🇷🇴Deși pare un act de bunătate, hrănirea urșilor le face mai mult rău. Le distruge obiceiurile naturale, îi face dependenți de oameni și îi expune la pericole.Protejează urșii noștri, locuitorii sălbatici ai Transilvaniei! Respectă natura și nu le oferi hrană.Ajută-ne să păstrăm spiritul sălbatic al Transilvaniei. Împreună putem face diferența! 🏴Although it may seem like an act of kindness, feeding the bears does them more harm. It destroys their natural habits, makes them dependent on humans, and exposes them to danger.Protect our bears, the wild inhabitants of Transylvania! Respect nature and do not offer them food.Help us preserve the wild spirit of Transylvania. Together we can make a difference! 🇩🇪Obwohl es wie ein Akt der Freundlichkeit erscheinen mag, schadet das Füttern der Bären ihnen mehr. Es zerstört ihre natürlichen Gewohnheiten, macht sie abhängig von Menschen und setzt sie Gefahren aus.Schützen Sie unsere Bären, die wilden Bewohner Transsilvaniens! Respektieren Sie die Natur und bieten Sie ihnen kein Futter an.Helfen Sie uns, den wilden Geist Transsilvaniens zu bewahren. Gemeinsam können wir einen Unterschied machen! 🇫🇷Bien que cela puisse sembler un acte de gentillesse, nourrir les ours leur fait plus de mal que de bien. Cela détruit leurs habitudes naturelles, les rend dépendants des humains et les expose au danger.Protégez nos ours, les habitants sauvages de la Transylvanie ! Respectez la nature et ne leur offrez pas de nourriture.Aidez-nous à préserver l'esprit sauvage de la Transylvanie. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence !
Explore the stunning Transfagarasan, Balea Lake, and Balea Waterfall with our customizable tours tailored to your preferences.
Don't forget to live in harmony with nature!
Don't forget to live in harmony with nature!
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Viens en Transylvanie pour vivre une expérience unique !
Viens en Transylvanie pour vivre une expérience unique !
We show you the true face of Transylvania!
We show you the true face of Transylvania!
Come and get to know Transylvania from A to Z.
Discover the little-known traditions of Transylvania.
Are you passionate about running and traveling? If so, let's explore Sibiu and Alba-Iulia on a run!
Stop hesitating and come to the center of Romania, in the heart of Transylvania, to the most beautiful city in the country.
Stop hesitating and come to the center of Romania, in the heart of Transylvania, to the most beautiful city in the country.
Cu pasiune pentru experiențe de neuitat, Cu Drag oferă mai mult decât o simplă călătorie - își propune să creeze amintiri de neuitat pentru fiecare turist.