Moment To Moment Relaxation:
When was the last time you felt truly relaxed? Some time BC (Before Children)? On holiday? There's a limit to the number of holidays we can take and we can't turn back time. Our lives can be so busy that we go from one “must-do” activity to another, so it can be hard to find the time to slow down and recharge our batteries. We often find ourselves making do with crash
ing our in front of the T.V or doing an activity that relaxes us, such as reading or gardening, relaxing either the mind or the body but not necessarily both. But we can learn to make time for ourselves to relax and we can rediscover, or discover new ways to do so. Having a regular relaxation pattern can benefit us in a number of ways:
Counteract the effects of stress/anxiety
Increase energy and productivity
Improve concentration and memory
Reduce insomnia and fatigue
Help with decision-making and calm reasoning
Reduce physical tension and prevent stress-related physical health problems
Make our emotions more available to us
Have a more relaxed lifestyle and enjoy our moments more
My relaxation sessions are designed to be a place where you can come to switch off from the days events and unwind both physically and mentally. There is no psycho-education to focus on, I do all the hard work, you just allow yourself an hour a week when you turn up, open up to the experience and hopefully leave feeling a less tense and more relaxed. Group sessions are for one hour will begin with breathing exercises to help us start to slow down our bodies and minds and go on to include a range of relaxation exercises including muscle relaxation and visualisation. For information about the next group sessions or for any further details, please contact me on
[email protected]
If you are interested in relaxation but would prefer individual sessions rather than group sessions please contact me and ask about availability. Personal Development Coaching:
Personal Development Coaching, also referred to as Life Coaching is a structured conversation between a coach and a client in which the coach guides the client through a sequences of stages, to help them identify goals, related to their personal or professional lives, then work towards them. Through the use of relevant, challenging and probing questioning, the coach enables the client to overcome obstacles, challenge limiting beliefs, realise their inner resources develop manageable action plans and ultimately make changes in their life, leading to greater happiness and success. In short, coaching is about helping someone move from where they are to where they want to be more quickly and effectively than if they acted alone. Do you feel that currently you aren’t reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled? Is there a gap between where you are now and where you want to be? Do you sometimes feel you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to get something complete? Do you feel stuck and put off making decisions or fail to stick to those decisions you have made? Are you ready to entertain new and fresh ideas? Are you willing to be accountable for what you desire? If you answer yes to any of these questions then coaching can most definitely support you to be the best that you can be, in any area of your life. For more information about coaching contact me at: [email protected]
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a state of being that is grounded in moment to moment awareness of all aspects of our experience. It is paying attention to things as they actually are in any given moment, however they are, rather than how we would like them to be, without trying to change anything. We become mindful when we purposely pay attention to things we ordinarily never give a moment’s thought to. For example our internal processes of breathing, body sensations, thoughts and feelings as well as external objects and events. Through doing this we can develop new kinds of control and wisdom in our lives, enrich our experience and see things from a new perspective. We can teach ourselves the art of attention and awareness by developing and maintaining mindfulness meditation practice. Mindfulness has its origins in Buddhism, where it is viewed as a pivotal discipline in the liberation from suffering and the acquisition of knowledge or enlightenment. Mindfulness is cultivated through meditative practices of contemplation of the body, the mind, feelings and mental objects. In Western psychology, mindfulness is not bound to any spiritual or religious belief system. How might mindfulness be helpful? Much of the time we go through life on autopilot, functioning mechanically, mindlessly, not really aware of what we are doing or experiencing, acting out of habit, multi-tasking, rushing from one thing to the next, striving to get things done, trying to change things, wanting things to be different to how they are. We might spend large amounts of time dwelling on the past, wishing things had been different, clinging to memories, regretting things that have happened. We might be worrying endlessly about the future and what we want or don’t want to happen. Mindfulness helps us live in the moment. It offers us a new way of relating to our experience, with awareness. It allows us to step inside ourselves and observe. It enables us to deal with our thoughts, feelings and sensations differently, letting go of ruminating, freeing ourselves from habitual, automatic ways of reacting so we can mindfully respond in more skilful ways. Mindfulness enables us to really wake up and smell the coffee, to taste our food, to see things through new eyes, to notice what is beautiful and meaningful in our lives. Becoming more aware can help us to accept and enjoy the life we have as it is. Mindfulness can help reduce stress levels, by moving the mind out of “doing” mode to a “being” mode, by learning to accept what is rather than dwelling on how we would like it to be, by giving us some distance from the whirlwind of our thoughts. By being more mindful relationships improve as we are aware of our behaviour and its effect on others and can choose how to behave. In addition mindfulness allows us to be in touch with our bodies, aware of how it is affected by the environment, our actions or inactions, our thoughts and emotions. Learning to listen to our bodies is vital to improving health and quality of life.