Alchemy for the Soul

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Alchemy for the Soul New Earth Soul Alchemy | Let the evolutionary sparkle of your Soul set you on Fire. | www.samielcar

I help women access their innate gifts that enable them to thrive, love openly and to come back to a place of peace, clarity and creativity whenever they need it and master the rollercoster of this life experience with more ease & grace.

Remember that in order for something or someone new and more aligned with your new frequency and purpose to arrive, you ...

Remember that in order for something or someone new and more aligned with your new frequency and purpose to arrive, you have to let go/allow to leave first.
At this time, old structures, internal and external, will not hold the light is entering through your body.
How do you if something/someone is what needs to go? Because you’ll find yourself trying to force it.
What do you need to allow things to leave you? Faith. Hope. And the inner knowing that the Divine never takes away something if is not to give you something much better and aligned.
I speak from my very own experience. Every time I surrendered in faith I did not know I had, the DIVINE held me with miracles. Literally.
This week a miracle happened for a friend. Whom was supposed to move in in a place to live and after 24hs we was told to leave, finding himself on the streets. I told him that sometimes what appears ‘rejection’ is actually a protection.
The DIVINE speaks to us in so many ways.
24hs later he found a beautiful and more suitable place to live.
At this EPIC time of our Aquarian Age, having FAITH in Father Mother God holding us all as children is THE spirtual practice we need.
New Earth is going to be BORN through us if we really allow old structures to dissolve, collapse, disappear.
Let’s not seek healing to keep the old. Let’s dance in JOY with GAIA Ascention as she gives us the HOLY opportunity to BE the LIGHT be already are.
Beautiful Soul. I love you.
In love.
Carolina | Soul Alchemy for the New Earth

Foto : Yeni Rosas

Your cells are made of earthThey hold, they protect,they alchemiseancient information of life onour dear Planet Earth.Ea...

Your cells are made of earth
They hold, they protect,
they alchemise
ancient information of life on
our dear Planet Earth.

Earth is the feminine element
that represents the
greatest Alchemist.
She receives the energy.
She is the negative pole.
She transforms and
revives what is given to Her.

She sustains.
She nourishes.
She supports and keeps
us strong and committed
to our path.

She grounds our feet
and soothes our nervous

Earth offers seeds to the wind.
Generously, she always
gives us fruits.
Our task is to know
when is the right time
to harvest.

The trees with deep roots in her
know how to sustain themselves
despite the weather.
Within her ecosystem,
everything is perfect
and harmonious.

Earth makes us feel like HOME
Earth does not pressure the seeds
to grow, or the trees to give fruits.
Earth knows about the rhythms,
and the importance of nourishing presence.

Earth knows how to sustain herself first
so she can sustain others.
The whole humanity.

Earth main initiation
is the integration of
self sustenance
and sustaining others.

Carolina Rodriguez Barros López | Soul Alchemy

“Transitar el camino interior no es tarea sencilla. Hay que adentrarse en veredas torcidas y en senderos sinuosos, entre...

“Transitar el camino interior no es tarea sencilla. Hay que adentrarse en veredas torcidas y en senderos sinuosos, entrelazados en ocasiones de forma imposible, que producen la sensación de bloqueo, de parálisis y de esa profunda incertidumbre que nos conduce a veces al borde de la renuncia y del abandono.

Tales momentos son clave. Son aquéllos en los que:

Necesitamos Luz. Necesitamos Guía. Necesitamos Sostén. Necesitamos Aliento.

Todo eso y mucho más puedes encontrarlo en este Oráculo de Shakti Medicine, memorable por el poder sanador no solo de sus respuestas, sino de las altísimas frecuencias vibratorias contenidas en cada una de las composiciones de luz, color y geometría de las 33 cartas que lo componen.” - Charo de la Rosa

Shakti Medicine, de Editorial Kolima

“Transitar el camino interior no es tarea sencilla. Hay que adentrarse en veredas torcidas y en senderos sinuosos, entrelazados en ocasiones de forma imposible, que producen la sensación de bloqueo, de parálisis y de esa profunda incertidumbre que nos conduce a veces al borde de la renuncia y del abandono.

Tales momentos son clave. Son aquéllos en los que:

Necesitamos Luz. Necesitamos Guía. Necesitamos Sostén. Necesitamos Aliento.

Todo eso y mucho más puedes encontrarlo en este Oráculo de Shakti Medicine, memorable por el poder sanador no solo de sus respuestas, sino de las altísimas frecuencias vibratorias contenidas en cada una de las composiciones de luz, color y geometría de las 33 cartas que lo componen.”

Grandes palabras de una mujer infinitamente sabia. Charo de la Rosa gracias por el apoyo incondicional y por haberme mostrado el camino para encontrar a Editorial Kolima .

Estoy infinitamente agradecida de pertenecer a esta gran familia de seres maravillosos repletos de amor y caminando con un solo propósito : sembrar amor y consciencia.

Shakti Medicine publicado por Editorial Kolima. Gracias familia. Infinitas gracias por confiar en este mensaje que me ha elegido.

Samiel Carolina | Autora de Shakti Medicine | Ilustrado por Eric Boehm (Inspiration art)


Fuertes procesos emocionales en preparación para cambios personales y colectivos : Shakti Medicine acompaña el proceso aquí te cuento cómo.

»» The Heart Alchemy Practice is a simple yet profound guided meditation towards the blue lotus flower in your heart tem...

»» The Heart Alchemy Practice is a simple yet profound guided meditation towards the blue lotus flower in your heart temple space.

This alchemical visualisation has been received as a way to strengthen the connection between your mind and your heart.

Guidance by Samiel Carolina, Soul Alchemist.
Art channeled by Eric Boehm, Inspiration Art.

»» Guided meditation available for download at

»» Art available at Eric Boehm,

»» The Heart Alchemy Practice is a simple yet profound guided meditation towards the blue lotus flower in your heart temple space. This alchemical visualisat...

Hoy en Madrid a las 16h : Siente y Sana es la presentacion en EO7- Arte en movimiento Los esperamos familia de Madrid! S...

Hoy en Madrid a las 16h : Siente y Sana es la presentacion en EO7- Arte en movimiento

Los esperamos familia de Madrid! Se transmitirá en Mindalia y Divulgadores del Misterio 🙌🏼


NEW on the Soundcloud channel :An exploration on feelings and emotions to create a healthy, efficient relationship with ...

NEW on the Soundcloud channel :

An exploration on feelings and emotions to create a healthy, efficient relationship with them and a guided ritual, which starts around minute 15 in the recording.

Creating healthy relationship with our emotions and feelings . Say Hi to Samiel Carolina on social media : Facebook: Instagram:


El despertar del poder transformador y creador femenino.

Los invito a descubrir Shakti Medicine en la Feria del Libro de Madrid el proximo Lunes, donde estaré firmando ejemplares entre las 12h30 y las 14h !

Porqué Shakti es importante ahora?

Los Ancianos Sabios de nuestro planeta sabían que en tiempos de expansión de la conciencia, los principios transformadores y creativos femeninos deberían despertarse en cada mujer y cada hombre. La energía de Shakti es la medicina que cada un@ de nosotr@s lleva y que se necesita con urgencia para concebir y dar a luz a la nueva humanidad donde lo femenino y lo masculino están íntimamente equilibrados, integrados y en armonía con la naturaleza, los animales y todos los elementos.

Estás preparad@ para este momento. Deja que este mazo de oráculos te guíe hacia el poder creativo y de sanación dentro de ti.

Es tu sagrada responsabilidad elevarte como la poderosa energia CREADORA que eres. Confía en que tu creatividad no tiene límites. �

Junt@s tejemos el tapiz de la nueva tierra.

Feria del Libro de Madrid : Lunes 3 Junio | Caseta 261
Disponible en Amazon y a través de Editorial Kolima

The path of Ascension calls us deep into our physical body.The connection with the Divine essence is found Here : in thi...

The path of Ascension calls us deep into our physical body.
The connection with the Divine essence is found Here : in this body. Now : in this breath.
Our body of Light is anchored in our physical body through the 13 joints, and in communion, they become the conduit of the unique frequency of our divine human essence.
As the light body enters with powerful light codes, it’s first task is to remove the frozen, old paradigm, from the body. That is when healing happens. Kind of detox effect. When the light codes touch the 12 strands of DNA plus the ‘mysterious’ 13th.. then the consciousness expands back into its original cosmic source. We remember who we are.
Is through the process of individualisation and recognition of that unique light - unique expression of the Divine - that we remember all of creation, to rise as Luminaries in the world.
Upcoming Shakti Medicine Immersion to awaken the New Earth Body temple and Light Codes Within : 16 - 22 September 2019 .
Come feel the frequency of Divine Mother in Sacred Land of Andalucia, Spain.
In Joy. In Love. And in Reverence to that purpose that moves us into being.

The GLOWING WOMANIs on a beautiful journey.She recognises herselfas the main creator of her masterpiece.Her masterpiece ...


Is on a beautiful journey.
She recognises herself
as the main creator of her masterpiece.

Her masterpiece is her Life
She engages herself in a
journey of liberation
from the past
that is empowering and revealing.

She wants to connect deep,
remember her essence
and clearly see why she is here.

She is not interested in new identities
of Priestess, Goddess or Wild Woman.
She knows she already is
a Glowing Woman.

She comes from the future
carrying ancient wisdom
in her womb.

She nurtures herself
and her relationships.

Her business and career are
a Soulful expression of her mission
for this lifetime.

She is many women at once
She is all women at once
She thrives in sisterhood.
Her body is her temple
Nature is her best friend.

She doesn’t hold anyone
responsible for her life
She is the one
she was waiting for
Here she is. In you.

Welcome Home.

Upcoming Shakti Medicine Immersion for women who dare to glow : 16 - 22 September 2019 - Andalucia - Spain

We are going through an immense portal of transformation and self actualisation. As we allow this, we feel that new choi...

We are going through an immense portal of transformation and self actualisation.

As we allow this, we feel that new choices, new spaces, new relationships want to come into our lives. Then the dance is about closing and opening. Closing and opening.

As women, our way to wholeness, vitality and self-love lies in learning to honour these cycles. Menstrual cycles, hormonal cycles, life cycles, relationships cycles. Everything is cyclical.

This is a short (28 minutes) powerful ritual that can be incorporated as a practice when you feel you are going through changes that are needed to be fully embraced, accepted and lived.

Available together with the collection of ESSENTIALS at


ESCAPISMO ESPIRITUAL . Infinitamente agradecida por haber sido invitada por EO7, en Madrid, para la maratón de conscienc...


Infinitamente agradecida por haber sido invitada por EO7, en Madrid, para la maratón de consciencia sobre Escapismo Espiritual : aquí esta la grabación - mil gracias a Divulgadores del Misterio.

»» El fin del New Age y sus "trampas"
»» Espiritualidad Patriarcal
y mucho mas en una charla de media hora.

CAMINA CON LOS OJOS BIEN ABIERTOS con SAMIEL CAROLINA Escapismo Espiritual EO7/MAD Jueves 28 de Marzo de 16-21H : MARATON DE CONCIENCIA Si vas a COMPRAR en A...

Ultima conferencia en Madrid durante la maraton de consciencia organizada por EO7 ya esta en Mindalia TV y en Divuladore...

Ultima conferencia en Madrid durante la maraton de consciencia organizada por EO7 ya esta en Mindalia TV y en Divuladores del Misterio.

Gracias a todos por venir, escuchar, compartir como siempre.

Tú eres el Creador y el Propósito, por Samiel Carolina que tuvo lugar en EO7 (Madrid) el 25 de Abril de 2019. ------------------INFORMACION SOBRE MINDALIA---...

The thing with your soul’s medicine is that is not a job, a business (that keeps you in busy-ness) or ‘work’.Your soul’s...

The thing with your soul’s medicine is that is not a job, a business (that keeps you in busy-ness) or ‘work’.
Your soul’s Medicine, the dream you are born with for this time is You, your life, your spiritual path, your art and legacy.
You breathe it in and out. You live it. You shapeshift and evolve with it.
It feels good. It brings pleasure and abundance.
Yet. It’s hard work. Hard in th sense that the moment you commit with it. The moment you marry yourself. You can’t leave it, or quit it.
The moment you step as the Alchemist, Creator and Lover of the masterpiece of you, you enter the path of wonder, magic and dance with creation.
The way of being working relating loving power and money are totally new and unique to you.
Is the resurrection of your purpose that sets you free from the golden cage of the matrix.
Last week we finished the Luminary Leadership Training and all participants and me, committed to our soul’s Medicine. Tears in my eyes to witness such courage and beauty.
My knees shaking as I renew my commitment to Shakti Medicine: and the Task for me is now to complete the Shiva Medicine Deck, to honor the Divine Masculine.
I surrender to this magnificent task as it is my honor to receive this new deck.
I enter this new initiation to dive deeper into the masculine and dance with him. He’s already showing me my own and the collective shadows, my inner games and old paradigm within me.
This is going to be such a ride. And I feel so ready for it. Ready to honor him fully and completely.
This initiation is supported by ‘Magnify your purpose’ essential oil which helps me to trust to bring all my devotion and attention to this task.
Shiva Medicine Oracle Card Deck coming out fall 2019 I feel

Infinita gratitud por todos los mensajes que he recibido en los últimos 4 meses desde que se ha publicado esta charla en...

Infinita gratitud por todos los mensajes que he recibido en los últimos 4 meses desde que se ha publicado esta charla en donde he canalizado una práctica para conectar con el Ser Profundo.

Bienvenidos a la Nueva Tierra. Cerramos el portal de 7 años que se ha abierto en 2012. Y nos conectamos para encarnar quien verdaderamente somos.

Me encantaría invitarlos a que reciban esta práctica hacia el
Final de la charla.

Dejamos atrás, en el viejo paradigma, el yo ‘superior’ para reconocer que no somos menos que nadie, ni menos que nosotros mismos. Ahora si, el Ser profundo se activa y con el la responsabilidad de entregarnos a la grandeza de nuestro propósito y poder creador.

Gracias EO7- Arte en movimiento y

Recuerda quién eres y porque estás aquí, por Samiel Carolina que tuvo lugar en Madrid el 20 de Diciembre de 2018. ------------------EVENTO ORGANIZADO POR----...

Muy pronto se estrena mi ultima conferencia en el canal de Mindalia Television.El Lunes 13 de Mayo a las 14h ! Puedes ve...

Muy pronto se estrena mi ultima conferencia en el canal de Mindalia Television.

El Lunes 13 de Mayo a las 14h ! Puedes verla en vivo, Samiel Carolina estará respondiendo preguntas y comentarios.

Aquí está el enlace, donde puedes programar un recordatorio.

Tú eres el Creador y el Propósito, por Samiel Carolina que tuvo lugar en EO7 (Madrid) el 25 de Abril de 2019. ------------------INFORMACION SOBRE MINDALIA---...

You are made ofEarth - as your bodyand Air - as your breathYou are made ofWater - as your bloodand Fire - as your spirit...

You are made of
Earth - as your body
and Air - as your breath

You are made of
Water - as your blood
and Fire - as your spirit.

You are born from
the collision of
time and space
at the perfect place
and sacred alignment of stars.

Your origin is both
cosmic and earthy.
divine and human.
masculine and feminine.
all and nothing.

Because that is the law here
on Earth School
you enter duality
so you remember
as you walk your path
what you are made of.

You are made of
HER - the life force that
moves mountains.
And that has chosen
to live here, now.
HER, who promised
to herself
to give birth
to the New Earth
by committing to
one thing :
give birth to her dreams
stay true to her desires
and share her gifts
with love, in beauty
with the world around her.

You are made of HIM
who promised to live here
now. In devotion to HER.

This dance. This union.
Whiting yourself
IS the promise
of the new life.
The New Earth.

And is happening
right now
as you breathe in and out.
The movement
The silence
Woven together
through ritual.

This is the invitation.
To keep the promise
of the new life
that wants to be born
through you
as you

The promise of
recognising who
you are becoming.
Constantly becoming.

As you learn to dance
with your inner rhythms.
Listening the outer rhythms.
In harmony
In peace
In beauty.

Alchemy for the Soul

Having the pleasure to be alive during this incarnation. Here (in this body - yours and Earths). Now (in this breath - y...

Having the pleasure to be alive during this incarnation. Here (in this body - yours and Earths). Now (in this breath - your and collective).
I’ve been having a lot of conversations during the past month with people telling me ‘they want to go back to the 3D’. As if ‘I want to live a ‘normal’ ‘simple’ human life’.
As if the ascension cosmic spiritual healing path is exhausting us. Because it is. The way it has been crafted.
Let us feel into the ascension or new age movement that became an industry constantly telling you how far you are from enlightenment , from peace, from ‘saving the planet’.
The invitation that opened 7 years ago, on the 21.12.2012, was a door back to yourself, to your divine human essence.
There is nothing to search for outside. Is all here now. The sustainable and collective changes we are caving starts within, with small pleasurable choices every day, in all areas of life.
At this time, 7 years later from that opening, we are feeling the pressure to choose, consciously and silently choose.
What is unique on this path at this time on the planet is that is personal and intimate. Your free will is sacred. Remember why you’ve chosen to come here at this epic time on Earth.
We’ve moved past from gurus, priests and priestesses. We are invited to awaken the Alchemist within.
The Alchemist that is whole, both divine and human. Both child and adult. Innocent and wise. Destroyer and creator. Feminine and masculine. All and nothing.
The path of ascension is the path that takes us back to the body, to the body temple, to the sacred essence we are made of in this incarnation : Earth.
Shakti Medicine is a sacred tool to come back to the body. To the Shakti principle of creation. Here. Now. In this body and this breath.
Shakti Medicine is the portal to access and resurrect the Alchemist. The one that falls in love with her masterpiece : your own life.
Slow down to the frequency of matter and notice : What gives you pleasure? The kind of pleasure that nourishes your Body and Soul?
Image by Nourishing the Feminine | Joan Vella Gambin

NUEVO en el CANAL de YOUTUBE SHAKTI MEDICINE : MASTERCLASS con invitadas especiales : Charo de la Rosa y Monica Pelayo t...


SHAKTI MEDICINE : MASTERCLASS con invitadas especiales : Charo de la Rosa y Monica Pelayo tratando en profundidad El MILAGRO de las EMOCIONES.

Que son las emociones ?
Se pueden "sanar"?
Hay emociones positivas y negativas?
Como manifiestan?
Cuál es el rol que juegan en el gran despertar de la humanidad ?

Con Carolina Rodriguez Barros Charo De la Rosa y Monica Pelayo

SHAKTI MEDICINE : MASTERCLASS con invitadas especiales : Charo De la Rosa y Monica Pelayo tratando en profundidad El MILAGRO de las EMOCIONES. . . Transmisio...

Hemos abierto el espacio para lecturas oráculo Shakti Medicine online.Shakti Medicine. Tu cuerpo es tu oráculo.Apoyándon...

Hemos abierto el espacio para lecturas oráculo Shakti Medicine online.

Shakti Medicine. Tu cuerpo es tu oráculo.

Apoyándonos en la guía de las 33 cartas-oráculo, para restaurar tu salud, resaltar tu luz y expandir tu consciencia. Sabiendo que tú ya tienes todas las respuestas.

RESERVA Tu sesión privada :

Preguntas x mensaje directo a través de fb.

Shakti Medicine. Tu cuerpo es tu oráculo.

33 cartas-oráculo para restaurar tu salud, resaltar tu luz y expandir tu consciencia.

RESERVA Tu sesión privada :

Preguntas x mensaje directo a través de fb.

Tienes preguntas ? Sabemos que las respuestas están dentro nuestro. Shakti Medicine es un espacio, una frequencia y una ...

Tienes preguntas ? Sabemos que las respuestas están dentro nuestro. Shakti Medicine es un espacio, una frequencia y una herramienta practica para encontrar y dejar de buscar.

Hoy en la Noche Esoterica de EO7 MADRID, a partir de las 20h y hasta que las velas no ardan, vente para una poderosa sesión de 30 minutos de armonización física, emocional, mental y espiritual.

"Siento que esta sesión me ha dado nuevos ojos. Una mayor conciencia de mis ciclos, más serenidad en la toma de decisiones, un nuevo sentido de pertenencia, y amor más grande para mí. Gracias Samiel. " - Paula

Nos vemos en Eo7/Mad

PS: el oráculo estará en venta durante el evento.

Image by Joan Vella Gambin | Nourishing the feminine

🔮🔮🔮Lecturas Shakti Medicine en Madrid este viernes 26 de Abril.🌟🌟🌟Querida familia de Madrid! Shakti Medicine estará pres...

🔮🔮🔮Lecturas Shakti Medicine en Madrid este viernes 26 de Abril.

🌟🌟🌟Querida familia de Madrid! Shakti Medicine estará presente junto a Samiel Carolina en la Noche Esotérica organizada por EO7- Arte en movimiento!

👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽Shakti Medicine aporta una poderosa armonización física, emocional, mental y espiritual.

🔥🔥🔥Además, libera tu energía sexual y potencial creativo.

😍😍😍Podrás recibir tu lectura oráculo de 30 minutos, adquirir tu mazo Shakti Medicine y llevártelo dedicado. 💖

💎💎💎Te esperamos el viernes a partir de las 20h. 🙌🏼


Hoy hemos tenido una transmisión divina sobre el Placer como Camino Espiritual.
Muy muy inspirada por la luna en Cancer de hoy. 🔮Quien me estuvo soplando al oído muchas cosas para ustedes! Se los dejé en la página de Facebook de Shakti Medicine. No se lo pierdan.
Hoy también los invité a las lecturas de Shakti Medicine que estoy ofreciendo algunos días a la semana.
Lecturas donde tú te conviertes en tu propio oráculo al armonizar tu cuerpo físico, emocional, mental y espiritual. .
Apoyados por las cartas y por una canalización personalizada, tendrás las respuestas a tus preguntas.
Ya puedes reservar tu consulta en el link en bio.
O link :
Consultas en castellano, inglés y francés. Canalizaciones grabadas y enviadas en mp3.
Foto : Richard Alma Photography

Send a message to learn more


Shakti Medicine junto a Charo De la Rosa & Monica Pelayo en un tema apasionante : El Milagro de las Emociones.


Shakti Medicine en vivo 1/4 : Cómo y porqué canalizar tus propias respuestas y rituales con Shakti Medicine

Shakti Medicine | Oráculo publicado por Editorial Kolima
Shakti Medicine

There is a sacred dance between Grief & Celebration.The new moon coming up is helping us to feel this.The big grief this...

There is a sacred dance between Grief & Celebration.
The new moon coming up is helping us to feel this.
The big grief this year, and specifically this month is that of the FAMILIAR places in our life, psyche and emotional landscape.
What are your favourite narratives about what is possible? Your familiar relationships? Habits? Thoughts? Emotional states?
Grief in itself can be addictive. Specially when explored collectively.
There is a big portal right now. The invitation to celebrate that what you are becoming - even if it’s not know yet.
Celebrating the transformation and creative impulse that is already here with this new moon that is calling you to step into ACTION to CREATE
the new landscape - personal and collective.
The space this new landscape needs is already happening as we are all in the cosmic soup of ascension. This is an ongoing process that can’t be stopped now. A process that requires awareness and embodiment at this stage.
Through new inspired action grief is alchemise into gratitude, courage and clarity. Grief - rooted in love - is the fuel that sustain the creative process now. Until it’s dissolved completely.
The invitation is to say “Hell Yes” to your life, on your terms - knowing that this requires the capacity to grief the familiar.
And then, the path ahead unfolds gracefully giving you everything that belongs to you - because it is already given.
Samiel Carolina | Alchemy for the Soul
👉🏽Soul Alchemy sessions info via private message

Beloved. 2019 is the year of changes.There is a new configuration on Earth. Many of you are being called to leave places...

Beloved. 2019 is the year of changes.
There is a new configuration on Earth. Many of you are being called to leave places, cities, families and identities.
Many are feeling attracted by entirely different things and people as before.
Fears have shifted into powerful self-enquiry and reflection.
The Gates to the New Earth are now wide open. You keep the responsibility to step forward or not.
Baby steps of liberation. Steps towards the life you know deeply in your flesh and bones - not in the mind - that you are born to live.
If the call is strong now for you, you may be remembering you are not here for the law of karma. But for your own deliberate choice to SERVE at this epic time on Earth.
Please beloved, carve out silence in your days. Cultivate by all means CALMNESS - because is the inner state of being that now allow the movements of change.
In the fifth dimensional Earth there are no more mistakes. Only one step at the time.
Please beloved. Understand there may be a confussion at this time, between who you thought you are and who you are becoming.
In the New Earth, you are invited to transcend the identities. And become one within you.
Not that you disappear. On the contrary, you become the multi dimensional being that you are, fully expressed.
Please beloved. Let yourself be loved by life. You are so magnificent.
One step at the time. And the path ahead unfolds.
Future book : Metamorphosis : the return of the divine human.
Samiel Carolina | Soul Alchemist


Shakti Medicine : Libro y Meditacion guiada - PARTE 1

Samiel Carolina comparte una parte del proceso de canalizacion del oraculo Shakti Medicine, y explica cómo utilizar la meditacion y libro que se incluyen con él, para que el oraculo realmente te apoye en el proceso de abrirse a sentir, a RE-CONOCERTE y asi, expandir tu conciencia.

ps: FB ha cortado la transmicion asi que hemos creado un playlist donde podras encontrar la segunda parte del video.

Shakti Medicine está en venta en Amazon, llegando a las cuatro direcciones del planeta : ya tienes el tuyo ? Déjanos saber compartiendo una foto y el hashtag asi nos conectamos !

Amor y gratitud, Shakti Medicine



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Samiel Carolina ...

... is a New Earth Soul Alchemist, born in Argentina, living globally for the past 15 years. Her work is based on a lifetime of studying and experiencing what it means to be a divine human, fully expressed, on Earth. As a intuitive visionary as well as a speaker, writer and international retreat leader, since 2009 Samiel’s mission is to open safe and beautiful places for us to remember our creative power and key role each one of us play in the transformation of consciousness.

The alchemical journey you experience working with her is entirely informed by Nature’s Consciousness. After a massive life shift in 2016, Samiel started receiving the codes to set up the foundation of the New Humanity on Earth as she traveled the world connecting with different landscapes and elements.

Her work is consecrated to restore the tapestry of Humanity to create a world that is beautiful and feels safe for all to love, thrive and connect. She’s trained and certified in different healing modalities. a passionate reader about everything quantum and committed to the ancient Mayan Traditional Path since 2010.