of British Wool Weekend, is to raise the profile of BRITISH WOOL and the many related products produced from British wool. If you are one of the talented and creative craft workers who use British wool, to spin, weave, knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider,
hand dye, make felt or any other textile process, or you simply enjoy exploring the textile treasures produced by these craft workers, a visit to this show will be a delight. Explore the stands full of treasures for the textile craft worker, or treat yourself to a hand crafted pure wool item. The Sheep Show Man and his woolly friends will be performing their educational and entertaining show,
You will also be able to relax and have a meal or a snack in the Cafe. There is a large free car park just outside the building, or if you don't want to drive to the show there will be a shuttle bus from York Station.