Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories

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Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories We explore both the mainstream & alternative perspectives about the ancient history of our planet. (

This Page explores both the mainstream and alternative perspectives about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys.

🌟 From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🟢🌞🌟 IRELAND: From the Live Stream broadcast yesterday, December 21, 2023 for the W...

🌟 From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🟢🌞🌟 IRELAND: From the Live Stream broadcast yesterday, December 21, 2023 for the Winter Sun's Solstice entry into the ancient passage tomb of Newgrange, a Stone Age (Neolithic) monument in the Boyne Valley, County Meath. It's the jewel in the crown of Ireland's Ancient East. Archaeologists tell us that it was constructed about 5,200 years ago, around 3,200 BCE.

👉 The Winter Solstice is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice occurs on 21 or 22 December, when the sun shines directly over the tropic of Capricorn. At sunrise on the shortest day of the year, for 17 minutes, direct sunlight can enter the Newgrange monument, not through the doorway, but through the specially contrived small opening above the entrance known as the ‘roof box’, to illuminate the Chamber.

➡ Did those who won the yearly lottery to be inside the chamber for this amazing phenomenon see the Sun's rays enter? Find out by watching the entire broadcast here:
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A look at the new discoveries that make Neanderthals more knowable now than ever ...Neanderthals are Homo sapiens’s clos...

A look at the new discoveries that make Neanderthals more knowable now than ever ...

Neanderthals are Homo sapiens’s closest-known relative, and today we know we rubbed shoulders with them for thousands of years, up until the very end of their long reign some 40,000 years ago. Most researchers see no reason to believe our two species didn’t get along with each other back then, yet we haven’t been very kind to Neanderthals since their remains were first unearthed in the 19th century, often characterizing them as lumbering dimwits or worse. Even today, their name is sometimes hurled at misbehaving members of our own species, though there is no evidence they engaged in any kind of prehistoric hooliganism.

➡ Read the entire article here:
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Neanderthals have held our fascination ever since we first identified their remains. Today, thanks to new artifacts and technologies, findings about our closest relatives are coming thick and fast.

✨ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 😘 ⁉️ Whether you believe in ATLANTIS or NOT: There is a Story Behind the Legend ! ...

✨ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 😘 ⁉️ Whether you believe in ATLANTIS or NOT: There is a Story Behind the Legend ! Let's examine it: Atlantis has become a taboo subject in many scholarly circles, often branded as pseudo-science and invented interpretations from Plato's Dialogues. But was it? ➡️ Read our post and the full article and then share your comments if you'd like.

👉 Plato was a Greek philosopher from Athens in Ancient Greece during the Classical period in the 5th to 4th century BC. He was the student of Socrates and taught Aristotle, credited with founding the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.

👉 Plato first introduced Atlantis in the Timaeus, a monologue of Timaeus of Locri, a character who appears as a philosopher and a wealthy aristocrat from the Greek colony of Lokroi Epizephyrio. Modern scholarship tends to dismiss Timaeus’s historicity, considering him a literary construct by Plato from features of the Pythagoreans. ➡️ Read the full article:
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🔵 From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 PERU: The UNESCO World Heritage site of Sacsayhuaman & the Kundalini Serpent ➡ E...

🔵 From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 PERU: The UNESCO World Heritage site of Sacsayhuaman & the Kundalini Serpent ➡ Excerpted from the popular classic The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Special Edition by Sacred Sites Journeys' Co-Founder Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author

👉 Here we see some of the most amazing megalithic architecture - walls made of giant stones, fitted together perfectly without any mortar! There are three parallel walls built in different levels. The limestone boulders used for the lower levels are the largest, with one about 28 ft. tall, and weighing over 150 tons. They are megalithic architecture supreme! We believe it's possible that they were built long before the Incas, during the time of a world-wide civilization that was highly-advanced technologically.

👉 In the stone on the 1st of the upper levels we see a carved symbol of a vertically-ascending snake. On the esoteric level of explanation it could be a representation of the course of the Kundalini as it moves up the human spine. This Sachahuma Kundalini motif closely approximates the length of a normal human spine from base to skull. The Kundalini Serpent was well-known among the Incas and was referred to by them as the Kori Machakway, the "Serpent of Gold". Local legends say that when the Spanish arrived they reported that it was filled with six or seven crystalline spheres, representing the sequential chakras, and with gold filling out its head.

🤔 So…consider this: IF Sacsayhuaman was not built by the Incas, but by a much earlier pre-Inca civilization (which we believe was the case), then might they have also known about the serpent power? We think they did!

➡️ You can order a signed copy of the book directly from Mark Amaru at 🙏
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➡ We'll explore this amazing ancient site and its many mysteries during our Spiritual Journey and Shamanic Retreat at Machu Picchu, Cusco & The Sacred Valley of the Incas, April 21 - May 2, 2024 with with Featured Speaker Mark Amaru Pinkham and SSJs' Director Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, both Andean ritual specialists and longtime researchers of ancient megalithic history & technology who have led over 30 spiritual journeys to PERU since 1994. ➡
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🌟🌟 Did The Plague Of Athens Come From Egypt Or Is It A Myth? Many reports from antiquity about outbreaks of plague menti...

🌟🌟 Did The Plague Of Athens Come From Egypt Or Is It A Myth? Many reports from antiquity about outbreaks of plague mention Egypt as the source of pestilences that reached the Mediterranean. But was this really the case? Researchers from the University of Basel are conducting a critical analysis of the ancient written and documentary evidence combined with archaeogenetic findings to add some context to the traditional view.

Red and inflamed eyes, bad breath, fever, violent convulsions, boils and blisters over the entire body: these and other symptoms are mentioned by historian Thucydides in connection with the "Plague of Athens," which lasted from 430 to 426 BCE. He suspected that the epidemic originated in Aithiopia.

"This area isn't to be confused with the country we now know as Ethiopia, but was a more general term used at the time to refer to the region south of Egypt," explains Professor Sabine Huebner, Professor of Ancient History at the University of Basel.

Contemporary accounts suggest that later epidemics in the Mediterranean also started in Egypt and Aithiopia, such as the Antonine Plague, the Plague of Cyprian and the Justinianic Plague, which ravaged the ancient world between the second and sixth centuries.

➡ Read the entire article here:
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- Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys.
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Many reports from antiquity about outbreaks of plague mention Egypt as the source of pestilences that reached the Mediterranean. But was this really the case?

➡ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 🌟 PERU - FEATURED SPEAKER Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author and I invite you to join u...

➡ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 🌟 PERU - FEATURED SPEAKER Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author and I invite you to join us for our Spiritual Journey and Shamanic Retreat at Machu Picchu, Cusco & The Sacred Valley of the Incas, April 21 - May 2, 2024. With an Optional Post-Tour Extension to Lake Titicaca: May 2 - 5, 2024 - Between us, we've led over 35 groups to PERU since 1994.

🌟 We're both trained practitioners in the Inca Spiritual Tradition. In order to fully receive the Andean energies, we'll provide you with training in certain facets of Andean Shamanism so you can learn how to harness the Earth's power for healing, spiritual awakening and deep transformation.

🌟 Throughout our 12-day Andean journey we'll travel in and around Cusco, as well as to and from our retreat center in the Sacred Valley of the Incas to many of the high-powered vortexes of Peru. In these places, like Machu Picchu, we'll experience amazing megalithic temples and carved stone altars where important Andean initiations were observed for millennia. We'll offer rituals and meditations at these sacred places.

🌟 🌟 SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS at MACHU PICCHU! One of the highlights of this unique spiritual journey will be a 2-day visit to the Crown Jewel of the Andes! Andrea & I are offering you these unique opportunities:
1) Puma Meditation/Initiation - At an out of the way place they'll assist you to connect with the energies of the Puma, the Totem animal of the Third World in the Inca Spiritual Tradition. This powerful animal teaches us how to live in the physical plane, our 3-D world.
2) Amaru/Serpent Meditation/Initiation - Away from the crowds of tourists, Andrea & I will assist you to connect with the energies of the Amaru or Serpent, the Totem of the Uku Pacha, the Lower World. In our own consciousness this energy represents our unconscious, our dreams, our meditative states. Open yourself to receive the gifts of this powerful energy!

➡ To view a detailed itinerary, obtain pricing and information about how to join our group:
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✨✨✨ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 WORLD TRANSFORMATION & THE COMING 5TH WORLD OF UNIFICATION: The Great Solar Di...

✨✨✨ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page 🌟 WORLD TRANSFORMATION & THE COMING 5TH WORLD OF UNIFICATION: The Great Solar Disc of PERU and the Pachacuti ➡ Excerpted from the popular classic The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Special Edition by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author & Featured Speaker on our Sacred Sites Journeys to PERU

👉 The Andean Ritual Specialists maintain that every 500 years the Great Solar Disc - which is now at the bottom of the sacred Lake Titicaca - reawakens and generates alchemical power that leads to a planetary Pachacuti or "world transformation." The Solar Disc is said to have shut down in 1492 with the European takeover of the Americas and then become reactivated 500 years later in 1992. It currently works non-stop to alchemically transform Earth and initiate the 5th World of Union.

👉 Legend has it that the Solar Disc was anciently brought to Earth by Sanat Kumara, the King of the World and our planet's first Savior, who arrived from his celestial seat of the Pleiades via Venus. The Solar Disc is said to have been made on Venus out of metals indigenous to that planet, but not of the Earth.

👉 The Solar Disc became an important power object of the Order of the Seven Rays (aka Great White Brotherhood) when it was founded on Lemuria by Sanat Kumara in order to preserve and disseminate the Gnostic-Alchemical Tradition he brought from the Seven Sisters. So great was the Solar Disc's power that when struck it could change the axis of the Earth. During the time of the world Pachacuti that sunk Atlantis the disc was brought to the Andes by Aramu Muru, a high ranking sage of the 7 Ray Order, for safe keeping.

👉 Aramu Muru initially kept the Solar Disc in the Monastery of the Seven Rays he built near Titicaca. Many years later he transported it to the Valley of Cusco where it hung in the Coricancha, the Golden Temple of the Sun, and became the prized possession of the Inca Empire. Legend has it that during this time Aramu Muru changed his name and ruled the Incas as their first priest king, Manco Kapac.

👉 When the Spanish invaded Peru the Solar Disc was taken back to Titicaca and placed at the bottom of the sacred lake. Since its reactivation in 1992 there have been numerous sightings of it in the lake to confirm its existence. Meanwhile, its transformative essence is constantly being amplified by the water of the lake and circulating within the Andean Chacana Grid and throughout the Planetary Grid. Those actively seeking to be transformed by the alchemical power of the Solar Disc can travel to Peru and/or they can summon its power at vortexes closer to home. Visualizations within the comfort and safety of one’s own home have also been known to summon its uplifting emanations.

➡➡ We'll be actively invoking the power of the Solar Disc during our upcoming Sacred Sites Journey to PERU in 2024. We'll also be offering initiation into the Order of the Seven Rays. A Spiritual Journey and Shamanic Retreat at Machu Picchu, Cusco & The Sacred Valley of the Incas, April 21 - May 2, 2024, with an optional Post-Tour Extension to Lake Titicaca (where some believe the Solar Disc resides!), May 2 - 5, 2024.

‼ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We won't be offering another SSJ to PERU for several years, so please join our 2024 group! 🌟 Our group is filling quickly! Reserve your place NOW to assure a spot! To view a detailed itinerary, obtain pricing and information about how to join our group:

➡️ You can order a signed copy of the book or the PDF directly from Mark Amaru at 🙏 Thank you for supporting an independent author & publisher!
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➡ From Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author: ✨ PERU - Sacsayhuaman and the Kundalini Serpent: At Sacsayhuaman we find this curiou...

➡ From Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author: ✨ PERU - Sacsayhuaman and the Kundalini Serpent: At Sacsayhuaman we find this curious carving that resembles a snake. "This symbolic carving is that of a vertically-ascending apparent representation of the course of the Kundalini up the human spine to the top of the head. This Sachahuma Kundalini motif, which in size closely approximates the length of a normal human spine from base to skull, is believed to have one been filled six or seven crystalline spheres, representing the sequential chakras, and perhaps with gold filling out its head. ...Supposedly the Kundalini Serpent was well-known among the Incas and was referred to by them as the Kori Machakway, the "Serpent of Gold". ➡ Excerpted from my book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Special Edition

👉 Our next Sacred Sites Journey to PERU is A Spiritual Journey and Shamanic Retreat at Machu Picchu, Cusco & The Sacred Valley of the Incas, April 21 - May 2, 2024. With an Optional Post-Tour Extension to Lake Titicaca: May 2 - 5, 2024.

‼ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We won't be offering another SSJ to PERU for several years, so please join our 2024 group! The group is filling and we're only taking 15 people, so reserve your space asapo if you want to join us! ➡ To view a detailed itinerary, obtain pricing and information about how to join our group:

➡️ You can order a signed copy of the book directly or the PDF directly from me at 🙏 Thank you for supporting an independent author & publisher!

➡ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page ⭐ PERU: Is there more to the story of who built Machu Picchu and when than mainstr...

➡ From our Sacred Sites Journeys Page ⭐ PERU: Is there more to the story of who built Machu Picchu and when than mainstream archaeologists tell us - that it was built by the Sapa Inca Pachacuti starting in about 1440 BCE and was inhabited until the Spanish conquest of Peru in 1532? Of course! ➡ View our video here:

👉 The construction displayed at the ancient site spans many types of building, and definitely there is the megalithic construction, as well as what is recognized as the Inca construction.

👉 Since the site wasn't discovered by the Spanish Conquistadors, it remained as a time capsule. The stonework shows astonishing differences in quality of craftsmanship.

👉 See some excellent examples of this in our short video. And then ...quite possibly you'll agree that Machu Picchu could have been built in antiquity by the technologically-advanced civilization that seems to have spanned the globe.

➡ We'll explore these theories as we visit Machu Picchu during our Shamanic Retreat at Machu Picchu, Cusco & The Sacred Valley of the Incas, April 21 - May 2, 2024. With an Optional Post-Tour Extension to Lake Titicaca, May 2 - 5, 2024.

‼ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We won't be offering another SSJ to PERU for several years, so please join our 2024 group! The group is filling and we're only taking 15 people, so reserve your space asapo if you want to join us!
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Sacred Sites Journeys, with Featured Speaker Mark Amaru Pinkham, author of The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, and Director Andrea Mikana-Pinkham visits Ma...

➡ From my Page - The Temple of the Goddess 🌀✨ DOE, A DEER, A FEMALE REINDEER: THE SPIRIT OF WINTER SOLSTICELong before S...

➡ From my Page - The Temple of the Goddess 🌀✨ DOE, A DEER, A FEMALE REINDEER: THE SPIRIT OF WINTER SOLSTICE

Long before Santa charioted his flying steeds across our mythical skies, it was the female reindeer who drew the sleigh of the sun goddess at Winter Solstice.

So this season, when we gather by the fire to tell children bedtime stories of Santa and his flying reindeer – why not tell the story of the ancient Deer Mother of old? It was she who once flew through winter’s longest darkest night with the life-giving light of the sun in her horns.

Ever since the early Neolithic, when the earth was much colder and reindeer more widespread, the female reindeer was venerated by northern people. She was the “life-giving mother”, the leader of the herds upon which they depended for survival, and they followed the reindeer migrations for milk, food, clothing and shelter.

And from the British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, across the land bridge of the Bering Strait, she was a revered spiritual figure associated with fertility, motherhood, regeneration and the rebirth of the sun (the theme of winter solstice).

Many winter goddesses in northern legends were associated with the solstice. They took to the skies led by a bevvy of flying animals. One tells of the return of Saule, the Lithuanian and Latvian goddess of the sun. She flew across the heavens in a sleigh pulled by horned reindeer and threw pebbles of amber (symbolizing the sun) into chimneys.
➡ Excerpted from
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- Thank you for your interest in The Temple of the Goddess! )O( As well as our Sacred Sites Journeys to Sacred Places of the Goddess -
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SCOTLAND: The Many Possible Uses For Scotland’s Knobbly Orbs - LIKE STONEHENGE, THE KNOBBLY ORBS of Scotland, England, a...

SCOTLAND: The Many Possible Uses For Scotland’s Knobbly Orbs - LIKE STONEHENGE, THE KNOBBLY ORBS of Scotland, England, and Ireland conjure much speculation among theorists. We only know the 5,000-year-old stone artifacts date back to the Neolithic era, are approximately 2.75 inches to 4.5 inches in diameter, and engraved with cryptic geometric designs. There over 400 of them collected in such places as the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford and the National Museum of Scotland.

Besides that, the orbs are shrouded in mystery. Were they dice, résumés, or lethal bludgeons?
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- Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys.
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We asked for your thoughts on the function of these mysterious relics, and boy did you deliver.

🌟 👉 EGYPT: Esna - Ancient New Year's scene from Egypt uncovered on roof of 2,200-year-old temple👉  A stunning New Year's...

🌟 👉 EGYPT: Esna - Ancient New Year's scene from Egypt uncovered on roof of 2,200-year-old temple

👉 A stunning New Year's scene painted by ancient Egyptians has been uncovered by researchers restoring artwork on the ceiling of the Temple of Esna — a temple built around 2,200 years ago that underwent a major renovation about 2,000 years ago when the Romans controlled Egypt.

The paintings show the Egyptian deities Orion (also called Sah), Sothis and Anukis on neighboring boats with the sky goddess Nut swallowing the evening sky above them — a mythology that details the Egyptian New Year, according to a statement from the University of Tübingen in Germany, which jointly led the restoration with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Read the complete article here:
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➡ Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys. We'll visit the Temple of Esna to view these beautiful wall panels during our November 2023 Sacred Sites Journey to EGYPT!

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🌟 EGYPT: LOST Relics of the Great Sphinx REVEALED! | Ancient ArchitectsNot many people know that there was once an ancie...

🌟 EGYPT: LOST Relics of the Great Sphinx REVEALED! | Ancient Architects

Not many people know that there was once an ancient temple, shrine or sanctuary between the paws of The Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt. It was excavated in the 19th century and it contained a number of artefacts that have been lost to time, and very little is known about them today.

These include smaller lion statues, two more stele of Ramesses II, which sat adjacent to the Dream Stele, the beard of the Sphinx, a horned altar, and much more. There was also a grand staircase and more infrastructure built by the Greeks and the Romans.

It is thanks to Giovanni Caviglia's excavations and the writings of Henry Salt that we know what was discovered in the 19th century, and you can reads Salt's words in Howard Vyse's book 'Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Giza in 1837' Volume III, linked below.

In this video I will reveal all of the lost relics of the Great Sphinx and I will be trying my best to now locate them in the museums around the world.
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- Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites in EGYPT with Sacred Sites Journeys. Our 2023 group is full! Dates for next year are November 10 - 23, 2024. Stay tuned at
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Not many people know that there was once an ancient temple, shrine or santuary between the paws of The Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt. It was excavated in the...

INDIA: Shocking Ancient Technology Found In Bangalore Temple | Underground Secret Will Be Revealed Soon? Watch Praveen M...

INDIA: Shocking Ancient Technology Found In Bangalore Temple | Underground Secret Will Be Revealed Soon? Watch Praveen Mohan's fascinating video!
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- Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys.
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The ancient Ranganathasamy temple in the heart of Bengaluru has recently become an object of curiosity. There is a rotating stone assembled in a pillar. But ...

🌟 EGYPT: No crowns of the Pharaohs have ever been found in an intact burial/tomb. However, we do see depictions of them ...

🌟 EGYPT: No crowns of the Pharaohs have ever been found in an intact burial/tomb. However, we do see depictions of them on the temple walls, in statues and various other artifacts.

👉 Hedjet is the formal name for the White Crown of pharaonic Upper Egypt. The crown was white and, after the unification of Egypt, it was combined with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt, to form the Pschent, the Double Crown of Egypt.

👉 The white crown, along with the red crown, has a long history, with each of their respective representations going back into the Predynastic Period, indicating that kingship had been the base of Egyptian society for some time. The earliest image of the Hedjet known so far is in Northern Nubia (Ta-Seti) from around the Naqada II period (c. 3500–3200 BCE).

👉 The Deshret or Red Crown frequently is mentioned in texts and depicted in reliefs and statues. An early example is the depiction of the victorious pharaoh wearing the deshret on the Narmer Palette.

👉 The Pschent was the name of the Double Crown of Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians generally referred to it as sekhemti, the Two Powerful Ones, which represented the pharaoh's power over all of unified Egypt. The invention of the Pschent is generally attributed to the First Dynasty pharaoh Menes.
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys. ➡ Our 2023 SSJ to EGYPT is full! Our next trip will be November 10 - 23, 2024.
➡ To see more of our posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow our Page.

🌟 EGYPT: Here's a 1925 drawing of exploration of a chamber on the Giza Plateau. Was this indeed a burial chamber? Or was...

🌟 EGYPT: Here's a 1925 drawing of exploration of a chamber on the Giza Plateau. Was this indeed a burial chamber? Or was it part of pre-dynastic construction on the Giza Plateau, found and later reused in dynastic times? The dynastic Egyptians didn't have the tools, nor the technology to construct the stone boxes like the ones show here, which looks to be similar to the ones found in the Serapeum.
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- Thank you for your interest in our Archaeology Alternative Perspectives and Theories Page. We explore the alternative perspectives and theories about the archaeology of our past, as well as our travels to visit ancient sites with Sacred Sites Journeys. ➡ Our next SSJ to EGYPT is A Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt, November 5 - 18, 2023
- To see more of our posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow our Page.



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