A genius article from ProTV that reports exactly how taxi company owners respond when informed that their employees are not respecting the rules:
Georgeta Puiu, Owner of Taxi Mondial: "So what, he is the only one that negotiates? I'm just saying, but he has not been working with us for a long time."
Reporter: "I understand you are saying he is not working for you but the sign on his door..."
Georgeta Puiu: "He's not working for me, the driver has a terminated contract, he's no longer at my company, and the car is not on the road. Is he the only one that neogtiates? Just don't take him, don't get in the car."
Reporter: "Yes, but you as the owner of the company..."
Georgeta Puiu: "You're asking me too many questions. So, the car is not operating and the driver has not been with the company for a long time."
Reporter: "I understand, but you do not have to yell at me."
Georgeta Puiu: "No, I just speak loudly, Raluca, it is the way I speak. What should I do now, go search for him to hit him in the head? Tell me, what did he do to you?"
Reporter: "How do you punish drivers who act like this towards customers?"
Georgets Puiu: "Hey, are you trying to hold me responsible? I already told you. You gave me a license plate right?"
Reporter: "Yes."
Gerogeta Puiu: "So what are we doing now, chatting all night?"
Reporter: "We are not chatting, I asked you a question that has nothing to do with that particular driver."
Neregulile gasite la taximetristii din Capitala. Aroganta cu care raspund patronii lor atunci cand li se prezinta faptele