Years ago, Sister Nelson and I visited Machu Picchu high in the mountains of Perú. We marveled at what we experienced.
While we marvel at the accomplishments of men and women, all of that pales when compared with the creations and works of our loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
On this—my 100th New Year’s Day—I both marvel and rejoice at the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ, His life, His ministry, His mission, and more.
I marvel at the miracles required for the Prophet Joseph Smith to translate and publish the Book of Mormon, and I rejoice at the Restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I marvel at the faith of devoted Latter-day Saints around the world and rejoice that I have been blessed to meet countless individuals who have made my life so much richer.
I marvel at our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness and rejoice that families truly can be together forever.
May we strive this new year to marvel and rejoice at the privileges and opportunities our Father in Heaven and our Redeemer Jesus Christ provide.