Are you from Cabo Verde, Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea and Sierra Leone? Would you like to become the next conservation leader? Read on...
Developing strong conservation leaders for West Africa.
One of the biggest targets for the ALU School of Wildlife Conservation https://sowc.alueducation.com/ in 2020 is to grow the number of conservation leaders in West Africa. Biodiversity possesses marked economic value but in West Africa, the indicators of biodiversity continue to point to an accelerating species loss and continuous degradation. We believe that this situation can be averted by strong conservation leaders. For this reason, the African Leadership University through its School of Wildlife Conservation is driving a MAVA sponsored scholarship campaign. The objective is to develop current and future generations of West African leaders who can create economic value from wildlife conservation activities in the region.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Do you know a high school graduate with immense potential and a passion for the environment? Kindly recommend them to this leadership-focused undergraduate degree specialization in Wildlife Conservation at the be African Leadership University. Last two 2020 Application deadlines are on May 4th and 11th.
Recommend them today! https://pages.alueducation.com/sowc-referral
Great opportunities exist at the University for our young leaders:
They benefit from unique access to a well-curated conservation knowledge base,
Students receive mentorship and career guidance from conservation experts from around the world,
They have unique opportunities to help design, plan and attend the Davos of Conservation – Our annual Business of Conservation Conference,
Students have access to financial support to secure internships and participate in international conferences,
Admitted students can apply for a full scholarship and other several scholarship opportunities.
Find all important links below:
Recommend a student
Register interest (for applicants)
Begin ALU application
MBA for Conservation Leaders
We also have a specialised MBA for Conservation Leaders in partnership with the ALU School of Business. Admissions are open for the October intake. For more information visit: https://sowc.alueducation.com/…/mba-for-conservation-leade…/ and simply share this link https://pages.alueducation.com/cmba-application with potential candidates so that they can register their interest.
A new ALX site in Dakar
In line with our West Africa strategy, we are happy to announce the opening of a new Xcelerator training site in Dakar. The inaugural 4 cohorts are made up of 100 professionals, majority of whom are from the environment and conservation sectors. Although the launch date for the cohort has been postponed indefinitely till the end of the ongoing pandemic, we are excited about this new site and cohort. If you would like to join future cohorts register your interest here: https://share.hsforms.com/1l3SclSI7SImoUqid53Hz8g3s75a
The ALU School of Wildlife Conservation is the first of its kind on the African continent, dedicated to teaching the generation of leaders in conservation.