We launched the Library of Biz as professional business growth resource because we grow smarter, together. After being in the workforce full time for nearly a decade, most career learning came through our encounters with other professionals. We even ran across the occasional curmudgeons who don’t want to share their knowledge. However, we found most people want to collaborate and help others thriv
e. It was life changing when we ran into people who were eager to share their knowledge and experiences. Their willingness to share assisted us in growing professionally, although sometimes the lessons taught or knowledge imparted varied. It also inspired us to continue the cycle in sharing and helping others. By flipping the table, it’s just as rewarding to share our knowledge or a great resource. We would like for the Library of Biz to be a resource not only for our generation but also for our children’s generation. Check our our site to learn more about who we are and our mission to create a library of biz!