Zamakona Yards

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Zamakona Yards Zamakona Yards is one of Spain's main shipbuilding and ship repair groups with more than 41 years of experience in the maritime industry.

Zamakona Yards is one of Spain's main shipbuilding and ship repair groups. With more than 40 years of experience in the industry both in the Cantabrian Sea and in the Canary Islands, our group brings together more than 1.000 professionals who strive to provide our clients with the best service.

1972-. Pedro Garaygordóbil, our founding chairman, created Napesca in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Napes

ca was a workshop dealing in ship repairs, which at that stage had 12 employees and great expectations.

1978-. Aware of the continuing growth of the demand for new services, he founded Ircesa, a workshop for repairs and electrical installations.

1980-. Astilleros Zamakona, a shipyard in Bilbao, joined the group of companies. Today it is an international reference in new ship construction.

1987-. In order to guarantee the supply of parts and material - a fundamental requirement on an island - Asinaval was formed.

1988-. Repnaval, a ship repair yard, became part of the group, completing the range of services offered.

2006-. With the acquisition of Astilleros de Pasaia, Grupo Zamakona became one of the principal groups in shipbuilding and ship repairs in Spain.

Ceremonia de amadrinamiento del buque AntarcticEl sábado día 6 de julio ha tenido lugar en las instalaciones de ZAMAKONA...

Ceremonia de amadrinamiento del buque Antarctic

El sábado día 6 de julio ha tenido lugar en las instalaciones de ZAMAKONA en el puerto de Bilbao, la ceremonia de amadrinamiento del arrastrero pelágico para el armador escoces FISKEBAS FISHING CO. El evento ha contado con la presencia de los propietarios del buque así como una numerosa delegación de familiares y amigos llegados de Shetland para la ocasión. La madrina ha sido Mhairi Stewart.

El buque, diseñado por Skipsteknisk, cuenta con una eslora de 69,6 m y una manga de 15,2 m, una acomodación para 14 personas y reemplazará al Antarctic II (LK 145) construido en 20024 y con puerto base en Lerwick.

En las próximas semanas, el Antarctic realizará las pruebas de mar en aguas del Cantábrico. Posteriormente partirá para las Islas Shetland donde recogerá las artes de pesca y pondrá rumbo al caladero para iniciar la campaña.

Naming ceremony for the Antarctic

On Saturday, July 6th, the name gicing ceremony of the pelagic trawler for the scottish shipowner FISKEBAS FISHING CO. took place at the ZAMAKONA facilities in the port of Bilbao. The event was attended by the ship's owners as well as a large delegation of family and friends who arrived from Shetland for the event. The godmother was Mhairi Stewart.

The ship, designed by Skipsteknisk, has a length of 69.6 m and a beam of 15.2 m, accommodation for 14 people and will replace the Antarctic II (LK 145) built in 2024 and with its home port in Lerwick.

In the coming weeks, Antarctic will carry out sea trials in Cantabrian sea waters. She will later leave for the Shetland Islands where she will collect the fishing gear and head to the fishing ground to start the campaign.

New contract for Zamakona Yards A Live Fish Carrier 4000 M3 for Intership AS

New contract for Zamakona Yards
A Live Fish Carrier 4000 M3 for Intership AS


Aquaship / Intership bestiller ny toppmoderne brønnbåt
Aquaship / Intership fortsetter å satse. Selskapet har kontrahert en ny batteri-hybrid brønnbåt, med høyteknologiske løsninger for å kutte utslipp og sikre effektiv og skånsom fiskehåndtering.

- Denne båten blir et fantastisk tilskudd til det som allerede er en av verdens mest moderne flåter, sier Ole Peter Brandal, administrerende direktør i Aquaship / Intership.

Aquaship / Intership har 700 ansatte, med virksomhet i Chile, Skottland, Irland, Canada og Norge. Selskapet har hovedkontorer i Kristiansund og på Hareid.

Den nye brønnbåten, som er på 4000 m3, blir den 41. båten til selskapet. Brønnbåten blir batteri-hybrid, med en betydelig batteripakke, og utstyres med et spesialdesignet omvendt osmose-system.

- Vi ser og hører hva kundene trenger, og satser på båter som dekker både dagens og morgendagens behov. Det stilles nye og stadig høyere krav til fiskehelse, fiskevelferd, miljø- og klimautslipp. Jeg er stolt over at vi investerer i de beste brønnbåtene på markedet, som leverer på det, sier Brandal.

Båten er designet av norske Salt Ship Design og bygges ved det spanske verftet Zamakona i Bilbao, som har levert to brønnbåter til Intership / Aquaship tidligere. MIL Shipping har vært tilrettelegger for kontraheringen.

- Det krever svært mye kunnskap og erfaring å bygge toppmoderne brønnbåter. Vi jobber med aktører vi kjenner godt, og som vi vet leverer den beste tilgjengelige teknologien til oppdrettsbransjen på markedet. Det vil også være et stort innslag av norsk utstyr, sier Brandal.

Fiskehelse i fokus

Aquaship / Intership har i mange år ledet an i utviklingen innenfor ferskvannsbehandling av lus og AGD (amøbegjellesykdom) ved bruk av omvendt osmose (RO). Selskapet har opparbeidet seg omfattende operasjonell erfaring fra ferskvannsproduksjon og ferskvannsbehandling. Den nye båten vil ha et stort omvendt osmose-anlegg med produksjons kapasitet på 10 000 m3/døgn, samt være forberedt for kombinasjonsbehandling.

- Med dette anlegget kan vi fylle båten med egenprodusert ferskvann på et halvt døgn. Behandlingen gir svært god score på alle velferdsindikatorer og fisken tar til seg fôr like etter behandling. Dette gir gevinster økonomisk, for fiskevelferden og for miljøet, sier Brandal.

Den batteri-hybride teknologien sikrer optimal energieffektivisering, og redusere miljøavtrykket betydelig.

- Dette er viktige fremskritt og investeringer å ta nå. Skal vi levere best mulige tjenester til kundene våre i mange år fremover, må vi kutte utslipp raskere og bedre, sier Brandal.

Satser med nye eiere

Den nye brønnbåten er den første som blir kontrahert i bransjen, siden selskapet sist kontraherte to båter i 2022. Nylig ble det kjent at Aquaship / Intership kjøper en annen topp moderne brønnbåt, «Bjørg Pauline», av Nordlaks. Satsingen skjer etter at Aquaship / Intership slo seg sammen i desember, og fikk inn American Industrial Partners (AIP) som største eier.

- Vi har en tydelig vekststrategi i Norge og internasjonalt. For oss er det både nødvendig og viktig å satse videre, for å levere det markedet trenger fremover. Da er vi avhengige av å investere i de beste båtene og den aller nyeste teknologien. Vi er svært glade for å ha eiere som gjør det mulig, sier Brandal.

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 793 “ADAMAS” to Al Wusta Fisheries. Second tuna ...

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 793 “ADAMAS” to Al Wusta Fisheries. Second tuna purse seiner built for Oman after ACILA.

🔷 Zamakona Yards  will be present at NAVALIA (Vigo - Pontevedra, SPAIN), 21-22 -23 MAY 2024. You are cordially invited t...

🔷 Zamakona Yards will be present at NAVALIA (Vigo - Pontevedra, SPAIN), 21-22 -23 MAY 2024. You are cordially invited to visit our stand number C38

🔷 Zamakona Yards estará presente en NAVALIA (Vigo - Pontevedr), 21-22-23 DE MAYO DE 2024. Estáis invitados a visitar nuestro stand número C38

ZAMAKONA YARDS will build two new feed vessels for the shipping company Eidsvaag AS. Due to be delivered in 2026, the ve...

ZAMAKONA YARDS will build two new feed vessels for the shipping company Eidsvaag AS. Due to be delivered in 2026, the vessels will have diesel-electric propulsion systems with large battery packs and engines with fuel flexibility so they can run on biodiesel if desired.

The new vessels will be built based on a design from Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Grieg Shipbrokers has actively supported the shipyard and the shipowner in the purchase process.

Main particulars of the vessels:
Length: 71,10 m
Width: 17,60 m
Depth: 5,8 m
Speed: 13,5 knots
Cargo: 2,000 tons of feed divided between sack and silo
Propulsion system: Hybrid diesel-electric


Esta semana se ha entregado el "Heroínas de Sálvora" a Salvamento Marítimo. Enhorabuena a todos los que han participado en la construcción de este gran buque.

This week we have delivered the "Heroínas de Sálvora" ro Salvamento Marítimo. Congratulations to all who participated in the construction of this great vessel.

Pruebas de mar del buque "Heroínas de Sálvora" para Salvamento MarítimoSea trials of the ship "Heroínas de Sálvora" for ...

Pruebas de mar del buque "Heroínas de Sálvora" para Salvamento Marítimo

Sea trials of the ship "Heroínas de Sálvora" for Salvamento Marítimo

🇬🇧 With the punctuality typical of oil rigs, on Thursday we received the COSL PROSPECTOR in our berthing facilities. Aft...

🇬🇧 With the punctuality typical of oil rigs, on Thursday we received the COSL PROSPECTOR in our berthing facilities. After departing from the Port of San Ya, China, and a journey of 3 months, with stopovers in New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, the platform through the consignee CANARSHIP will stay in our facilities for 20 days to carry out the change of crew and maintenance works.

🇪🇦 Con la puntualidad propia de las plataformas petrolíferas, el jueves recibimos en nuestro muelle de operaciones a la COSL PROSPECTOR. Procedente del Puerto de San Ya, China, y tras un viaje de 3 meses, con escalas en Nueva Zelanda, Australia y Sudáfrica la plataforma a través de la consignataria CANARSHIP se mantendrá en nuestras instalaciones durante 20 días para realizar el cambio de tripulación y trabajos de mantenimiento.

New Antarctic for Fiskebas Fishing Co Ltd  ready for launching just after Xmas.

New Antarctic for Fiskebas Fishing Co Ltd ready for launching just after Xmas.

Merry Christmas and prosperous 2024 to all our suppliers, clients, and friends spread around the world.

Merry Christmas and prosperous 2024 to all our suppliers, clients, and friends spread around the world.

You are cordially invited to visit our stand Nr. 8500Venue: Rotterdam Ahoy / Hall 8 / Orange Pit  Dates: 7th-9th of Nove...

You are cordially invited to visit our stand Nr. 8500
Venue: Rotterdam Ahoy / Hall 8 / Orange Pit
Dates: 7th-9th of November

Please book your meeting with us at 👉[email protected]

Great days at DanFish in Aalborg sharing news with  with colleagues and friends. Find us at H-192.

Great days at DanFish in Aalborg sharing news with with colleagues and friends. Find us at H-192.

Delivery of our second well boat for Intership AS  INTER SCOTIA

Delivery of our second well boat for Intership AS INTER SCOTIA

Internship has taken delivery of its second newbuild from Zamakona Yards Bilbao.

La segunda edición    Meeting, coorganizado por Infecar Feria de Gran Canaria y Muéstralo S.L, (empresa organizadora de ...

La segunda edición Meeting, coorganizado por Infecar Feria de Gran Canaria y Muéstralo S.L, (empresa organizadora de Navalia) con el apoyo del Cluster Marítimo de Canarias y la FEDERACIÓN CANARIA DE EMPRESAS PORTUARIAS se celebrará por primera vez en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 20 al 22 de septiembre con el patrocinio gold de ZAMAKONA YARDS entre otras empresas.

Si desea mantener un contacto con nosotros, no dude en escribirnos a [email protected] donde le atenderemos gustosamente.

¡Les esperamos en !

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” will be present at the SPE OFFSHORE EUROPE, 05 - 08 SEPT 2023 | P&J LIVE ABERDEENPlease ...

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” will be present at the SPE OFFSHORE EUROPE, 05 - 08 SEPT 2023 | P&J LIVE ABERDEEN

Please book your meeting with us at 👉[email protected]

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 792 “ACILA” to Al Wusta Fisheries. We wish Acila...

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 792 “ACILA” to Al Wusta Fisheries. We wish Acila and all crew members a safe, long and prosperous life.

NORSHIPPING (Oslo) 06-09 JuneFind us at Stand D02-28.

NORSHIPPING (Oslo) 06-09 June
Find us at Stand D02-28.

See you in Aberdeen this weekend¡¡

See you in Aberdeen this weekend¡¡


Intership gjennomførte lørdag 11. Mars dåp på en av markedets mest moderne brønnbåter «Inter Atlantic». «Inter Atlantic» er den første av Intership sine to nybygg fra Zamakona, designet av NSK Ship Design og har en lastekapasitet på 2,200m3


Guided Tour onboard Isafold pelagic trawler

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” will be present at the 6th edition of the Halieutis Fair ( Salon Halieutis), the biennia...

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” will be present at the 6th edition of the Halieutis Fair ( Salon Halieutis), the biennial international meeting of the fisheries sector
🗓 02 - 05 FEBRUARY, 2023

📨 Please book your meeting with us at 👉 [email protected]


Det 87 meter lange fiskerifartøj HG 333 Isafold er ankommet til Hirtshals Havn. Det er et ganske spektakulært syn, der nu pryder Hirtshals Havn, efter det 87 meter lange fiskefartøj HG 333 Isafold er ankommet til Nordjylland fra det spanske værft Zamakona Yards. Skibet var oprindeligt bestilt af...

Nuestra delegación de Canarias lanza esta OFERTA DE   para  COMERCIAL que cumpla los siguientes requisitos:- Titulación ...

Nuestra delegación de Canarias lanza esta OFERTA DE para COMERCIAL que cumpla los siguientes requisitos:
- Titulación de Ingeniería naval o similar con experiencia en el sector de la reparación naval.
- Manejo del paquete office
- Nivel de inglés alto
- Disponibilidad para viajar
Aquellos interesantes deberán presentar su CV a través de este enlace con la referencia COMERCIAL 2022

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 799 “ISAFOLD” to owners Lise Bjorn Jorgensen, Ka...

We are delighted to announce the successful delivery of our Newbuilding 799 “ISAFOLD” to owners Lise Bjorn Jorgensen, Karsten Molgaard and Kristian Larsen, Hirstals, Denmark. We wish Isafold and all crew members a safe, long and prosperous life.

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” specialised in afloat & dry dock Ship Repairs will be present at the next edition of SMM...

Zamakona Yards “Canary Islands” specialised in afloat & dry dock Ship Repairs will be present at the next edition of SMM Hamburg 2022.
Please book your meeting with us at [email protected]

ZAMAKONA YARDS will be at ONS STAVANGER 2022 (29 August - 1 September)Send us an email to an...

ZAMAKONA YARDS will be at ONS STAVANGER 2022 (29 August - 1 September)
Send us an email to [email protected] and discover what our company can do for you

ZAMAKONA YARDS CANARIAS sigue apostando por la diversificación e inaugura en Gran Canaria una nueva industria de recuper...

ZAMAKONA YARDS CANARIAS sigue apostando por la diversificación e inaugura en Gran Canaria una nueva industria de recuperación y reutilización de vidrio para su uso en el sector naval e industrial, denominada ECOGRIT GLASS. Esta iniciativa se une a otros importantes proyectos relacionados con la eólica marina en el afán de liderar e invertir cada vez más en el sector energético.

La planta de ECOGRIT está basada en parámetros de economía circular ya que aprovecha los residuos de vidrio generados en Canarias para crear, por un lado, unos abrasivos libres de metales pesados y elementos tóxicos, químicamente inertes y no reactivos que serán utilizado en el chorreo de barcos del astillero de Zamakona Yards. Por otro lado, otra de las aplicaciones del producto resultante será la fabricación de pavimentos ecológicos implementados por la empresa Byond y, por último, una fracción del material volverá a Vidrieras Canarias para la fabricación de nuevos envases


ZAMAKONA YARDS CANARIAS continues its commitment to diversification and begins in Gran Canaria a new industry for the recovery and reuse of glass for use in the naval and industrial sector, called ECOGRIT GLASS. This initiative joins other important projects related to offshore wind power in the eagerness to lead and increase investment in the energy sector.

The ECOGRIT plant is based on circular economy parameters as it uses glass waste generated in the Canary Islands to create, on the one hand, abrasives free of heavy metals and toxic elements, chemically inert and non-reactive, which will be used in the blasting of ships at ZAMAKONA YARDS facilities. Furthermore, another of the applications of the resulting product will be the manufacture of ecological flooring implemented by the company BYOND Finally, a fraction of the material will return to the company VIDRIERAS CANARIAS for the manufacture of new glass containers.



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