Autum is upon us, we are entering a new season, but it’s not just about kids heading back to school, football, bonfires and falling leaves. Just like the seasons change so do we. By releasing what no longer serves our spirit or life purpose, is the portal for change for our soul. We have been going through a lot of releasing, since the tail end of 2019. We are finally in a place where we are at one with our soul and spirit. Have you noticed that you are much more trusting in your own intuition, especially when it feels like absolute chaos is happening around you?
It’s like you are better able to navigate through the energy.
A lot of health issues have also surfaced for so many, including myself, but I assure you this is happening so we can finally receive the answers we deserve to fully be on the path of our own healing, and remember that path looks different for everyone, my new mantra is just be kind, we gain nothing by kicking others when they are down, let’s lift them up so we can embrace the light together❤️
We have this inner knowing that will always guide us, and so many of you are truly blossoming and opening up to your own magic, and that is just absolutely beautiful! You are allowing yourself stop chasing the light, and you are finally seeing that You are the LIGHT, it has always been with in you! Remember you are MAGIC!
I have had many shifts, changes and transitions myself, and I am truly grateful for the experiences I have had on my journey even if at the time I was not happy with what was happening. I have learned so much these past few years especially that healing has many layers, and sometimes it will feel worse before it gets better. The end result is always a beautiful outcome♥️
I am over the moon excited to get back to what I love with restrictions of course, but it feels great to be back!
I am now booking October phone/zoom sessions
10/8 Morning & Afternoon
10/9 Morning
10/10 Evening
10/15 Evening
10/16 Morning
10/17 Evening
I will be creating a list for in person sessions for November. I do not have an exact date yet, but I’m hoping to by next week. So those who are interested on getting on my in person list for November please text 651-331-8449
I have some exciting news! I will be offering spiritual reading parties this fall as well as work holiday parties this year at a adorable B&B just north of the cities.
There is a full kitchen, living room area for you and your guests to hang out while I connect with everyone in a private space for their one on one session.
Last year it was so much fun!
Space is limited, October is already booked, but I still have a few dates available for November-January.
At this same location I will be starting spiritual development classes again this Fall, I am so excited to start classes again, it’s been 8 years!
I will still be at TriLuminous from time to time, but right now with my health, and my husband’s busy schedule it’s so much easier to stay close to home.
I will also be booking 15 minute mini phone sessions for Sunday September 22nd to celebrate the first day of Autumn 🍂🍁🍂🍁
I have 11 spots available❤️
To book a session, reading party or if you have any ideas for future class please text 651-331-8449
Lastly, anyone who has a session scheduled and needs to have it rescheduled please email me at [email protected] so we can get you back on my schedule asap!!
Time to embrace the magic of Autumn🍁🍂🍁🍂
Have a wonderful and safe week!
Love, Light, and many blessings,
Amanda xoxxo