Destiny is not a matter of chance, It is a matter of choice.........
Diamond Winners Travel International is an innovative network marketing company that was launched in January 2012 to bring a life changing and affordable local and international tourism packages to its members. Our global headquarter is located at Suite 2380 Ryer Ave, No 5C Bronx, NY 10458 United States. Diamond Winners Travel I
nternational is made up of a Group of Compassionate Individuals from United State of America and Africa that have come together to work as a team with the motive of creating wealth for individuals globally through our online generic Compensation plan. Currently Diamond Winners Travel International is operating in not less than 30 countries around the world and is growing at a very fast pace. Our vision is to create wealth globally for all classes of people, to make holiday easily accessible to those in the lower and middle classes, while at the same time, making holidays remarkably less expensive for those in the middle and upper classes. This is a responsibility based business, and your earnings depend on your effort. It is not a BANKING SYSTEM THAT OPERATES ON INTERESTS ON DEPOSITS but a network business that rewards its members on their efforts. This business can change your life for good. Remember what Robert KIYOSAKI said. "Network marketing is the perfect Business for the average person to create wealth"