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Family Russell-Smith Travel We are the Russell-Smiths and we love to Travel.

15th July 2024Day 18 of our  9hrs hikeAfter the high of hitting 4 of our 14 basecamps and a hard hike out, it was diffic...

15th July 2024

Day 18 of our

9hrs hike

After the high of hitting 4 of our 14 basecamps and a hard hike out, it was difficult to wake up to more snow. The novelty has 100% worn off, and to know we had a hard day ahead already without the snow made this a difficult morning. Most days, we had some sun to melt the snow, but today, the snow continued to fall in the morning, meaning placing feet became hard, and the ground was super slippy. There was nothing too sketchy, but it was just hard going.

After a few hours of hiking, we arrived back in Concordia. Not our final stop as it was only 9 am. It was chaos in camp as two groups were packing up and heading in different directions. We were heading back out the way we came, and another Epic group (who had already left) were heading to the Gondogoro Pass. The chaos was the sutting down of camps and the mass pack up with mules and porters everywhere packing their bags and heading back down the mountain.

After a brief stop and snack, we headed off again. We wanted to do our best to head back to Goro 1 camp, but due to the slow pace in the snow, it looked like we were hitting Goro 2.
By this time, the sun was back out, the snow had gone, and we were warming up quickly.

We hiked on through all the way to Goro 2 with no more stops, not even for lunch (again). We arrive in camp cold as the weather closed in again, hungry having not eaten and pretty fed up. The wind was whipping up a gale and not for the first time camp was not ready for us. Not for the first time, John had to reset the tents and not for the first time we were putting on a brave face, but it's getting tough...

Putting that aside, it's still absolutely stunning out here. With all the snow, the mountains are white capped and beautiful. Literally, every worry and stress just disappear. We also saw some pretty big avalanches today high up. The noise they make is horrendous and really makes you feel so small!!

14th July 2024Day 17 of our   Camp to G1/G2 basecamp RTN to army camp just short of Concordia. 9hrs.Another early wake u...

14th July 2024

Day 17 of our

Camp to G1/G2 basecamp RTN to army camp just short of Concordia. 9hrs.

Another early wake up to clear sky's and a cold biting breeze. It was a cold night last night, and we definitely needed our warm sleeping bags and clothes last night. Thank god for feathers.

The hike took us 3 hours up to G1/G2 past an army camp. This camp was different from the rest we had seen. The rubbish and pollution in these camps are pretty poor. They are covered in used fule jerry cans and piles of rubbish dumped in holes in the ice. This camp also had a helicopter wreckage from a previous crash.

We continued on past the camp following a stream and the moranes. It was a tough little hike, but we finally made it.

4 base camps out of 14 DONE!

It was a great feeling as a few days ago. I really did think it was not going to happen. 4 base camps completed as this camp counts for two! 😁

Whilst we were having our photos taken next to the sign, a group of climbers from came out of their mess tent and invited us in for tea, Coca-Cola, and biscuits The boys were super excited to have coke and REAL Oreo's (not the Pakistan versions).

We got chatting. Two of the climbers were part of a team to climb G2, and we met one Swiss lady who was on her way to climbing all 14 peaks. They had been waiting for a while as the weather had not been playing ball. They hope to head out tomorrow for an acclimatisation climb. This was an absolute morale booster,having been ill as well as the tough hike, and the boys literally skipped out of camp and down the mountain.

The weather was OK for the return with a leg back along the same hard path, although it was not as hard as the way in with the wind behind us and it being more downhill than up. We were hoping to make it to Concordia, but alas, this was a no-go as it had all taken too long. So camp was set about 2 hours short next to an old army camp. We arrived cold and hungry (not having lunch again) and were little disappointed to have ended up short of Concordia.

As we set up the weather turned again bringing more wind and snow.

17th August 2024Day 15 of our  Today, we headed to the Mari Mari Cultural Village.  .official To be honest, we had heard...

17th August 2024

Day 15 of our

Today, we headed to the Mari Mari Cultural Village. .official

To be honest, we had heard great things about this place, but despite this, we were still concerned it would be a tourist trap and not our sort of thing. HOW WRONG WE WERE!

We were on an early extra booking (as they were so busy), and this meant our group was small. We were guided round by a super enthusiastic and knowledge guide (I did not note his name down) who was also a member of one of the tribe that we were learning about. He had been doing this job for 10 years, and you could see his passion for it had not wained!

We were also unsure how the boys would be and if they would enjoy it. How wrong we were! They absolutely loved it, and so did we all.

Basically, we were shown round the houses of the 4 main tribes found in Borneo. Obviously the houses are all replicas, but they are really well made, feel authentic, and are well maintained.

As you went, you visited each community, and there were people from the tribes in traditional dress preparing traditional food and drink, including rice wine, pancakes, cookies, and tea. We got to try them all (no rice wine for boys, obvs). It was also clear everyone loved their job and loved being part of the experience.

After visiting the 4 huts, we watched a dance and music show of the different tribes. Again, the boys (and Mum and Dad) really enjoyed this and were thrilled by the skills of the dancers.

This all ended in a lovely Malaysian buffet lunch.

This is an experience that is worth the little extra cost and gives you an awesome insight into the traditional life of the local tribes. It's was super interesting and super fun!

13th July 2024Day 17 of our   Concordia to 2hrs short of G1/2 camp 22km - 9hrsIt's time to shake it off and get on. Both...

13th July 2024

Day 17 of our

Concordia to 2hrs short of G1/2 camp 22km - 9hrs

It's time to shake it off and get on. Both of the adults are feeling better. Not 100% but more like 90% with the antibiotics kicking in. This had to be the toughest of days for many reasons.

1. We are still rough - boys still good, however.
2. Time and distance - it was a long, hard slog uphill
3. The weather was crappy in the second half of the hike with snow, sleet, and wind.
4. Hungry - For some reason, the guide decided to skip lunch today.. we did stop at 1am for some noddle soup and crakers, but by 5pm, we were super tired, and the boys were super hungry.

The hike was along a morane that was very up and down. This is not a hike that is well trodden, so the "path" did not really exist. By hour 5, we were certainly questioning our wisdom for doing this. The weather had really closed in, and the wind had wipped up. We were cold, feeling rough and hungry, and we still had 4 hrs to go.

This is the first time we have seen the boys struggle. Up to this point, they were in a good place. William particularly started to struggle and asked how much longer quite a few times. He did super well, and about 10 mins before we reached camp, he had a little cry as he was so tired, cold, and hungry. Luckily, it was only 10 minutes, and so we were able to get him warm and fed ASAP.

Another decision by the guide was to not take the mess tent and some of the comforts. We instead had to hunker down from the cold and wind in the cramped kitchen tent. At least it was warm!

The camp was about 2 hours hike short of G1/G2 basecamp, which was our target. The camp spot was idylic but also scary. We were surrounded by high steep mountains with huge glaciers. It makes you feel very small and very vulnerable! To make it worse every so often, a huge rumble like thunder would crash through the valley as an avalanche would cascade down the mountain. You questioned, "What if there is a truly huge one... are we safe? In reality, we were, but it made you think!

We ate food and hit the tent early, listening to the odd rumble of the mountain trying to think positive thoughts!

16th August 2024Day 14 of our  Another early start... ( I feel like I have said that a lot).. as we woke before sunset t...

16th August 2024

Day 14 of our

Another early start... ( I feel like I have said that a lot).. as we woke before sunset to reach
Sosodikon Hill Kundasang they open early if you book in advance, and wow, do you get a great sunrise. It's pretty spectacular and well worth the 4am wake-up.

We headed back to Kota Kinabalu as we have a few days there before we fly back to Peninsula Malaysia. It was a long 3-hour drive, and we stopped for breakfast on the way.

When we arrived in the city, we were told by our accommodation that 11am am was too early to check in and we would have to wait. No issues, we thought, let's go to Sunset Beach, find some lunch, and have a swim in the sea.

We failed at two out of three of these aims. We made it to Sunset Beach, but all the food stalls were closed as they only opened at sunset... obvs.. we had some fruit left over, so ate that and then thought, "Let's swim.. until we saw the two signs!

Sign number 1 - beware of the jelly fish
Sign number 2 - beware of the Crocodiles

No swimming for us then.

The beach was also not pretty. The stalls were rough and rundown. They charged for sitting on the seats (despite NOONE being there), and the beach was full of rubish. We have found rubbish to be a real issue on the borneo beaches. Looking at the rubbish, it was mostly Malaysian in origin. We did see a lot of stilt village communities along the coast, and I think the lack of education in these areas might be part of the reason as these were full of rubbish!

We decided to drive and park at our accommodation and find lunch there before we check in and spent the rest of the day swimming in the awesome roof top pool!

12th July 2024Day 16 of our   Look not everything in life if hunkydory and perfect. Instagram and other socials do a goo...

12th July 2024

Day 16 of our

Look not everything in life if hunkydory and perfect. Instagram and other socials do a good job at making everyone's life/holidays/experiences perfect... this is a photo of me feeling rough, just for laughs!

Today.. Day 16 is better than Day 15, but we are still super rough! We have decided to take another rest day (taking one of our later days earlier), and we are definitely on the mend, and the antibiotics are working. We even felt like eating some basic food (plain chapati and plain rice). Hydration is a must as we are losing lots of fluids, so again, our
provided us with all we needed. Another reason to make sure you have one with you on trip!!

We are still super tried, our whole body's ache and we are still spending alot of time in the disgusting toilet tent (we have had it moved for a refresh but it's still super bad).

We are so pleased the boys have no ill effects of this so far (touch wood).. and have plenty of energy playing around camp. They also have their to read, and we have played hours of . The Kindles have been awesome. There are soooo many books in a small light tablet. Ben reads almost a book every two days, so for him, the Kindle is a must,

We have to move on tomorrow otherwise the trip is over and we will.miss the last camp which are the hardest to get to as they are the least visited!

We have slept lots eaten a bit, and hopefully will be back out hiking tomorrow.

15th August 2024Day 13 of our  We are based in the Mount Kinabalu region in the foot hills of the highest mountain in SE...

15th August 2024

Day 13 of our

We are based in the Mount Kinabalu region in the foot hills of the highest mountain in SE Asia. We had planned to hike this mountain back before Covid curtailed this trip, and this time, we decided not to as we had plenty to do and not really the time to do it. No worries, NEXT TIME! 😁

Martina was determined to see sunrise so dragged John up for a short 5am walk to the end of the hotel garden. Luckily for her, it was spectacular and worth the wake-up!!

After a good breakfast of different Roti (Ben went for the spectacular Roti Tissue), we headed to the Sabah tea plantation . To be honest, we were not that impressed. The restaurant was nice but expensive and the attractions were also expensive and tired looking. We wanted to do a tea factory tour, but they were not processing tea and so it would be a walk around a closed factory! We brought some tea and tried tea ice cream (meh) and left after about an hour.

We then headed to Kundasang Market. It was just coming alive when we arrived, and we walked the streets buying some fresh fruit as well as delicious fried banana with chocolate (they add grated cheese, which we are not so sure about) whilst people watching and constantly being greated with smiles.

The day had been cloudy, and Mount Kinabalu had been hidden, but as we were leaving, the clouds rose up, giving us a glorious view of the mountain. We had to stop and take a load of pictures and selfys as it was so magnificent.

It felt like a busy day, and we got home tired from plenty of driving and exploring!

11th July 2024Day 15 of our   I took no photos or videos this day.. luckly, it's a planned rest day, but Martina and I w...

11th July 2024

Day 15 of our

I took no photos or videos this day.. luckly, it's a planned rest day, but Martina and I were too dam ill to do much anyway! So I leave you with this image of K2 from the mess tent taken earlier!

The boys are fine, FYI, and are fit as fiddles with energy to go again.

The day has been a right off as we were either sleeping or.. running to the rancid loo that was being used by two teams at this time.. (Check the reel I posted earlier about what the loo is like on the hike...).

When you are ill like this, you just want to roll up into bed and sleep, drink fluids, and use the sit-down loo when you need to.

It turns out we have ingested a parasite (according to the camp doctor - there is a small field hospital in Concordia). It was unlikely from food or water as the boys were fine. We think it was likly from the loo as it was obvious that others had had the same issue earlier. Apparently, it's very common on the hike to get stomach issues. We were prescribed antibiotics, which we are told will make us feel better in 24/48 hrs... fingers crossed because this is horrible. The snow and the wind are also back, making this pretty dam unpleasant. I am actually thinking we might not make our next two base camps and will be forced to turn back down! 😪 I think the altitude (4700m) is also not helping the situation!

Should we give up and go home?? What would you do?

14th August 2024Day 12 of our  Another early morning for another early flight with  We have really been impressed with A...

14th August 2024

Day 12 of our

Another early morning for another early flight with

We have really been impressed with Air Asia. They have been on time, efficient, super cheap, good food (at a reasonable price), good free baggage allowance, and reasonable hold luggage costs, and they feel safe and fly modern and clean planes. 👏

This flight was a 30-minute hop from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu. The sky's were clear, and it set up a spectacular flight past Mount Kinabalu (see previous reel).

When we landed, it was quickly out, picked up baggage, and then on to our hire car. A cheap ride for 3 days to see some sights.

Our first stop was to see the Rafflesia flower in bloom. Also known as the stinking co**se lily because of the smell it gives off. However, it did not smell when we arrived (apparently, it has to be wet). It's is also one of the largest flowers in the world.

They don't bloom often, so a bit of research from Martina had us finding one in bloom about 3hrs from the airport. Worth the drive? Hell yer! We all loved it.

After our visit we headed to find some lunch before driving to our accommodation, which was a home stay in the hills. We were not expecting much but had a great room, loads of space which was simple and clean, and that's all you need. It was not so much a home stay but more B&B (without the breakfast).

10th July 2024Day 14 of our   K2 via Broad Peak to Concordia - 12km - 5hrs. Breakfast was served early, and what a break...

10th July 2024

Day 14 of our

K2 via Broad Peak to Concordia - 12km - 5hrs.

Breakfast was served early, and what a breakfast it was, omelette with cheese, French toast, and BACON!! John was gutted.. he is still feeling rough! Boys and Martina loved the Bacon!

On the way down, Martina and John first visited the climbers' monument. The hike up was a bit hard and difficult, but also, our guide warned us that often, there are the remains of hikers who have been placed there. Its a sombre place to see how many have lost their lives in the surrounding mountains and K2. We took our time to take it in. There were remains as warned. These are put here when found at the bottom of the mountain. There were boots with feet still inside, and in a makeshift tomb, there was a  whole skeleton/body. We could not see much as it was covered (we did not want to). The body's are normly striped of any flesh by the birds in the area, and when/if the remains are identified, they are passed on to the relatives at some point. Some never will be, and so will stay at the memorial.

The hike down was alot easier than the way up, taking the glacial highway down most of the way, navigating the ice ridge at the end.

By this stage, Martina was feeling rough also. John's illness had developed into alot of visits to the toilet which when that toilet is a tiny tent and a few rocks positioned to resemble a hole...its not a place you want to visit much but every 30 mins is a bit of a buzz kill to say the least.

Rest day tomorrow at least! I think we all need it!!

13th August 2024Day 11 of our   Today, we headed back to the  after a great night tour yesterday. This place has an awes...

13th August 2024

Day 11 of our

Today, we headed back to the after a great night tour yesterday.

This place has an awesome treetop walkway that puts you in the trees. It also has quite a few km of walks, which put you right into the jungle. It's very popular, but we did not see too many people about (we were there dead on opening as always, which might help).

We have been spoilt in the jungle this past few weeks, and we have seen so much wildlife. We almost thought that as this is a controlled environment, spotting animals would be easy. However, despite spending 4 hours walking the paths, we did not see too much. We did find a snake, some monkeys, hornbills, and many insects. We were also fascinated with the huge tall tress and how small we felt next to them. Some were up to 75M high!!

After a good explore, but not finding too many animals, we headed back the pool for a good chill and swim. We are up early again for a short hop flight to Kuta Kinabalu.

9th July 2024Day 14 of our   Concordia to K2 basecamp  12 km - 7hrs. We woke early as always!!Boys and Mum were in good ...

9th July 2024

Day 14 of our

Concordia to K2 basecamp 12 km - 7hrs.

We woke early as always!!

Boys and Mum were in good spirits, but Dad was feeling rough and did not eat anything for breakfast as he was not hungry and super tired, but the march goes on!

Our first challenge today was to combat an ice ridge that runs across the valley. The shorter and easier way that had been used in previous years was not looking too safe ( ice bridge over a torrent of icey cold water). One slip and you were gone, and also the bridge had become super thin with melting. Other groups were using it, but we went for safety even if it added an extra hour to the hike! It was still slippery and hard work but manageable!

After the ridge, it was then a long slog up hill on a morrane with lots of bolders and no clear path. After a few hours, however, we were able to jump on to the glacier, which made the hike easier.

Our first stop was Broad Peak and Basecamp No.1!  Big tick for a list of  and it felt good to get one off the list and done.

We were invited to lunch by a Slovak/Mexican team (the Slovaks were on the mountain) where the boys chatted to the mexican climber and asked him a million questions. He was very good and patient. By this point, John was feeling super rough and did not eat again. One of his main issues was a complete lack of energy! Was it altitude or something else?

We continued up the glacial highway to K2 meeting some more climbers on the way who (as always) were fascinated by the boys. We made it to the sign that overlooks the camp and the mountain and what a view it was! It was spectacular to see, and we got some awesome photos overlooking camp and the mighty K2!

That's camp no. 2 of the completed!

When we arrived, we were welcomed in and offered dinner and a place to sleep rather than using tents. All the climbers were on the mountain acclimatising as there was a window of good weather. We stayed in the chill dome, which excited the boys! Mum and boys explored the camp, but Dad had to go to bed as he felt so rough.

He pretty much slept from the time they arrived till morning!

8th July 2024Day 13 of our   Concordia rest day. This first picture says it all with the boys making snowmen in the shad...

8th July 2024

Day 13 of our

Concordia rest day.

This first picture says it all with the boys making snowmen in the shadow of K2. Absolutely amazing place to be.... what an experience.

We woke to sunshine, but there had been heavy snow again last night, leaving at least an inch of snow on the ground to be played with by the boys!

The cloud had cleared, and in its place was a spectacular view of K2! It's an amazing mountain that just juts out of the valley floor to tower above all the other mountains around it!

We tried to rest as best we could today. It's been tough. The boys are doing great, but Mum and Dad are struggling a bit with a bug/tummy issue. We are off food a bit and feel a bit crappy. Both of us have tried to nap today, but it's not been easy with the noise of camp and the weather changing from blazing sun to blizzard every hour.

The boys spent a good while making a snowman before the snow melted and had fun throwing snow balls and generally playing in the snow in the shadow of K2. It's a pretty cool thing to have done and something we will never forget.

The weather was so changeable today. One moment it sunny and you are in T-shirts and shorts and the next the temp has dropped to -5 it's snowing and blowing a gale.

We spent the day taking photos, napping, trying to eat and drinking tea. We have done a little repack as we need to only take essentials tomorrow as we are off to K2 and Broad Peak basecamps. We will sleep at K2 and then come back the next day.

So it's to bed early again as we have an early start again.

7th July 2024Day 12 of our   Goro 2 camp - Concordia - 15km - 8hrs. We have woken to a winter wonderland as overnight he...

7th July 2024

Day 12 of our

Goro 2 camp - Concordia - 15km - 8hrs.

We have woken to a winter wonderland as overnight heavy snow has fallen, covering everything in a white blanket. In fact, it was still snowing as we left camp, and it looked like it was going to be another tough day in the harsh elements.

In fact, being colder was better as now we were not WET as the snow fell it dropped off our waterproofs, keeping us dry. We also wrapped up warm in thermals and our warm weather gear. For the first 2 hours, this worked well, and we were dry and warm. However, as the snow stopped, the sun came out, and there was a sudden swing in temperature from cold to roasting hot. We had to stop and strip down again to T shirts and shorts, which was strange given we were surrounded by snow. However, that did not last long either as the heat and sun melted it almost in the blink of an eye.

The clearing of the cloud revealed the spectacular mountains that had been hidden all around us in the which were now freshly painted with a new coat of snow, making them bright and spectacular.

We made good progress with the first 5 hrs keeping up with the porters. However, William had a little trip and fall (nothing bad), which knocked his confidence and slowed us down. The last two hours were a slog, but we made it to Concordia! As we arrived, our porters (and others) surrounded us for a round of applause.

In theory, William has just become the youngest person to make it to Concordia (so we been told) and a New World record achieved. Apparently, there has been a lot of chat about us between the porter groups up and down the mountain. Many guides had told our guides we would not make it to Jula and Paiju.. little did they know Ben and Will and their resilience!

Once in camp, we rested up, ate some food, and drank plenty of tea. Apparently, you can see K2 from here, but alas, the clouds are out, so nothing to be seen at the moment. In fact, as we ate dinner, the snow came back in with the wind blowing a gale. It's lucky I found some big rocks to hold down the tent. I just had this feeling they were needed. If not, our tents would have blown away for sure.

12th August 2024Day 10 of our   Today started early again as we wanted to get to the the  or the Borneo Sun Bear Conserv...

12th August 2024

Day 10 of our

Today started early again as we wanted to get to the the or the Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Centre.

We had heard and read some amazing things about this place, and as it's near on impossible to see a Sun Bear in the wild, this was our best bet. William particularly keen to see them.

The setup here is awesome. It does not feel like a ZOO or a place to make money but really a place that is dedicated to the understanding and saving of these amazing little bears as well as educating about how habitat destruction, illegal logging and harvesting of parts for medicines is having a huge impact. When a sun bear is rescued, the aim is to release it back into the wild if possible. They have had much success with this, but there are some that will never get free due to the harm humans have caused them in the past.

It's an inspirational place, and we highly recommend you go! Make sure you go at opening. The sun bears hide when it gets hot, but we also had the place to ourselves.. just us the bears and the ranger for at least 30 minutes.

We had considered heading to the Orangutans sanctuary over the road, but looking online and reading reviews, we decided against it. Its a bit more of a ZOO apparently, and we had seen them in the wild, so we passed.

We headed back to the pool for a few hours before we heading back out as we had booked a night tour in the (RDC)

But not before the boys had tried a Malaysian sweet dish called Roti tissue, which is a fun, tall, cone shaped bread smothered in condensed milk!

We had a great tour after dinner seeing owls, flying squirrels (which were awesome), two Tarsiers (double awsome), as well as frogs and snakes. Again, we highly recommend you try this out, but book in advance on the phone as it sells out quick!

6th July 2024Day 11 of our   Urdukas Camp to Goro camp - 12 km - 7hrs. We woke to rain after a night of thunder and ligh...

6th July 2024

Day 11 of our

Urdukas Camp to Goro camp - 12 km - 7hrs.

We woke to rain after a night of thunder and lightning. Gutted, but it is to be expected in the high mountains. We did get up early, but the guide decided to see if it would drop off a bit, so we waited.. it did not, so with full waterproofs on it was time for a hike in the rain.

It was not too cold as we left but the temperature dropped very quickly as we went further and we went from one extreme of heat 2 days ago to the cold... but not cold enough to snow, which is the worst.

As we hiked, we started to walk through spectacular ice formations that stuck out of the glacier it was just a shame that the low clouds blocked the mountains as a backdrop!

We stopped for lunch at Goro 1 camp. There was no shelter from the bitting cold wind, but luckily, the rain stopped while we ate. It was not nice, and all including the guides were freezing!

As much as we are moaning, you had to feel sorry for the porters who had no water proofs, most of them in cotton traditional clothes, soaking wet and cold with many in sandals. Our instant thoughts were that this was not right, but there was not a lot we could do at that moment. Something needs to be looked at urgently as some must get ill or put themselves in avoidable danger. I know this is something Chris at Epic is trying to help with.

As the hike went on, the rain turned to sleet, and then sleet turned to wet snow. It was cold but we were OK as long as we kept moving.

We pressed on through the sleet and snow, and as we arrived into camp, the snow stopped, and slivers of sunshine broke through the cloud, giving us the chance to dry off and "warm up." To help futher warm us Stu... the goat would not be travelling with us anymore as the chef cooked up a goat curry to warm us and give us the energy we needed for our hike tomorrow.

5th July 2024Day 9 of our   Rest day, Urdukas Camp. Today, we lay in... In fact, we had 11 hours of sleep!! I think it w...

5th July 2024

Day 9 of our

Rest day, Urdukas Camp.

Today, we lay in... In fact, we had 11 hours of sleep!! I think it was needed after the past intensive 8 days.

Last night we had I first sight of rain. Thunder and lightning flashed for a bit, rattling off the sides of the valley. Always gives me goose bumps!!

Again, today, we did not do much. Lots of relaxing and chilling except for a few short walks (30 mins) above camp to stretch the legs and check the views.

Today would have been a good hiking day as not too hot and cloud around. Instead, we played lots of UNO and drank lots of tea, had a bucket shower (probably last for a while), and did some washing.

The chef managed to cook up a pizza for lunch!! Without an oven, he did a good job. Boys loved it.

We are heading to bed early as we wanted an early start again tomorrow, and we have just completed some prep for tomorrow (repacking and filling all water bottles and bladders ready for the morning).

We are definitely starting to feel the altitude change. Urdukas is just over 4000m, and our appetite is dropping off, and we are becoming more easily fatigued.
Still loving this, and the views really are something else.



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