
K-Sutra K-Sutra offers tarot readings with a variety of readers and clairvoyants. We are also your one stop spiritual stop with all your crystals and supply's for

Welcome to K-Sutra! Your one-stop-shop for all that you need to assist you on your quest for self discovery and inner peace. Be a member of our Facebook group to participate in our daily tarot card draw, we also offer private one on one sessions in a more personal
atmosphere. K-Sutra prides itself on its variety of gorgeous crystals, gemstones and precious stones and are true believers in their he

aling qualities and we strive to share the knowledge we hold. We have access to just about anything you need and love creating special statement one-off pieces for a trend setting clientele. You will not be disappointed with our exquisite handmade jewellery and personalized home decor products. K-Sutra also specializes in any of your hair dreading needs. From dread maintenance, weaving, extensions and beading. K-Sutra is expanding to be able to provide everybody with there own individual spiritual experience, with a dread or two. K-Sutra has extensive experience in tarot card readings, angel card readings and we are happy to take inquiries about workshops you might want to participate in. Quality handmade items only found (and made) here at K-Sutra. Currently taking EOI for Gemstone Jewellery making and Tarot Development for Beginners.


I would like to ask if you can please support me in my Council election campaign. I had planned on a humble and modest campaign as I am far from rich and struggle to survive let alone live a life of luxury. Recent events and negative commentary have made me rethink about how I need to run my cam...


A dear friend of mine is running for local council here in Ballarat. His story is both courageous and inspiring. Recently koby has not only faced homelessness, after he loosing his small business in ballan. (Koby was the first indigenous person to open a shopin Ballan) Then Koby escaped a traum...


Love equality? Why not by adding a marriage equality banner to your profile pic in time for Mardi Gras! Click 'Try it' or 'Use frame' below to show your support.


Are you using the right salt? The powers of Himalayan salt go far beyond it's nutrient properties such as Himalayan salt lamps.

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K-Sutra team.

The first free K-Sutra tarot draws revelation and interpretations of 2016 are below.IF YOU ARE YET to select a card go t...

The first free K-Sutra tarot draws revelation and interpretations of 2016 are below.

IF YOU ARE YET to select a card go to our earlier post and feel which card you are most drawn too and return to read what message the cards have for you today.


The knight of swords does not like to wait and would prefer no set backs with your "go get them" mind frame. This is a day where you know what you want and how you want to get it, so go get it! With the determination and empowerment you possess you will be able to accomplish some tasks that usually seem daunting to you. If you hear some advise that resonates with you throughout the day try and take it in. If the company you are keeping seem to be distracting you from your focus and goals, then go solo or find like minded people to accompany you on your endeavours. Be mindful of consequences for your actions and try not to be to blinded by determination. Try and limit impulsivity. What is it you desire? Who do you want to be? After going about your business find some time to think, without speaking and understand your emotions a bit better. A swan seems to glide peacefully across a lake but underneath the water its feet are moving so fast, even they need a rest as do you every now and again. Use your determination constructively and direct it where you truly need it.


The last leg of a race can sometimes be the hardest, when your almost at the finish line it gets harder and then you finish and its like the wait of the world is taken of your shoulders. You are able too relax and catch your breath. Youu are almost at the finish line of something and perseverance is required. Your almost there, don't give up! After long and draining periods we all need to recuperate, you are no exception to this rule. Today you should remember there is no such thing as a coincidence and yes u may get unexpected insight if you listen hard enough, pay attention and connect the dots.


Take a moment to take in all that you have, look at all the positives today and remove all focus on negativity. Expect the best and it will come. The nine of pentacles shows a moment of peace and a chance to enjoy the good things life has to offer ...if you only will allow yourself to enjoy it. With a happy mind frame, material abundance and positive insight you will be in a better place to help those less fortunate then you in some way, remember doing a good deed must always be balanced, if you help to much you may put more pressure on yourself. The important thing is when your feeling happy, spread it because this will bring you joy that money cannot buy. Take a moment to smell the roses the world has to offer and enjoy it, you deserve it!

Thank you for participating today, its fantastic to be back :-) Koby

Please share and invite your friends to our page, we would be forever greatful :-)
The K-Sutra team.

Good morning and happy 2016.Its time to choose you K-Sutra tarot card of the day. Feel which card you are most drawn to ...

Good morning and happy 2016.

Its time to choose you K-Sutra tarot card of the day. Feel which card you are most drawn to LEFT, MIDDLE or RIGHT and then return between 3pm and 5pm AESDT for your cards revelations and interpretations.

The K-Sutra team.


Wowzers....I'm in Love with this massive Amethyst. This would be amazing to see in person! Total here!

Photo Copyright: Federico Pezzotta, Rafael Cordoba

We will be back. Kobys on a mission. He is nervous about asking for help but determined to succeed in this venture. We a...

We will be back. Kobys on a mission. He is nervous about asking for help but determined to succeed in this venture. We are a community more than anything.

I've always had a passion for spirituality and cultures of the world. In 2012 I started getting products from around Australia that were tools for those around the world. It grew to become a major hobby and I studied further. I moved into a house in 2013 that had a shop front, it was robbed by a...


Your free online Magazine on Witchcraft, Occultism and Alchemy. Spells, Magical Recipes and Lore from all around the World! Join our cause for the free distribution of Magical Wisdom and Tradition.


Find your inner most truth, follow it and speak your beliefs and hearts words because no on else will sing your song like you will. Be open to a change of mind but only if you truly feel it in your heart. You no right from wrong - give yourself more credit.


New Moon is coming. Are you unemployed or looking for a better job? You may try this spell!


Today's Message - Everyone who is in our life is there for a reason. It may be for a moment or it may be for a lifetime. Cherish them for the lesson & gifts they bring you. ~

This weekend only tea light candle salt lamps for only $7.00, usually $8.50 these are already popular and fly out the do...

This weekend only tea light candle salt lamps for only $7.00, usually $8.50 these are already popular and fly out the door quick at normal price. While stocks last.




We are almost at 500 likes, wow! Can you help us out by sharing our page and or inviting some of your mates?

We would be for ever greatful xx

The K-Sutra team

Ballarat show anyone? How about if its free? Here's your chance for a 3day pass :)

Ballarat show anyone? How about if its free? Here's your chance for a 3day pass :)

Want to add some magic to your crafts, garden, pot plant etc?We have crystal chips for only $6.00 per 100 grams. Photoed...

Want to add some magic to your crafts, garden, pot plant etc?

We have crystal chips for only $6.00 per 100 grams. Photoed below are;
AmethystYellow adventurineGreen AdventurineRose QuartzClear Quartz

The K-



I agree, that's all we really need.

Our K-Sutra tarot draw will return tomorrow :). Here is a little selection of what gemstones we have avalible for pick u...

Our K-Sutra tarot draw will return tomorrow :).

Here is a little selection of what gemstones we have avalible for pick up or delivery in Ballarat only or postage nation wide (shipping cost depends on weight).
Salt Lamps (Tealight candle) - $8.50Tumbled stones small $2.00 eachTumbled atones medium $2.50 each (value mulitple starter tumbled stone starter packs avalible for $10.00)All chipped braclettes $3.50 eachEma vision Eggs (amerhyst and rose qquarts) - $8.00 eachWhite Sage amudge sticks small - $7.50 eachAmethyst clusters from $14.00 each Citeine clusters - from $12.00 eachkeychains elephant and camel - $3.50 each Kyanite from $4.00 each Salt lamp heart - $9.50Clear quarts healing wand - $60

Plus more...

Be sure to come and see us and if your in Ballarat and would like to host a K-Sutra home party - with tarot readings and shopping at home please get in touch.

See you at trash ;-)

The K-Sutra team.

Your K-Sutra tarot card revelation and interpretations are ready for you below.I would like thank those of you who have ...

Your K-Sutra tarot card revelation and interpretations are ready for you below.

I would like thank those of you who have been commenting on the results, seeing that this is well received and can help people gives me determination to get this posted and it makes me blush just a little when I get compliments. I was wondering if you would be kind enough to give pur page a ratings with the stars, if your busy its OK ....Just putting it put there. If you can thank you?

Now for your message that the K-Sutra tarot card you were most drawn to, they are below...


Beginning new things in life can be exciting but also scary, being scared is apart of our instincts. As we progress through our lives journey our instincts become stronger but sometimes our trust in our instincts is dim and barley even there. Your emotions and the initial reaction you have when something happens, whether you smile (smilling is an outer expression of being happy but also comfortable) or frown (because you may be disheartened, rushed or anxious). Your emotions are your instincts, you should trust your emotions. The fool tells me you are about go and embark on a new path, you will find yourself learning a lot, it may take you out of your comfort zone. If you embrace and be content being a student you will be leaping towards success. In the card the fool is leaping, without any fear in the world, with a smile but does he see that where he is leaping towards is a cliff where he will fall and I'm sure learn a valuable lesson so he doesn't even seem to care. New adventures are on the horizon for you. I want you to be prepared and be willing to make mistakes so you can learn but please don't waste any lessons. When something bad happens it can be easier to say "let's just pretend that didn't happen" - these kind of words or thought patterns are the dangerous thing here, live and learn. You can't learn if you do not live though, so live without fear. The more you fear things the more scary things will happen. If you embrace your mistakes and are content that this is you learning and developing. If you chose the fool today, I'm excited to see what lays ahead of you. Wear some rosey coloured glasses and view the universe and its challenges with anticipation. Have you ever got to that point where so much bad stuff has happened you think to yourself "come at me universe, bring it on, what's next?" And then when you finally are ready to deal with it because you've had enough, everything starts to go well. Guess what? If you had of got to that point where you had enough and you let the universe know your ready to fight, you may have learnt your lesson earlier and the universe may have given you a break. Well it would have but you have to let it, from now on your remember your thoughts will manifest into reality. Think good and positive, see your challenges silver lining and you'll do great. Go forth and learn, make mistakes (learn from them) and love every second of it, even love the negative things, they serve a purpose, don't discard them. Learn to be excited by a challenge instead of being scared of a hurdle, learn to love your fear just as much you enjoy you stability.


Thinking with your heart over your head is glorified to the queen of swords, her heart is on auto pilot and on a mission to set things right. Your heart is a part of your whole person and it does serve a purpose. Sometime decisions and the actions you take have got to be free of emotion and based on logic and what is vest in reality. I wish i was telling you that for your whole life you have been blindfolded and we are really living in Disney Land, if i said that while in the presence of the queen of the swords she would tell me to grow up and get my head out of my are and re enter reality. Dealing with situations in this way can come across to others as a bit abrupt, disheartening or complete out of line, but just know this is not the intention of the queen of swords. Remember the queen is still a feminine card and has nurturing side to her, she just may not be the best at showing it. Making a decision on logic, facts and reality instead of helping but leaving yourself short is what the Queen of swords wants for you, she is just more upfront and won't beat around the bush today. Just know that today the desire to invest emotionally, with your heart and too much dedication can you leave you with regret. Be realistic and ensure you are setting yourself up for greatness and not failure. The Queen of swords has seen all the conflict you can imagine, her intentions are to try and prevent you from being hurt and scared by conflict by fall n it on its bull crap. If you encounter a person who fits this description trust that they do want only good for you, even if you can't physically see it. The queen of swords may have fear of emotion and opening up. Listen and offer your best advise. Try not to be to nasty though and if you are treated nastily do not react in a way you will later regret. Let some baggage go.


Feeling slack? Is the whole world against you? Are you feeling like you just can't go on. Or is it every time you open up to someone and let them in, you seem to be let down. OK so what is the common denominator in all of these problems? You feel let down and this is just because you have expected to much from you, situations and others. Nothing just happens, everything that happens is a result of someone's actions, whether it be yours or someone else's. For example if a tree falls on a house, it was more then a tree fell on a house. A seed was planted next to a house and the danger was left unnoticed until it was to late. Are your trees falling around your house? Take notice and maybe it won't and will grow to be a heritage good tree that outlives the house because you saw it was falling and fixed it; this is you being magic and altering the future. You may have been so focussed on what you have to loose or how you are feeling, or how those around you are feeling that you may have ignored something beautiful with a lot to offer because you were so wrapped up in other past experiences, current stress/hurt and possibly current circumstance that you failed to see what it could offer, opting to focus on what you could loose and how it could go negative, making it negative. What you put out you will get back. I think Its important for you to stop looking at other people for a second and like ok at yourself for a second. Work out what it is you honestly dream of obtaining, how you are going about it and see what there is your missing. In the four of cups a new relationship or companionship is on offer but the young fullah has not even noticed. He is to wrapped up in trying to salvage and older time with the usual people in your life. I want you to know the very thing you are missing was right under your nose and all you were need in to do was look up and pay it attention but older issues within you that nay have been caused by someone or a bad time with someone, which is only your business but you know what it is but please let it go. If you keep dwelling on failures or paying to much unappreciated time with older people its time to move on, moving on is scary because life changes. The people who are ever present in your life daily will still be there, and are still there even if you haven't seen them. Find sometime and confront your inner demons alone head on and stop letting you past rob you by taking one more minute, one more friend or partner. These issues have taken enough of your life. Unfortunately you are the one who allowed it to happen. What will you allow to happen next? Are you prepared to keep missing opportunities and living the dream because of your bad expectations built from past trauma? You are only allowed to be a victim once and after that you are a volunteer. Why volunteer to miss out? You demons are winning and you are letting them. You have the power of your emotions, actions, words and perception which all affect how your circumstances turn out. Or what you miss out on. Effectively I guess I'm saying, right you have robbed yourself because your scared from the past, accept the past and accept this moment and don't expect anything from your future because what you want has been right there but stubbornness, emotional isolation or being defensive is present and it will be hard for anyone but you to alter your mindset to a positive one. Please do not rob yourself of anymore happiness and new joy from past issues that are deep within you but easy to deal with. Communicate with your peers because your body language is not saying what you want to say.

Thank you for participating today, we hope olk enjoyed today's draw and you were helped in some way.

Love and light,
The K-Sutra team.

Good evening to everyone, our K-Sutra family. I hope your day is as fantastic as the sun down here in Melbourne. I also ...

Good evening to everyone, our K-Sutra family.

I hope your day is as fantastic as the sun down here in Melbourne. I also hope you feel as fresh as the spring flowers smell in the air and I hope you feel as petty as the spring flowers as the blossom with pretty colours and smell lovely.take it inquire you can. Enjoy every moment because a moment is never forever. Let's hope the sun stays for a while though :)

The sun, the rain and the feelings it will bring you are important, don't lock yourself away when you have a chance for vitamin d. Go outside and if you cant open some blinds and windows. You'll be amazed at how fresh it can make you feel.

It's time feel which K-sutra tarot card you are most drawn to. LEFT -MIDDLE or RIGHT and then return to K-Sutra's facebook tonight to see your revelations and interpretations.

What message does your card have for you today?

Love and light,
The K-sutra team.

Your K-Sutra Wednesday blockage and usual tarot draw revelations and interpretations are ready for you below.The interpr...

Your K-Sutra Wednesday blockage and usual tarot draw revelations and interpretations are ready for you below.

The interpretations for the blockage cards will be below the usual K-Sutra tarot card.

What messages do your cards have for you today?


With the determination and paWith the determination and passion that you are gifted with you are about to have a burst of energy into your confidence or passion may raise for you to take action on something that is not only to benefit you, but others. Its is important that you take care while planning. Having sudden urges of passion and strength is an amazing thing but this can also lead us to not thinking before we do. Organisation, structure and maybe documenting things may benefit you. Being passionate is amazing but being organised and passionate can make magic. Make sure you don't b urn yourself out to early which could see projects delayed PR even worse, fall apart. Be balanced and make sure you look after yourself as a whole. Sleep right, socialise, eat right be go forth and complete your mission. In a healthy way!


Its an amazing feeling to see results from hard works and dedication. Having time to take a step back and view every small step and decision you have made to create your current circumstances and position in life. We are all to often way to hard on ourselves and focus on the negativity around us instead of the positive, we expect to much of ourselves and in return neglect to praise our achievements ts we see as "smaller" because they aren't good enough... But they are good enough and even your more negative moments with family and money are still real and a valid emotion that serves a purpose, it just depends on how you look at it. Enjoy your family and social circle, enjoy the fruits that have harvested via your creation. Enjoy being proud, of yourself.


I think you should keep an eye open for anyone being shifty around you today. Also, dot your I's and cross your teas, everything you say or do can be heard and there could be someone watching and waiting for you to slip up for their self gaining purposes. Are you maybe wanting to be more independent and run or isolate yourself from those around you that you may feel are bringing you down. Be careful that you do not say or do anything you may later regret. If you cut of your nose to spite your own face, the surgeons may - if your lucky be able to sew it back on but you will still have a scar. Your actions have consequences, you are in power of what consequences are to be. Are you being shifty? Make your karma good by doing and speaking good, if you are aware of something or someone's not so good intentions your in control.



If you find yourself not seeing what you expected you would find and you are putting a lot of hard work into something or someone then maybe your trying to hard. By redirecting your energy and focus into effective measures in a BALANCED way then you may see better results. I feel there is some who picked this card who are putting off issues, important issues and causing greater harm to yourself unintentionally, you may not even realise that you are self sabotaging by avoiding issues and situations that are stressful. To move forward lighten your load and lighten up. Trust in the goodness of you and your whole person is good enough. You are a gift, you do not need to prove that by going over and beyond. Don't burn yourself out. Please?


We have all stuffed up, I often tell people in my younger years and even still now (....sometimes :P) I learn lessons the hard way and normally I have to relearn those lessons over and over until it sinks in, i guess you would call this is me being stubborn and unwilling to accept I played apart in creating a bad result. I had to and still have to take a step back and take a good look at myself because I'm not perfect and I'm not imperfect, I'm just me. If you have stuffed up don't try and run, hide or point the finger just be real, if you follow your inner truth no bad karma can come back to you. By finally accepting responsibility and taking action to clear your life, you will free yourself from stress and anxiety. Let the weight lift from your shoulders. Making mistakes, not succeeding or stuffing up does bit make you a bad person, running away and denying won't either but it will be harmful to you as a whole.


Being charitable is commendable and I feel you have helped a lot of people to try and make their life better. If you have been stressing yourself out by worrying about favours being returned, phone calls being returned, money being paid back then let it go its not going to happen and if it does, bonus but don't rely on it. Be careful with your possessions, time, wisdom and money because it can be used against you. You have to look out for number one, your number one should be you even if you have children or a partner, if your not happy, treated equally and respected then pull back on what you are giving. Make sure you are OK, if you have anything spare then you can help other's but stop leaving yourself short so everyone else is happy. This will only cause anger and bitterness. You are a smart person, you can have a comfortable life and help others but you must ensure your comfortability first.

We hope you enjoyed our first K-Sutra Wednesday blockage tarot card draw and in some way, you have been helped.

We offer private and more in depth readings, chakra alignment, native cleansing, email readings and have our retail dept plus more. Get in touch :)

Love and Light,
The K-Sutra team.

Good evening to all of our K-Sutra family.Today we are beginning blockage Wednesday. You still feel which card you are m...

Good evening to all of our K-Sutra family.

Today we are beginning blockage Wednesday.

You still feel which card you are most drawn to, your usual LEFT, MIDDLE or RIGHT and below you will see three more face down cards, these represent what is preventing you from moving on; your blockage.
For this card feel which card you are most drawn to 1, 2 or 3 to see how you can move forward to a positive and tranquil place.

Then return to our page later tonight to see what messages your cards have for you today.

Love and light,
The K-Sutra team

Your Daily K-Sutra tarot card draw trevelations and interpretations are ready for you below. What message awaits you tod...

Your Daily K-Sutra tarot card draw trevelations and interpretations are ready for you below. What message awaits you today?

PLEASE READ: today we have had a few people feel like they were drawn to two cards, this is not against the rules and you can even choose all three card's. If you feel one, two or all three cards will have a message for you then comment all. From now on on Wednesdays I will be doing "blockage Wednesday" where you will be able to choose your normal daily K-Sutra card plus one more which is blocking you from moving on. If you like this idea I will do this every Wednesday. Koby


There could be so many opportunities available to you, you may not be able to see them straight away but if you look hard enough they are there. These opportunities are not perfect, the way they presently are but of you can reconstruct or alter them with your wisdom and gained life experience you will find success. You may find people appear in your life suddenly, this is no mistake - they are there to help you and want nothing more for you then harmony and a happy, healthy and effective partnership. You have the power to make things that are currently not working into something magical. Because you are magic. You could be fussing over things that are insignificant or time wasting as a distraction and should let it go. Consider how you can benefits projects and how it will benefit you. If its not going to work don't waste your valuable time.


Stop expecting to much. Things come to us when we least expect them and when we least expect them, they surprise us the most and bring ten times more joy. If everything around you seems to be falling apart, this is you perception only and your perception on life is limiting you. Have you ever heard of the saying "fake it to you make it"? Faking something is somewhat seen as selling out but im here to tell you that faking a smile will attract real happiness, what you put out into the universe it will return and you wont to fake it for to long. I promise. The end of a bad cycle is coming but you will have to be the one to change a negative perception and go easy on yourself in coming days.


OK, let me ask you what is it that you have stressed yourself out on? What expectations have you put on yourself, that you may now regret because of an overwhelmed feeling. I suspect there could be a chance that you are anxious, stressed and feel obligated to get something done as soon as possible, you are causing this stress and suspense that could interfere with other aspects of your daily life. You owe no other person your heart, you owe yourself tranquillity and harmony. The hanged man indicates to me that you may need to withdraw and spend some time with yourself and find out what you and others expect from you and then remove those expectations. Favours are not obligations, you are only obligated to yourself. Plan big things for yourself because in everyone else's plans there is nothing planned big for you. This does not make people evil, this is the way it should be. Nows the time for you to be happy and not be to scared to wake up in the mornings and start to look forward to hour days. Look at your situation from the outside looking in and if you were a friend of yours, what advise would you give them? Follow that advise because your smarter then you think and you know you better then anyone else does. This has been a reoccurring card, if you have picked this twice this fortnight you may be missing something and I would like you to contact me (Koby head tarot reader, freeling specialist, gemstone healing and clairvoyant) for some extra advise.

Thanks for participating today, if you could help us out and share our page and or invite your friends we will be ever greatful. Xx

Love and light,
The K-Sutra team

Good evening K-Sutra mob! Its time to pick your K-Sutra tarot card. Feel which card you are most drawn to from left, mid...

Good evening K-Sutra mob! Its time to pick your K-Sutra tarot card.
Feel which card you are most drawn to from left, middle or right and then return later tonight to see what message your K-Sutra card revelation has for you.

If your going through hell, keep going x.

The K-Sutra team

You are prefect the way you are. Your flaws are a part of your beauty. You as a whole is you and you are beautiful. Sign...

You are prefect the way you are. Your flaws are a part of your beauty. You as a whole is you and you are beautiful. Sign this deceleration. Today is the day we self appreciate.

Share to your friends and let them know they are beautiful, appreciated and perfect the way they are.


In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically me. Because I alone chose it – I own everything about me. My body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or to myself.
I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me.
By so doing I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts.
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know, but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles, and for ways to find out more about me.
However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time, is authentically me.
If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded.
I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore I can engineer me.
I am me and… I AM OKAY.

( By Virginia Stair)

The K-Sutra team.






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