We are travellers who love travel, and love writing about it. But nowadays, budget travel is, ironically, tough for anyone who doesn't have a lot of cash to throw around. It is also hard for anyone who prefers to travel slowly over a long period of time. The tour agencies want your money, the bars want your money, the hostels want your money, and the guidebooks want to tell you how to spend your m
oney. Add to this the ethical difficulties of travel - of turning vibrant communities into theme parks; of managing the old 'carbon footprint'; and of making sure your contribution to local communities is a positive one (or at least not negative). We think it is time that responsible travel shouldn't be the sole preserve of the upper classes and that low-budget travel should be a positive and engaging experience for all. Expect lots of practical thoughts, ideas and advice, as well as good humour, travelogues, and a whole heap of passion for travel and exploration. You can follow our trip across Europe and Asia by checking out our blog: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog/rootsandroutes/1/tpod.html
You can also follow our progress through a map detailing all our stopping-off points:
London to Chongqing: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=200244259273069899183.0004b49b4ea7a58e486f8&msa=0&ll=40.178873,58.007813&spn=98.001885,226.054688
Southern China and beyond: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=200244259273069899183.0004b49b4ea7a58e486f8&msa=0&ll=18.646245,113.554688&spn=32.170858,56.513672