Silk Way Nomads-Turkmenistan travel group

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Silk Way Nomads-Turkmenistan travel group Silk Way Nomads: Adventurous explorers traversing Turkmenistan’s hidden gems! 🌄🐪

Are they simmilar? The building on left side is a Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan which located in the center of Ashg...

Are they simmilar? The building on left side is a Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan which located in the center of Ashgabat.

One day tour to Darvaza from Khivaza. A group tour to Gates of hell.  Contact me on whatsapp for more detailes

One day tour to Darvaza from Khivaza.
A group tour to Gates of hell. Contact me on whatsapp for more detailes

Gates of Hell at night. Turkmenistan🇹🇲

Gates of Hell at night. Turkmenistan🇹🇲


Traveler S. A. Gunaropulo, who visited our country in 1871 as a member of the Russian expedition, mentioned the unique dance in his work ‘In Turkmen Steppes’.According to art experts, the dance is characterized by fluid and synchronous swirling movements. Each move is seen as an individual element and at the same time as an integral part of the organic whole. Kushtdepdi basic routine is reminiscent of ritual pagan dances performed by ancient dervishes.The dance was particularly popular among Turkmens who lived along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Over time, it spread all over Turkmenistan and now has distinct regional variations in different parts of the country. The dance performers with a choreographic language honed over the centuries, enhanced by voice vibration, talk about the endless cycle of being, love and the miracle of the birth of a new life, and reveal the ideological significance of rituals. Dance novels replace each other, and gradually, as the pace increases, the dancers, with energetic movements, involve the viewer in a cycle of emotions. The dance begins with the reading of verses that set the rhythm of the composition. An important element of Kushtdepdi is the measured movement of the performers in a circle with raised arms. The circle ends - the dancers stop with the words "kusht, kusht, kushtdepdi", as if welcoming a new life cycle.The common features inherent in "Kushtdepdi" are largely due to the national character of the people.According to art historians, the unique choreography of the Kushtdepdi dance, which consists mostly of smooth, synchronous turns in a circle, where each dancer is a separate and at the same time an integral part of the overall colorful action. The measured movement of the performers in a circle also resembles the orderly movement of the plates of the solar system, which makes eternal circles in accordance with the laws of the Universe.It is the duty of present and future generations to preserve Kushtdepdi as a national treasure, an important element of the intangible cultural heritage.The nomination "Kushtdepdi - the art of singing and dancing" was considered during the 12th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage on December 7, 2017 in Jeju (Republic of Korea) and unanimously included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.This fact confirms the recognition of the great importance of the spiritual culture of the Turkmen people, an integral part of the universal cultural heritage. "Kushtdepdi" as a colorful example of folk art, reflecting the symbiosis of historical and cultural traditions and the spiritual experience of the nation, is a vivid example of a harmonious combination of the traditions of the past and the creative energy of the present.

В горах Туркменистана Ккгитангтау, вблизи к границе с Узбекистаном, на высоте 1800 м. есть уникальное место- "Плато Дино...

В горах Туркменистана Ккгитангтау, вблизи к границе с Узбекистаном, на высоте 1800 м. есть уникальное место- "Плато Динозавров". У подножия горы находится посёлок Ходжапиль (пер. "Священные слоны"). Местная легенда гласит, что в этом месте раз в год появляются белые слоны, которые совершают на плато свои священные танцы.
Согласно другой легенде, эти следы были оставлены слонами Александра Македонского.
Конечно это всё сказки!
Динозавры обитали здесь в Юрском периоде 150 млн. лет назад. Плато является уникальным. На нём больше 3000 отпечатков. Аналогов ему на планете нет! Учёные выяснили, что отпечатки принадлежат 3-м подвидам: Мегалозаврам, Игунодонам и Тиранозаврам. Так же на плато обнаружены следы человекообразных, что является загадкой. Следы датируются 200 млн. лет, а по утверждениям учёных, человекообразнве появились лишь 30 млн. лет назад...



#динозавры #окаменелости
#горы Хотели бы посетить это место??

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landfor...

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landform in the north-western part of Turkmenistan, about 160 km east of Turkmenbashi. The name Yangi Kala means "Fiery Fortresses" in Turkmen, and refers to the vivid colors and shapes of the canyon walls. The canyons cover an area of about 40 km2, and have a maximum depth of 60-100 m. The origin of the canyons dates back to the Cenozoic era, when the region was covered by the Paratethys Sea, a large inland sea that extended from Central Asia to Eastern Europe. The sea deposited thick layers of sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, sandstone, and marl, that were later uplifted and folded by tectonic forces. About 5.5 million years ago, the sea level dropped dramatically, exposing the rocks to the surface. Since then, the rocks have been eroded by wind, water, and temperature fluctuations, creating the canyons and their distinctive features. The canyons display a rich variety of colors, ranging from white to yellow, orange, red, and purple. The colors are determined by the mineral composition and oxidation state of the rocks. For example, the red color is caused by the presence of iron oxides, while the purple color is due to manganese oxides. The colors also change depending on the time of the day and the angle of the sun, creating a dynamic and captivating scenery. The canyons are not only a geological wonder, but also a biological one. Despite the harsh and arid conditions, the canyons host a diverse and resilient ecosystem, adapted to the extreme temperatures, water scarcity, and salinity. The vegetation consists mainly of xerophytic plants, such as saxaul, tamarisk, wormwood, and wild tulips, that can survive with minimal water and store it in their roots, stems, or leaves. The fauna includes mammals, such as gazelles, foxes, wolves, and jackals, as well as reptiles, birds, and insects. The canyons also provide a habitat for some rare and endangered species, such as the Turkmen wild goat and the Houbara bustard. Yangi Kala canyons are a valuable scientific and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, and a potential attraction for eco-tourism. They off

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landfor...

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landform in the north-western part of Turkmenistan, about 160 km east of Turkmenbashi. The name Yangi Kala means "Fiery Fortresses" in Turkmen, and refers to the vivid colors and shapes of the canyon walls. The canyons cover an area of about 40 km2, and have a maximum depth of 60-100 m. The origin of the canyons dates back to the Cenozoic era, when the region was covered by the Paratethys Sea, a large inland sea that extended from Central Asia to Eastern Europe. The sea deposited thick layers of sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, sandstone, and marl, that were later uplifted and folded by tectonic forces. About 5.5 million years ago, the sea level dropped dramatically, exposing the rocks to the surface. Since then, the rocks have been eroded by wind, water, and temperature fluctuations, creating the canyons and their distinctive features. The canyons display a rich variety of colors, ranging from white to yellow, orange, red, and purple. The colors are determined by the mineral composition and oxidation state of the rocks. For example, the red color is caused by the presence of iron oxides, while the purple color is due to manganese oxides. The colors also change depending on the time of the day and the angle of the sun, creating a dynamic and captivating scenery. The canyons are not only a geological wonder, but also a biological one. Despite the harsh and arid conditions, the canyons host a diverse and resilient ecosystem, adapted to the extreme temperatures, water scarcity, and salinity. The vegetation consists mainly of xerophytic plants, such as saxaul, tamarisk, wormwood, and wild tulips, that can survive with minimal water and store it in their roots, stems, or leaves. The fauna includes mammals, such as gazelles, foxes, wolves, and jackals, as well as reptiles, birds, and insects. The canyons also provide a habitat for some rare and endangered species, such as the Turkmen wild goat and the Houbara bustard. Yangi Kala canyons are a valuable scientific and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, and a potential attraction for eco-tourism.

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landfor...

Yangi Kala canyons: a geomorphological and ecological marvel of Turkmenistan Yangi Kala canyons are a remarkable landform in the north-western part of Turkmenistan, about 160 km east of Turkmenbashi. The name Yangi Kala means "Fiery Fortresses" in Turkmen, and refers to the vivid colors and shapes of the canyon walls. The canyons cover an area of about 40 km2, and have a maximum depth of 60-100 m. The origin of the canyons dates back to the Cenozoic era, when the region was covered by the Paratethys Sea, a large inland sea that extended from Central Asia to Eastern Europe. The sea deposited thick layers of sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, sandstone, and marl, that were later uplifted and folded by tectonic forces. About 5.5 million years ago, the sea level dropped dramatically, exposing the rocks to the surface. Since then, the rocks have been eroded by wind, water, and temperature fluctuations, creating the canyons and their distinctive features. The canyons display a rich variety of colors, ranging from white to yellow, orange, red, and purple. The colors are determined by the mineral composition and oxidation state of the rocks. For example, the red color is caused by the presence of iron oxides, while the purple color is due to manganese oxides. The colors also change depending on the time of the day and the angle of the sun, creating a dynamic and captivating scenery. The canyons are not only a geological wonder, but also a biological one. Despite the harsh and arid conditions, the canyons host a diverse and resilient ecosystem, adapted to the extreme temperatures, water scarcity, and salinity. The vegetation consists mainly of xerophytic plants, such as saxaul, tamarisk, wormwood, and wild tulips, that can survive with minimal water and store it in their roots, stems, or leaves. The fauna includes mammals, such as gazelles, foxes, wolves, and jackals, as well as reptiles, birds, and insects. The canyons also provide a habitat for some rare and endangered species, such as the Turkmen wild goat and the Houbara bustard. Yangi Kala canyons are a valuable scientific and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, and a potential attraction for eco-tourism. They offer a unique opportunity to study the geological and climatic evolution of the region, as well as the biodiversity and adaptation of the living organisms. They also represent a source of inspiration and beauty for the local people and visitors, who can admire the stunning views and the echo effect of the canyon walls. Yangi Kala canyons are a natural treasure that deserves to be preserved and protected for future generations.

One of the incredible spots in Turkmenistan

One of the incredible spots in Turkmenistan


The Capital of Turkmenistan At night even more Beautiful.Explore the beauty of Asgabat with Silk Way Nomads.Contact us for more info.

Turkmenistan is a country of rich and diverse culture, where ancient traditions are still alive and respected. One of th...

Turkmenistan is a country of rich and diverse culture, where ancient traditions are still alive and respected. One of the most distinctive features of Turkmen culture is the role of bahshies, or folk singers and storytellers, who preserve and transmit the oral heritage of the nation. Bahshies play a dutar, a two-stringed lute, and sing epic poems, legends, and songs about love, bravery, and wisdom. They also perform at weddings, festivals, and other celebrations, entertaining and educating the audience with their art.

Another important aspect of Turkmen culture is the love and admiration for camels and Akhalteke horses, two animals that have been essential for the survival and prosperity of the Turkmen people for centuries. Camels are valued for their endurance, strength, and ability to adapt to harsh desert conditions. They provide milk, meat, wool, and transportation for the nomadic Turkmen. Akhalteke horses are renowned for their beauty, speed, and intelligence. They are considered the national treasure of Turkmenistan and are often given as gifts to foreign dignitaries. Turkmen people take great care of their camels and horses, treating them as family members and friends.

Turkmen culture also embraces the sport of belt wrestling, or goresh, which is a traditional form of wrestling that involves two opponents trying to throw each other to the ground by grabbing each other’s belts. Goresh is a test of skill, strength, and courage, as well as a way of promoting friendship and respect among the participants. Goresh is practiced by men and women of all ages, and is often accompanied by music and cheering from the spectators. Goresh is not only a sport, but also a symbol of the Turkmen spirit and identity.

Finally, Turkmen culture is characterized by the respect and reverence for elders, who are regarded as the sources of wisdom, experience, and guidance. Elders are honored and consulted on important matters, such as family, marriage, and community affairs. They are also the keepers of the customs, values, and morals of the Turkmen society. Turkmen people show their respect for elders by greeting them first, offering them the best seats, serving them food and drinks, and listening to their advice.

Turkmen culture is a beautiful and unique blend of history, nature, and humanity. It reflects the pride, dignity, and hospitality of the Turkmen people, who cherish their heritage and welcome visitors with open arms and hearts.

Turkmen culture is a culture that honors and loves kids, who are the continuation and the renewal of the nation. Kids ar...

Turkmen culture is a culture that honors and loves kids, who are the continuation and the renewal of the nation. Kids are the embodiment of the Turkmen legends, sayings, and customs that have been passed down from generation to generation.

One of the most famous Turkmen legends is the legend of Oguz Khan, the mythical ancestor of the Turkmen people, who had six sons and six grandsons, each representing a Turkmen tribe. Oguz Khan taught his sons and grandsons the principles of justice, bravery, and generosity, and gave them his blessings and their names: the sun, the moon, and the stars. Sky.The Turkmen people consider themselves the descendants of Oguz Khan and his sons and grandsons, and they name their kids after them to honor their legacy and heritage.

One of the most common Turkmen sayings is “Bala - ata-babanyñ güli”, which means “A kid is the flower of the father and mother”. This saying expresses the affection and admiration that Turkmen parents have for their kids, who are the most beautiful and precious things in their lives. The other saying says "Bal süyji, Baldan-da bala" ,which means "The honey is sweat but the kids are sweeter.Turkmen parents nurture and protect their kids like flowers, and they also expect their kids to blossom and bear fruits, such as good deeds, achievements, and virtues.

One of the most important Turkmen customs is the celebration of the first birthday of a kid, which is called “Toyly Bilim”. This custom involves the kid wearing a traditional costume and a hat with a feather, and being carried by the eldest relative or a respected person in the community. The kid is then presented with various objects, such as a book, a pen, a coin, a needle, a scissors, a comb, a mirror, etc. The object that the kid chooses is believed to indicate his or her future profession, talent, or personality. The kid is also given a name on this occasion, which is usually chosen by the parents or the elders, based on the kid’s appearance, character, or horoscope.
Discover the beauty of Turkmenistan and view a best memory with Silk Way Nomads:+99361761633

Turkmenistan is a country that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Traveling here is an opportunity to see the w...

Turkmenistan is a country that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Traveling here is an opportunity to see the world from a fresh perspective, immerse yourself in rich history, and discover the hidden gems of Central Asia.






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