In just one month my family and I will be on the Disney Dream!
This picture of me was taken in 2019 on a Very Merrytime (holiday) Disney Dream 4-night cruise. Next month's cruise will be a Very Merrytime cruise as well, but this time it will be 5 nights and it will be our first time sailing from Port Everglades in Ft. Lauderdale. We will also be going to Disney's new island location, Lookout Cay which I'm excited about. On top of all that is everything that the Disney Dream will offer for the holidays and I'm very excited about that too! And, this will be our 11th Disney cruise so it's our first time as Platinum Castaway Club members (boarding group 5!).
I'm the travel planner for our vacation, so it's been a pleasure to do everything from arranging our Palo brunch, doing our online check-in last week even during a storm-related power outage (we had no damage or flooding issues, thank goodness), making hotel reservations for the night before our cruise, coordinating our food allergies with Disney, and researching our car trip south to Ft. Lauderdale which will include a few fun stops that will be great surprises for my family!
If you are thinking about a Disney cruise, I'd be happy to help you with that and share in your excitement! Feel free to contact me!