【家之歡聚 福滿團圓】
【家之歡聚 福滿團圓】
【There's no place like home at Lunar New Year】
無論係上 #國泰品味 選購賀年禮品送俾家人,定係到國泰夥伴餐廳聚首一堂,我哋都希望可以為你締造美滿嘅團圓時光。
Life can be hectic, but it's the beauty of chaos that make time with family and friends truly precious.
Whether you're picking out festive gifts for loved ones at #CathayShop, or savoring a meal together at one of Cathay’s partner restaurants, we’re here to help you create heartwarming memories this Lunar New Year.
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous Year of the Snake, filled with miles of love, laughter, and unforgettable reunions.🧧
Explore more Lunar New Year offers: https://bit.ly/3DY0PWW
#Cathay #MoveBeyond #LifeElevatedWithCathay
立即投保 賞里全年節省更多
【Enrol once👆and enjoy coverage for every journey all year round】
#國泰里賞全年旅遊保 幫你慳更多保費 :https://bit.ly/3ZGy9Zz
上述資料僅供參考之用。所有保障、不保事項、條款及細則概以保單條款上所載為準。以上保險計劃由安達保險香港有限公司(「安達保險」)承保。國泰航空為安達保險授權於香港特別行政區經銷一般保險產品之保險代理商 (牌照號碼: FA3522)。安達保險保留最終批核的權利。
Save more on premium with #CathayRewardsAnnualTravelCover: https://bit.ly/41zpL0F
Planning to fly frequently next year? Travel with peace of mind✈️and save more money for future adventures with Cathay Rewards Annual Travel Cover! With just one-time enrolment, you can safeguard unlimited trips for the entire year😎. On top of skipping the hassle of purchasing travel insurance every time you set off, you’ll also enjoy savings of HKD877 plus miles rewards for your next dream destination!
Get insured now! Enrol through the designated website and experience 365 days of worry-free travel with the following protection:
1️⃣Cover unlimited times of
專享5折里數優惠 探索極限
【5折里數優惠入手 Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra】
【50% miles off for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra】
即上 #國泰品味 選購:https://bit.ly/3Vvb4If
做運動當然要安全至上,不論上山下海都有 Galaxy Watch Ultra 貼身徬實你,keep track 你嘅位置、即時身體狀況。即使喺極地都能夠如常操作,去到邊都可以盡情探索極限。🌊
📊 Galaxy AI 能量分數:分析身體重要指標,提供每日建議,精準地掌握身體需要
🧭 雙頻GPS導航:遠至叢林或深山,雙頻GPS導航都能定位你嘅位置,準確導航
⌚️ 鈦合金錶身:適用海拔 9,000 米至-500 米、運作溫度 50°C 至-20°C,極地操作保證
由即日起至2024年12月31日,於國泰品味購買 Galaxy Watch Ultra 可享 5 折里數優惠。立即裝備極盡一刻啦!
Shop now at #CathayShop : https://bit.ly/4fYmj3s
Safety is key for every adventure! Whether you're scaling mountains or exploring the ocean's depths, the Galaxy Watch Ultra is your trusted partner. It tracks your location and delivers real-time updates on your physical condition. Built to endure extreme environments, it allows you to pursue adventure without limits. 🌊
📊 Galaxy AI Energy Score: Analyzes vital body metrics and provides personalized daily recommendations for optimal performance.
🧭 Dual-Frequency GPS Navigation: With advanced dual-frequency GPS technology, you can navigate confidently in dense jungles or remote mountains.
⌚️ Titanium Alloy Body: Engineered to withstand altitudes from 9,000 meters to -500 meters underwater and temperatures ranging from -20°C to 50°C, this watch is built for the toughest conditions.
From now until 31 December, 2024, enjoy 50% miles off when purchasing the Galaxy Watch Ultra on Cathay Shop. Gear up and reach your peak!
*Terms and conditions apply.
訂購機票 盡享高達HKD 2 = 1 里
【訂歐洲機票 夠里飛多程泰國? 🏖️ 】
【Book a European Flight and Earn Miles for a Trip to Thailand? 🏖️】
Plan緊去歐洲過白色聖誕?用渣打國泰Mastercard預訂國泰航空歐洲機票盡享一簽兩賺:先賺航空夥伴里數、再賺埋信用卡里數獎賞 ✌🏻 海外簽賬更高達HKD2 = 1里!換言之飛完歐遊旅程,就夠里換一張曼谷單程機票*!
「目的地好近里大抽獎」有超過一千份獎品,頭獎幸運兒將會獨享640,000里數,可換 ✨ 雙人國泰航空頭等機票 ✨ 來回任何自選航點* 🌎 天空海闊任里飛!全新信用卡申請人於活動期間,申請渣打國泰Mastercard並登記參加抽獎,可額外獲3次抽獎機會!
Register for the lucky draw and by successfully applying the Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® from now on until 31 December 2024 via Cathay website, after your card is issued, you can also enjoy a limited-time extra welcome offer of up to 12,000 miles with no spending requirement: https://bit.ly/3YLVlVY
Planning to spend a white Christmas in Europe? Use your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard to book Cathay Pacific flights to Europe and enjoy Pay Once Earn Twice: Earn not only miles from your flight, but also miles from your credit card ✌🏻 Plus, overseas spending can earn you up to HKD2 = 1 mile! In other words, after your European trip, you’ll earn enough miles for a one-way ticket to Bangkok*!
The “Miles Closer to Go Lucky Draw” has over 1,000 prizes and the lucky gra
綁定信用卡 簽賬自動賞里
【開展「連結里賞」之旅 發掘多樣化餐飲及格調精品】
【Get started with Card Linked Earn and discover a world of dining and lifestyle rewards】
即日起至12月31日,首次經「連結里賞」消費賺里,更可獲額外250里。我哋有多樣化嘅合作夥伴,由米芝蓮一星嘅韓國高級餐廳 Hansik Goo,至永續生活雜貨 Slowood,都可以全方位滿足你嘅生活享受。
Link your credit card to your Cathay membership now: https://bit.ly/4fD7684
Whether you want to feast your heart out or treat yourself to some retail therapy, our partners for Card Linked Earn are here to help. Offering the best of worldly cuisines and lifestyle items, you can now live the lifestyle you desire while earning miles automatically along the way.
Link any Mastercard or Visa credit card to your Cathay membership profile and spend at selected partners to have your miles automatically credited to your account.
Want to earn more miles? Link your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® to earn miles twice on every transaction - once from our partner and a second time from your card.
From now to 31 December, earn 250 bonus miles with your first eligible transaction using your linked credit card. From one-Michelin-starred Korean fine-d
全面醫保 治療危疾全數賠足¹
【Critical illnesses alert🔍Medical bills can be overwhelming!】
及早投保 危疾治療開支零支出¹:https://bit.ly/3ADDh8f
為自己同屋企人諗多一步👨👩👧👦 依家以保費低至45折³ 成功投保 #信諾國泰優越醫療保,獲得以下周全保障,更享高達75,000里數 ³ ⁴ ⁵ :
✨每年高達HKD3,000萬保障限額,全面應付患病時各項包括住院、手術、藥物等醫療費用,享受優質治療零負擔 ¹
✨提供「免找數醫療服務」,患者無需擔憂入院按金或出院後辦理繁瑣嘅索償申請⁶ ,專心接受治療
¹ 全數賠償只限合資格醫療費用,及受限於每年保障限額
² 根據衞生防護中於2023年12月14日發佈有關大腸癌的健康資訊
³ 奬賞以 4 人家庭計算
⁴ 受保人須於保單生效日 14 天內參與及完成一個身心健旅計劃目標
⁵ 里數計算詳情請參閱:https://bit.ly/4hL7Jhn
⁶ 需預先批准及受條款及細則約束
Get insured early for HKD0 out-of-pocket¹ on critical illness costs: https://bit.ly/3CAxpgw
Busy life without healthy diet and exercises may trigger serious illnesses😧. Take colorectal cancer, the second most common cancer in Hong Kong², as an example — treatment is not only challenging, but also costs up to HKD400,000, adding significant financial pressure to many families!
Plan ahead for yourself and your family👨👩👧👦. Enrol in #CignaCathayPremierHealthPlan now with up to 55% discount³ and enjoy comprehensive coverage, along wit
賺里自動化 里賞輕易達到
【一簽自動賺里 里賞源源實現】
【Simple steps to earn miles seamlessly】
立即綁定信用卡至國泰會員賬戶: https://bit.ly/40GLF1n
1️⃣ 將最多五張Mastercard或Visa信用卡 綁定至國泰會員賬戶。
2️⃣ 用已綁定的信用卡於指定合作夥伴消費,即可自動賺里!
Link your credit card to your Cathay membership profile now: https://bit.ly/3AqfHfn
Don’t want to miss out on any miles? Card Linked Earn helps you earn miles seamlessly, so you can enjoy life while earning every mile possible.
Follow these simple steps to reach your miles goals in no time:
1️⃣ Link up to five Mastercard or Visa credit card to your Cathay membership profile.
2️⃣ Earn miles automatically when you spend at selected Cathay partners with your linked card.
We've partnered with a range of merchants, so you can shop, dine, and earn miles effortlessly. Eager to discover more? Use the filter on our website and app to find eligible partners!
From now till 31 December, earn a bonus of 250 miles on your first purchase through Card Linked Earn. If you link your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard®, you can even Pay Once, Earn Twice and multiply your miles from both our partner and your card.
Terms and conditions apply.
#Cathay #國泰 #LifeElevatedWithCathay #CardLinkedEarn #里賞連結 #AsiaMiles
海外簽賬 盡享高達HKD2=1里數
【喺外國shopping 夠里飛去韓國? 🛍️ 】
【Shopping abroad earns you miles to fly to Korea? 🛍️ 】
即將去旅行嘅你準備好購物攻略未?用渣打國泰Mastercard®喺海外購物簽賬,賺高達HKD2 = 1里數!買衫褲鞋襪,由頭買到腳… 👠 唔經唔覺就賺夠里數換一張首爾單程機票*,飛多轉入手型格潮物!
立即參加「目的地好近里大抽獎」,有機會贏走頭獎640,000里數 🏆 可換 ✨ 雙人國泰航空頭等機票 ✨ 來回任何自選航點* 🌎 合共過千份獎品,總值一千萬里數,中獎幸運兒可隨里走訪各個購物天堂繼續買!
🆕 全新信用卡申請人於活動期間申請渣打國泰Mastercard並登記參加抽獎,可獲額外3次抽獎機會!
🧑🤝🧑 新申請人及現有信用卡客戶由2024年11月8日開始,參加每星期嘅景點「超近里」挑戰,挑戰成功即賞額外抽獎機會,總共高達6次額外抽獎機會等緊你!
From now until 31 December 2024, apply for the Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® via Cathay website and register for the lucky draw. After your card is issued, you can also enjoy a limited-time extra welcome offer of up to 12,000 miles with no spending requirement: https://bit.ly/3NZV0tz
Ready with your shopping list for your upcoming trip? Use your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® for overseas shopping and earn up to HKD2 = 1 mile! Buy clothes, shoes, and accessories from head to toe… 👠 Effortlessly earn enough miles for a
【渣打 x 國泰航空包機:大阪之旅精華片段 🌸】
【渣打 x 國泰航空包機:大阪之旅精華片段 🌸】
【Standard Chartered x Cathay Pacific Chartered Flight: Osaka Highlights 🌸】
「渣打 x 國泰航空包機 #大阪 之旅」已經圓滿結束!五日四夜嘅行程,咁多位持有渣打國泰Mastercard®嘅渣打優先私人理財及優先理財客戶享受到當地嘅星級住宿同埋絕頂米芝蓮美饌體驗。立即睇片!
借定唔借? 還得到先好借!
The Standard Chartered x Cathay Pacific Chartered Flight Osaka Trip has come to an end! Our selected Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders with Standard Chartered Priority Private and Priority Banking account experienced five days and four nights of unparalleled luxury, including world-class accommodations and Michelin-starred dining. Check out the video to feel the excitement!
Want to be part of the unforgettable trip? Apply for the card now to secure your spot: https://bit.ly/3YzjIHq
Terms and conditions apply.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
#Cathay #國泰 #AsiaMiles #LifeElevatedWithCathay #渣打x國泰航空包機 #渣打國泰Mastercard
【同朋友盡情食 夠里飛去日本?🍜】
【Dine all you want with friends and earn miles to fly to Japan! 🍜】
Foodie注意!同親朋好友享受美饌佳餚,以渣打國泰Mastercard®簽賬,賺高達HKD4 = 2里數*!輕鬆就可以賺夠里數換一張東京單程機票^,返鄉下食盡人氣美食 🤤
立即參加「目的地好近里大抽獎」🎁 超過一千份獎品,獎品總值一千萬里數!頭獎640,000里數,可換 ✨ 雙人國泰航空頭等機票 ✨ 來回任何自選航點^ 🌎 全新渣打國泰Mastercard申請人可享高達 9️⃣ 次抽獎機會;現有客戶亦可享高達 6️⃣ 次抽獎機會!
🆕 全新信用卡申請人於活動期間申請渣打國泰Mastercard並登記參加抽獎,可獲額外3次抽獎機會!
🧑🤝🧑 現有信用卡客戶及新申請人由2024年11月8日開始,參加每星期嘅景點「超近里」挑戰,挑戰成功即賞額外抽獎機會,總共高達6次額外抽獎機會等緊你!
From now until 31 December 2024, apply for the Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® via Cathay website and register for the lucky draw. After your card is issued, you can also enjoy a limited-time extra welcome offer of up to 12,000 miles with no spending requirement: https://bitly.cx/HA546u
Attention foodies! Dining out with friends and family, and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles* with your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard®! Easily earn enough miles for a one-way ticket to To
【Cathay X Glenfarclas: 踏上「威士忌遊記」下集 日義篇 ✈️ 】
【Cathay X Glenfarclas: A Slip to Japan & Italy - Classic Whisky Cocktail Remake Part 2】
雞尾酒同旅程一樣 🍸 ,都代表一個專屬嘅故事!
今集Gavin Yeung繼續選用國泰與格蘭花格釀酒廠攜手創作嘅「限量版15年桶裝高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌」,重新演繹經典威士忌雞尾酒 🥃 。靈感源自「Nagano Highball」及「Rome in New York Sour」,感受日本嘅精緻與工藝 🇯🇵 ,同時品嘗獨特嘅義大利經典風味 🇮🇹 ,喺醇厚濃郁嘅威士忌加入點綴 ✨ ,令感官享受更上一層樓。
快啲入手你嘅心水威士忌,調配出你最愛嘅飲法,一齊用一杯威士忌環遊世界 🌎 !
* 於特定國泰航空航班上限量發售
Limited edition whisky is now exclusively available for inflight purchase*: https://bit.ly/3UiranE
Just like every travel, cocktails tell unique stories 🍸 .
Gavin Yeung returns with more creative interpretations featuring the Cathay x Glenfarclas "Limited Edition 15yo Cask Strength Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky“. Inspired by Japanese craftsmanship 🇯🇵 and Italian unique flavours 🇮🇹 , he’s reimagining classic whisky cocktails with "Nagano Highball" and "Rome in New York Sour” 🥃 . Follow along and experience how his delightful twists elevates the richness of whisky, guiding your taste buds on an elevated adventure ✨ .
Grab your favourite whisky, mix your perfect drink, and let Gavin's recipes guide you through a world of flavours 🌎 !
*Limited stock on selected flights only
#CathayXGlenfarclas #ASipAroundTheWorld
【Cathay X Glenfarclas: 踏上「威士忌遊記」英美篇 ✈️ 】
【Cathay X Glenfarclas: A Slip to US & UK - Classic Whisky Cocktail Remake Part 1 】
原來足不出戶,一樣可以遊歷世界各地!調酒師Gavin Yeung為大家分享靈感源自旅遊經歷而創作嘅威士忌雞尾酒食譜 🍸 ,每一啖都彷如瞬間帶你親歷其境。
想知Gavin用咗咩秘技令威士忌嘅味道昇華 ✨ ?今集我哋為大家帶嚟「Kentucky Old Fashioned」及「Mayfair Manhattan」雞尾酒食譜。兩杯同樣以國泰與格蘭花格釀酒廠攜手創作嘅「限量版15年桶裝高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌」作為基酒,帶大家一次過遊走美國鄉村 🇺🇸 及充滿韻味嘅英國 🇬🇧 。
密切留意下一集介紹嘅食譜,靈感源自兩個同樣被譽為「美食之鄉」嘅地方,同Gavin一齊用一杯威士忌環遊世界 ✈️ !
* 於特定國泰航空航班上限量發售
Limited edition whisky is now exclusively available for inflight purchase*: https://bit.ly/3UgGLUY
Who says travel requires leaving home? Gavin Yeung is your tour guide for an adventure of whisky cocktails 🍸 , so fasten your seatbelts for a flavour expedition.
Curious about Gavin's secrets for elevating whisky flavours ✨ ? He’s sharing the recipe for "Kentucky Old Fashioned" and "Mayfair Manhattan" – both featuring the "Limited Edition 15yo Cask Strength Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky“ by Cathay and Glenfarclas. Let’s take a flavor journey from American countryside 🇺🇸 to the elegant streets of Britain 🇬🇧 , all in two delightful cocktails.
We’re heading to the other two renowned culinary capitals in the next episode, stay tuned and let Gavin's whisky creations take you around the world ✈️ !
*Limited stock on selected flights only
#CathayXGlenfarclas #ASipAroundTheWorld