I Love to Travel

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I Love to Travel www.womentravelingsolo.com
There are many beautiful places in the world to visit and enjoy. Visit them safely and enjoy them.

Most of these planes will eventually fly again. In the meantime, they're occupying space in the centre of Australia. Thi...

Most of these planes will eventually fly again. In the meantime, they're occupying space in the centre of Australia. This is not the same as those in Arizona or California, the plane graveyards.

At a time when global air travel has plummeted to nearly nothing, this patch of the Aussie outback has never seen more action.

Sad, really sad, if this is as good as a sandwich gets on a short haul British Airways flight - in business class. Is th...

Sad, really sad, if this is as good as a sandwich gets on a short haul British Airways flight - in business class. Is that red speck actually tomato with the scrape of "chicken" in mayonnaise? Times are tough worldwide in the airline industry, but surely there are better sandwiches than this.

British Airways passengers have been moaning after the airline gave them sandwiches when sitting in 'Club Europe' seats - the business class section for short-haul flights.

Readers, whose country's features - man mad or natural - get the thumbs down from you in this article? I see a few with ...

Readers, whose country's features - man mad or natural - get the thumbs down from you in this article? I see a few with which I'll agree, starting with the Sydney Opera House, but my thumb down reaction is different.

As for the comments about Stonehenge, they came from sheer ignorance. My first reaction, when seeing it from a distance was "it's not as big as I expected". Whoops! In those long gone days you could go up to the stones. They weren't roped off. All the stones were BIG!

Check it all out. There are more than a few truths, and some from which you'll get a belly laugh. Been there, done that!!!

The Great Wall of China is "too long," there aren't any actual zebras crossing Abbey Road and The Grand Canyon is an overrated sandy ditch. Here's further proof that you just can't please everyone.

Anyone who laughs is doomed to stand in the "naughty corner" - a flight to nowhere. It's a great idea to put some money ...

Anyone who laughs is doomed to stand in the "naughty corner" - a flight to nowhere. It's a great idea to put some money into the dwindling QANTAS coffers, but the price! (It's hiding in the article). Oh goodness gracious, and on a squeezy Boeing 787. The QANTAS configuration is squeezy, even with reduced numbers of passengers so as to comply with covid-19 regulations. The company is using a plane, the one painted like a woven basket, that has been sitting at Sydney airport.

Shame the authorities didn't think of this before sending all the Boeing 747, Queens of the Sky to the Mohave desert. The current offering sold out quickly. There'd have been a stampede for a seat on a Queen.

A seven-hour flight to nowhere has sold out in just 10 minutes, with punters splashing out big to grab a seat on this unique ‘border-free’ flight.

You can't go anwhere at the moment, but take some time out to make a virtual visit to one or more of these great these p...

You can't go anwhere at the moment, but take some time out to make a virtual visit to one or more of these great these parks from around the world. Which is your favourite?

Thrilling roller coasters, meeting movie characters, out of this world pyrotechnic shows - there's a reason we can't get enough of theme parks.

The title of the page is "I Love to Travel" does NOT recommend this lot. I've seen some "sad stuff" claiming to be "food...

The title of the page is "I Love to Travel" does NOT recommend this lot. I've seen some "sad stuff" claiming to be "food" on trays when I travelled by plane. None was as bad as any of these. There's just one word for it - BLAGH!

The anticipation that surrounds your in-flight meal on a long flight is enormous. That's why it's so crushing when you're served something like ... this.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! This blunder from a place that calls New Orleans, "Norlins". What next? New York becomes "Nor...

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! This blunder from a place that calls New Orleans, "Norlins". What next? New York becomes "Nork"?

Let's not blame Stuart (Stu) Rushfield. (Is that "Stew"?) He was following instructions from his editors and some group called Research, Archives & Data, neither of whom bothered to check with anyone in Australia as to how to pronounce the bird's name. Phonetically it's "ee-mew". No, darlings, there's no "moo" in it. Leave that to the bovines.

P.S. A koala is NOT a bear. A bear, any bear, is a placental mammal. A koala is a marupial mammal, just like an opossum.

The animal may look cuddly and cute, but that's only in wild life centres where you can hold or pat them, under supervision. In the wild, they could tear your skin or, if near your face, rip your eyes. Words to the wise - look but never try to touch.

An American journalist sparked an international rift after ‘declaring’ emu should be pronounced “ee-moo” on Twitter this week. Australians have not taken it sitting down.

Look, but don't touch, or drag your hand through the water where there are crocodiles. All these are wild animals. They'...

Look, but don't touch, or drag your hand through the water where there are crocodiles. All these are wild animals. They're not to be petted unless in a wild life park where employees will tell you what to do. No rabies here, that's why Australia has such strict quarantine rules, but some of these sweeties and bite and scratch.

From floating beside a family of turtles at the Great Barrier Reef to spotting a crocodile on the banks of a billabong – here are Australia’s coolest wildlife encounters.

A few signs that'll make you smile while you have to stay at home. I smile at the translations for those written in a la...

A few signs that'll make you smile while you have to stay at home. I smile at the translations for those written in a language I can't read. At least the writers do better than I. Could I write a translation from English to their language. The answer is a resounding NO.

One of the great joys of being in a foreign country is discovering an entertaining sign: whether the joke was intentional or not.

This article reads like a horror story, and not only because of covid-19. Even before the onset of the virus, I used wip...

This article reads like a horror story, and not only because of covid-19. Even before the onset of the virus, I used wipe everything, including the seatbelt and its buckle and the seat back and headrest. I was aware of people's "poor woman" looks, but that didn't matter to me. I wasn't affecting them in any negative way. Doubt I'd get the same looks now, but air travel is out for the foreseeable future.

You may think you could guess the most contaminated spots on a plane. But there’s a surprise spot that delivers “a tiny and invisible contaminated souvenir” for travellers.

Last off or no one else is travelling/

Last off or no one else is travelling/

An airport has created an experience for flight-starved travellers to check in, go through security, board the aircraft … and go absolutely nowhere.

Australia farewells the Queen of the Sky. No other plane is or will be like this marvel, the Boeing 747. Joe Sutter, her...

Australia farewells the Queen of the Sky. No other plane is or will be like this marvel, the Boeing 747. Joe Sutter, her "father", was right. She just wants to fly. Now she's forever grounded.

She's a magnificent craft, unique in shape, and unique in the hearts of millions of people, including those who never flew on her. We mourn her passing. It's as if she was family.

As she rolled slowly down the taxi-way in Sydney on the afternoon of 22 July, 2020, she seemed to pause as she passed the crowd on the viewing mound. Crazy as it may seem, it was as though she was saying goodbye to friends who cheered, waved, and cried as she left.

What an incredible waste, not only of VH-OEJ, "Wunulla", but also of her 'sisters' from all airlines, now lying in the Mohave Desert, Arizona/California.

Rest quietly, beautiful Queen. After 27 years of safe service, your flying days, sadly, are over. We miss you.

Aviation fans who were watching the flight path of the final Qantas Boeing 747 flight noticed something unusual. This is how the pilots pulled off the amazing secret stunt.

Love to travel? How would you like this? Read the article about the rules for flying on Qatar Airways? Wear of stay home...

Love to travel? How would you like this? Read the article about the rules for flying on Qatar Airways? Wear of stay home. You won't gripe about wearing a soft face mask after this. Qatar Airways means business.

If you thought masks on a plane and some disinfectant wipes were as bad as flying will get post-pandemic, think again.

"It won't happen to me". Oh yes? From a very great distance, scammers can see the vulnerable tourist coming. The scammer...

"It won't happen to me". Oh yes? From a very great distance, scammers can see the vulnerable tourist coming. The scammers will be a sweet as pie. They'll be your new 'best friend', and depending on the country where you're travelling, will use their "best scam". Take your pick of those listed in the article, and add your own if you've been hit. You've been just one more piece of sucker bait.

One small piece of advice, walk with strength,head held high straight back, and don't carry a map, paper or digital, even though you may be somewhat bamboozled and lost. Just go back to where you started (as long as it was a safe place). If you look helpless, you're done like a dinner and the scammers' antennae twitch "here's another one". Hold your bag or wallet or any valuable item tightly.

Adventure is fun, but don't let it be dangerous - or too expensive because you didn't heed the warnings of those with experience and who'd previously been a victim.

Travel safely and enjoy the experience. Come home to talk of the good things, show your souvenirs, and have your on credit card bill you for the things you chose to do or to buy. (If there's anything suspicious showing, contact the card's provider immediately. That charge can be reversed).

Escape’s readers love to travel — but being in unfamiliar surroundings makes us all vulnerable. Here are some of the most common scams to look out for …

You have to stay home at the moment, but you can still enjoy someone else's lovely pictures, and may be look forward to ...

You have to stay home at the moment, but you can still enjoy someone else's lovely pictures, and may be look forward to when you can travel again. You can also save for that day. Which place(s) would you choose?

From bustling city skylines to out-of-this-world natural landscapes, these stunning photos capture the most beautiful destinations in the world – all from a bird’s eye view.

The section "Driving Holidays" in the article refers specifically to Australia and New Zealand. Think about a road trip ...

The section "Driving Holidays" in the article refers specifically to Australia and New Zealand. Think about a road trip in you own country. It may be just what you need - fun with your special friends or with your family.

As for the other sections, each has an almost universal application. Whichever it is, when it's time to travel again, have fun and stay healthy and be careful.

This pandemic has put travellers in a unique bargaining position that could mean the end of pushy crowds and shuffling tour groups.

The call the penguins "little" now. Not so long ago they were "fairy penguins". Why the name change? Don't know, but the...

The call the penguins "little" now. Not so long ago they were "fairy penguins". Why the name change? Don't know, but these little birds, and generations before them, come home to Phillip Island near Melbourne, every night, (to the delight of the hoards of tourists that the penguins ignore).

Phillip Island’s penguins have just shot to global stardom after being the subject of a BBC sport commentator’s latest hilarious video.

How sad are these? Planes from the super-jumbo Airbus A380 to the small Boeing 737 Max-8s "parked" nose to tail near Ali...

How sad are these? Planes from the super-jumbo Airbus A380 to the small Boeing 737 Max-8s "parked" nose to tail near Alice Springs in the centre of Australia.

As grounded aircraft wait out the coronavirus pandemic, this plane “graveyard” in the Aussie outback has become the resting place for many of them.

Nose to tail, airlines' planes in Australia, mostly at a relatively small port, Avalon, Melbourne. Qantas's engineers ar...

Nose to tail, airlines' planes in Australia, mostly at a relatively small port, Avalon, Melbourne. Qantas's engineers are maintaining all the planes to keep them air-worthy when lock-downs are over.

Incredible aerial photographs have emerged of grounded Jetstar and Qantas planes parked in perfect symmetry on Avalon Airport’s runway.

Someone  goofed. Did no one tell him what can happen in Amsterdam? Words to the wise for the unwary!

Someone goofed. Did no one tell him what can happen in Amsterdam? Words to the wise for the unwary!

While waiting out the rain in a cafe in Amsterdam, this Aussie traveller came across a special too good to refuse, but no one told him this.

The page is "I Love to Travel". At the moment it's "I Must Stay at Home". The article starts with conditions in Australi...

The page is "I Love to Travel". At the moment it's "I Must Stay at Home".

The article starts with conditions in Australia, but spreads round the world and to a range of airlines. The worst section is the charges slugging airlines that have to pay parking fees - major European hubs can charge about $480 an hour for aircraft parking. If the airlines were suffering with the general downturn in numbers of travellers, they cop this fee. Stay safe and follow health instructions, everyone.

As the COVID-19 crisis brings the world’s airlines to their knees, there’s no clearer picture of the crisis than what the skies above us looks like now.


I'd have to travel to get the pineapple lumps. Rules at the moment mean I have to stay home.

We are open to the general public and there are no joining fees or health care cards or pension cards

Yes, I love to travel, but not now. The coronavirus has grounded us all. Take all the precautions advised by your countr...

Yes, I love to travel, but not now. The coronavirus has grounded us all. Take all the precautions advised by your country's health authorities. Don't take unnecessary risks and do stupid things. Stay as safe and healthy as possible.

As coronavirus brings global air travel to a near-standstill, startling images show airports around the world have become virtual ghost towns.

Every country is concerned about what re-entering residents/citizens and visitors are carrying in. Australia and New Zea...

Every country is concerned about what re-entering residents/citizens and visitors are carrying in. Australia and New Zealand are particularly fussy. Why? They are so geographically isolated they are free from most of the diseases that can occur in the rest of the world. Don't try sneaking fruit/vegetables/any vegetation including part of plants or wooden products, meat and meat products including poultry, all dairy products, seafood, and what too many people consider "it doesn't matter" products - grains, seeds, bulbs, straw, nuts, traditional medicines or herbs. This list is not complete. You'll need to read the incoming passenger card for the lot. Read it carefully and tick "YES" if you're unsure of whether your luggage contains something about which you're not sure. Don't think the customs' dogs won't detect items. They have very strong noses. Good doggies! Other countries, e.g. Canada also have strict rules. Disobey and cop a large fine, and rightly so.

Now there's the other issue - health. Make sure, no matter which country you are entering, to include your address and phone number. The authorities will need to contact you if you've been exposed to coronavirus (or other contagious disease). None of us knows that the stranger sitting beside us in the plane is affected. Be wise, fill entry forms properly and honestly.

It’s the in-flight chore that catches out passengers time and again, but there’s a very good reason you need to nail this when you travel.

Sad and scary times all around the world. How are your travels affected with the spread of the coronavirus? Hopefully no...

Sad and scary times all around the world. How are your travels affected with the spread of the coronavirus? Hopefully not too badly, but it's wise to take precautions.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread throughout the world, travel operators are suspending operations and closing famous tourist attractions.

Clearly Cathy Pacific is doing its part in helping travellers avoid contracting the coronavirus. It's impossible to be 1...

Clearly Cathy Pacific is doing its part in helping travellers avoid contracting the coronavirus. It's impossible to be 100% sure no infected passengers are carried, but the airline is taking best precautions, as is Hong Kong airport.

The wellbeing of our passengers is, as it always has been, our top priority. In light of the coronavirus outbreak, we have implemented a number of precautionary measures to reassure our passengers, staff and crew. We understand that travelling during this period can be stressful. As the situation de...

Stay healthy, follow these basic rules. They're not difficult, especially in the current environment with a virus for wh...

Stay healthy, follow these basic rules. They're not difficult, especially in the current environment with a virus for which there's no vaccine. Scientists are working to develop one, but they've not reached the solution.

Make it to your destination in full health.

This article made me laugh. Looks like the premier economy section has been improved. Not before time. The seats in the ...

This article made me laugh. Looks like the premier economy section has been improved. Not before time. The seats in the earlier version of the Boeing 787 closely resembled those in a Greyhound bus! For 13 - 14 hours, it was a nightmare. As for party hats, etc, on this route, ha, ha. Where were they - and any members of management, or promotion/advertising companies when seeing off the inaugural 787 flight left Melbourne for Los Angeles in December 2017?
As for meals, why oh why can't there be something simple without all the eggplant, couscous, pine nuts, mushrooms, sweet potato, edamame beans, etc? Whatever happened to a really good meal of meat and three veg, and not the "nouvelle cuisine" things. Time to way bye bye to Mr Rockpool.

She’s no stranger to long distance flying, but when this traveller boarded a brand new Qantas plane she never expected this.

Try it, if all else fails. I'm a "roller", but next trip I'll give this trick a go. If it works, good; if it doesn't I s...

Try it, if all else fails. I'm a "roller", but next trip I'll give this trick a go. If it works, good; if it doesn't I still have my alternative. Good luck, packers.

A frequent traveller has shared her bizarre method of packing that doesn’t include folding or rolling.

Don't be the grubby, selfish, thoughtless passenger on the plane. There are usually 100+ on it. If everyone brought his/...

Don't be the grubby, selfish, thoughtless passenger on the plane. There are usually 100+ on it. If everyone brought his/her smelly food - phew! This article is loaded with sensible advice for plane passengers. Follow the good ideas.

When leaving the plane, look around you, at the seats, at the floor between the seats. Does it look like the local tip? Was it you that contributed to some of the litter? Be a thoughtful passenger. Put your food left-overs and wrappers in the bag the attendants carry for that purpose or take your garbage off the plane with you.

Planes are a means of transport, not flying garbage dumps, and attendants aren't paid cleaners. Also, paid cleaners should not have to be dump workers. Think of other people and their comfort, too. Be a caring passenger.

When it comes to flying, most of us have a few bugbears at 38,000 feet. But anyone eating this on a plane must be one of the worst.



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