Asia Miles by Cathay 國泰 亞洲萬里通

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Asia Miles by Cathay 國泰 亞洲萬里通 Elevate your everyday by earning and spending your Asia Miles with over 800 lifestyle partners. We may also be collecting personal data though the conversation.

Asia Miles by Cathay is an official page owned and operated by Cathay Pacific. [Cathay APP]
Download and install our Cathay App to have the latest brand news and privileges right in the palm of your hand!

You are always welcome to reach us via messenger. Your conversation with us will be used for the purpose of improving our service, training and quality control and will

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【「里」想瑜伽空間】【Namaste Anywhere】立即入手心水裝備:想隨時隨地享受「里」想瑜伽,先要有一套「里」想運動裝備!👀 即刻去  #國泰品味 選購全新國泰運動裝備系列,用最 fit...

【Namaste Anywhere】


想隨時隨地享受「里」想瑜伽,先要有一套「里」想運動裝備!👀 即刻去 #國泰品味 選購全新國泰運動裝備系列,用最 fit 嘅裝備,開啟一場心靈療癒之旅!🧘‍♀️

Get your yoga accessories:

Enjoy a peaceful moment with your sports gear! 👀Shop the Cathay Exclusives wellness collection on now, embark on a spiritual healing journey wherever you are! 🧘‍♀️

Cathay Shop

【登記成「好氣 fun 」會員 獲 300 迎新里數】【Join Towngas Fun to earn 300 miles】立即登記享里數獎賞 :有冇諗過交煤氣費同時都可以賺分兼換禮?我哋嘅夥伴...

【登記成「好氣 fun 」會員 獲 300 迎新里數】
【Join Towngas Fun to earn 300 miles】

立即登記享里數獎賞 :

有冇諗過交煤氣費同時都可以賺分兼換禮?我哋嘅夥伴 好氣Fun - Towngas Fun 係一個會員計劃及網上換購平台,涵蓋美食及家居生活等多種優惠🎁。

由即日起至 2025 年 2 月 28 日,登記成為「好氣 fun 」會員並用優惠碼【AM2025】即享 300 迎新里數獎賞,換購產品之餘仲可以賺取積分,唔想錯過就要立即行動啦!


Sign up to earn your miles reward:

Paying gas bills is not just a monthly chore — you can earn points and redeem rewards at the same time! Our partner, Towngas Fun, is a membership programme combined with an online redemption platform, covering an array of dining and lifestyle offers🎁.

From today until 28 February 2025, register as a Towngas Fun member with the promotion code【AM2025】to earn a welcome offer of 300 miles right away. Don’t miss this chance to fuel your fun with points and prizes!

Terms and conditions apply

【情人節攻略 令曖昧變真愛💕】【Valentine’s Day Tips: Turning situationship into true love💕】朋友以上,戀人未滿,可能你哋之間,就係差少少火花!🤏 今個情人節,不妨跟住我哋嘅攻略,增...

【情人節攻略 令曖昧變真愛💕】
【Valentine’s Day Tips: Turning situationship into true love💕】

朋友以上,戀人未滿,可能你哋之間,就係差少少火花!🤏 今個情人節,不妨跟住我哋嘅攻略,增加好感度🆙,令曖昧關係變真愛啦!😎

More than just friends but not quite a couple yet? All you need is just a little spark! 🤏 This Valentine’s Day follow our guide to amp up the charm 🆙 and turn those subtle hints into a love story! 😎

【2月香港熱門新餐廳及酒吧】【Hong Kong’s hottest restaurants and bars this February】探索全新美食靈感:今個月嘅全新人氣食府相繼登場,為蛇年...

【Hong Kong’s hottest restaurants and bars this February】


今個月嘅全新人氣食府相繼登場,為蛇年迎嚟滋味新開始 🤤

無論你想品嚐精緻西班牙美饌、正宗蘇州菜式,定係創新韓國料理,都可以click入連結,令整個二月都充滿豐富美酒佳餚 🍽️

The Year of the Snake is off to a sss-pectacular start in Hong Kong with a diverse (and delicious!) array of new restaurant openings 🤤

Whether you're in the mood for refined Spanish dining, authentic Suzhou cooking or innovative Korean cuisine, head to Inspiration for all the great eats and drinks to fall in love with this February 🍽️:


【試勻多國盛宴 多款國泰會員限定菜單🍴】【A world of exclusive menus for Cathay members🍴】立即訂座及了解特選菜單: Royal Garden 香...

【試勻多國盛宴 多款國泰會員限定菜單🍴】
【A world of exclusive menus for Cathay members🍴】


The Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店 旗下餐廳已經為你準備好國泰會員限定menu,由即日起至3月9日任你選擇各國美饌!

🦐去雅苑座食自助餐 品嚐國際佳餚
🇻🇳去Le Soleil 越南餐廳食越法融合菜
🇮🇹去Sabatini 意大利餐廳享受別緻而創新嘅菜式

埋單時,憑已透過「連結里賞」綁定至國泰會員賬戶嘅Mastercard或Visa信用卡消費,即可自動賺取HKD4 = 1里數;如果憑已綁定嘅渣打國泰Mastercard®簽賬,更可自動賺取HKD4 = 2里數!


Check out the menus and reserve your table now:

Curated by The Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店 , these special menus exclusive to Cathay members are available at their restaurants from now until 9 March, offering a variety of cuisines of your choice:

😋Expertly crafted Beijing and Huaiyang cuisine at D**g Lai Shun
🦐All-you-can-eat buffet at The Greenery
🇻🇳Vietnamese cuisine with a French touch at Le Soleil
🇮🇹Innovative Italian dishes at Sabatini Ristorante Italiano
🇯🇵Tempura delicacies at Shikigiku Japanese Restaurant
🥢Cantonese cuisine at The Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant

Pay with your Mastercard or Visa credit card linked to your Cathay membership through Card Linked Earn to automatically earn HKD4 = 1 mile. If you use your linked Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard®, you can earn even more at a rate of HKD4 = 2 miles!

Taste the world and earn miles with every meal!

#國泰 #里賞連結

【跑出更遠里程】【Run for Miles and More】裝備齊全帶你跑更多里:無論你係初戰馬拉松,定係馬拉松常客,跑步最緊要都係抱有理念💪!立即發掘國泰限定全新運動商品系列,揀選心水運動配...

【Run for Miles and More】




Well equipped for running more miles :

Whether you're a first-time marathoner or seasoned runner, it's all about keeping your finish line in sight 💪!

Explore Cathay Exclusives wellness collection now – pick the best training accessories and yoga essentials, then crush your marathon goals this weekend🏃!

【香港浪漫餐廳推介】【Hong Kong's most romantic restaurants for Valentine's Day】 共享甜蜜佳餚 : 今個情人節想令約會對象眼前一亮?我哋...

【Hong Kong's most romantic restaurants for Valentine's Day】

共享甜蜜佳餚 :

今個情人節想令約會對象眼前一亮?我哋搜羅咗香港最浪漫嘅餐廳,有迷人隱世酒吧又有環球精緻美饌,必定令你嘅另一半心花怒放 💝

即刻透過連結,探索一系列餐飲體驗,共度甜蜜時光之餘,仲可以賺取額外「亞洲萬里通」里數 🥰

Hoping to dazzle your date this Valentine's Day? From charming speakeasies to exquisite fare from across the globe, we've rounded up some of the city's most romantic restaurants that are sure to delight 💝

Check out Inspiration for the full list of unforgettable dining experiences – and discover how you can earn extra Asia Miles while you savour every moment 🥰:


【里賞新歲🧧全家健康常伴】【Celebrate a rewarding Chinese New Year🧧Accompany your family with good health】享保費低至45折,賺高達75,000里:https://...

【Celebrate a rewarding Chinese New Year🧧Accompany your family with good health】


無論屬咩生肖,想要好嘅運程都先要保持身心健康💪,至可迎接更多里賞時刻。趁依家保費仲低至45折¹,立即靈蛇出動🐍,喺2025年2月28日或之前為一家投保 #信諾國泰優越醫療保。全面守護全家人嘅健康,更可賺高達75,000里數¹ ² ³,話咁易就可兌換四張台北經濟客艙來回機票,夠全家人飛返一轉行大運!

無論外遊✈️抑或往海外發展💼,都有高端環球醫療保障back up住你,讓里健康常駐:


¹ 奬賞以 4 人家庭計算
² 受保人須於保單生效日 14 天內參與及完成一個身心健旅計劃目標
³ 里數計算詳情請參閱:
⁴ 全數賠償只限合資格醫療費用,及受限於每年保障限額

Enrol with up to 55% off premium and earn up to 75,000 miles:

No matter what Chinese zodiac sign are you, good fortune begins with a healthy body and mind💪— empowering you to unlock more rewarding moments ahead. Act fast like a snake🐍 to enrol your family in with up to 55% off premium¹. Enjoy comprehensive health coverage and earn up to 75,000 miles¹ ² ³ — enough to redeem 4 Economy round-trip tickets to Taipei. Kickstart the new year with a family trip filled with luck and joy!

Get insured now and stay healthy with the following comprehensive global health protection whether you are travelling✈️ or moving abroad💼:
🌟 An annual limit of up to HKD30 million covering all medical costs⁴, allowing you to receive treatment at ease without worrying about your medical budget
🌟 1 on 1 dedicated Care Manager Service provides you with end-to-end support for both your physical and emotional needs

Terms and conditions apply
The above information is for reference only. Please refer to the policy documents for the exact coverage, full terms and conditions and exclusions of the insurance plan

¹ Reward based on a family of four
² Policy insured must register for the elevated wellness journey and complete at least one daily goal within 14 days of policy inception date
³ For more details on the miles calculation, please refer to:
⁴ Full reimbursement is limited to eligible medical expenses, subject to annual benefit limit


【新春攻略之開工上位禮儀】【The ultimate LNY guide: be the office star】開工大吉!人人都想升職加人工,但有冇諗過原來職場都有妙計,可以助你上位兼無痛賺里?😳以下就醒大家幾招華麗優雅嘅上位攻略🤌,無論...

【The ultimate LNY guide: be the office star】



New year, new resolutions. Ready to snag those promotions? It’s all about winning the support of your colleagues and bosses. But how do you get there? 😳

Elevate your office game with these classy tips designed to help you shine. 🤌 Whether it’s impressing your colleagues, seniors, or your boss, you’ll find ways to effortlessly earn miles and recognition. Get ready to shine🎉!

【新春攻略之拜年體面文學】【The ultimate LNY guide: meet and greet】趕「酒」麻煩親戚兼笑住賺里 🙆‍♀️:新年至怕就係面對三姑六婆姨媽姑姐嘅刁鑽問題!🤦‍♀️...

【The ultimate LNY guide: meet and greet】

趕「酒」麻煩親戚兼笑住賺里 🙆‍♀️:

新年至怕就係面對三姑六婆姨媽姑姐嘅刁鑽問題!🤦‍♀️ 但原來應對拜年提問可以輕鬆解決之餘,仲可以同時賺里數?🧧

今個新年,一於上 #國泰品味 買定幾支靚酒🍾,順便袋定幾句拜年金句傍身,「酒」遍咁多場新春拜年話咁易啦!

Chill with relatives and earn miles with the ideal wine:

Ready to handle tricky Lunar New Year questions from your relatives? 🤦‍♀️ Here’s a tip: steer the conversation to the amazing handpicked wines you’ve selected! 🧧

Cheers to relatives this Lunar New Year, visit for exquisite wines, and enjoy a worry-free celebration! 🍾

【友伴同行加快賺里】 【How you and your friends can earn even more Asia Miles】 推薦好友 一同賺取額外獎賞: 有朋友相伴,做咩都加倍有趣,...

【How you and your friends can earn even more Asia Miles】

推薦好友 一同賺取額外獎賞:

有朋友相伴,做咩都加倍有趣,當中點少得齊齊賺里 💫 而家只需推薦好友申請渣打國泰Mastercard®,就可以一齊加快賺里,兼享精彩優惠!


Everything is more fun with friends, including earning Asia Miles 💫 That's why we're helping you rack up even more miles together, simply by referring your friends to apply for a Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard®.

Check out Inspiration to learn how you can earn up to 120,000 miles(!) – and all the ways you can transform them into memorable moments, new adventures and more:


【飛往澳洲及新西蘭 以里數提升客艙級別✈️】【Upgrade cabin class with miles for flights to Australia and New Zealand ✈️】了解更多優惠詳情:https://bit.l...

【飛往澳洲及新西蘭 以里數提升客艙級別✈️】
【Upgrade cabin class with miles for flights to Australia and New Zealand ✈️】


驚坐長途機唔舒服,甚至影響之後旅程?國泰會員而家去 #澳洲 或者 #新西蘭,可以升級機票所屬嘅客艙級別,享受舒適嘅飛行體驗!

由即日起至 2 月 28 日,無論已經訂咗機票或者準備買機票嘅你,都可以利用里數提升客艙級別,搭乘我哋嘅商務或特選經濟客艙。無論係想去 #悉尼 欣賞藍山嘅靚絕風景 ⛰️,同埋想去 #墨爾本 菲利普島睇超可愛野生小企鵝 🐧 又或者去 #新西蘭 探索夢幻奇觀嘅你。等你可以Chill 住展開旅程,發掘更多景點!

而家以優惠券編碼【SWP10AH5A】,即可享9 折里數優惠兌換當地酒店,盡情享受呢個旅程:


Learn more about the offers:

Do long-haul flights leave you feeling exhausted? Don’t let this feeling ruin your adventure! Cathay member can now upgrade your cabin class when flying to or , ensuring an enjoyable journey.

From now until 28 February, whether you've purchased a ticket or are about to buy one, you can upgrade your cabin class with miles and travel in our Business or Premium Economy for a new level of comfort and service.

No matter you’re heading to to explore the breathtaking Blue Mountains ⛰️, visiting to see the adorable penguins at Phillip Island 🐧, or discovering the stunning wonders of , you can chill while embarking on your journey and discovering more attractions!

Plus, enjoy a 10% miles off on local hotel bookings! Simply enter the promo code [SWP10AH5A] to unlock the offer and make your trip even more memorable:

Terms and condition:

【國泰新年貼圖 祝大家蛇年大吉大里】【Wish you great fortune and miles in the Snake Year】即刻下載貼圖同親戚拜年:🐍 蛇年就到,我哋為你準備咗一系...

【國泰新年貼圖 祝大家蛇年大吉大里】
【Wish you great fortune and miles in the Snake Year】


🐍 蛇年就到,我哋為你準備咗一系列新年WhatsApp貼圖,為你嘅節日祝賀添上喜慶兼新意,同家人摰友送上暖心問候 🩷


Download stickers now to send your blessings:

🐍 The Year of the Snake is here, and we've prepared a series of vibrant and fun festive WhatsApp stickers for you! Elevate your digital Chinese New Year greetings by using our customized sticker pack! 🩷

May your Year of the Snake be filled with miles of fortune! Don't forget to share the stickers with your family and friends to spread the joy🧧!

【韓國遊用 TADA 叫車 每程賺KRW1,000 = 1 里數】【Earn KRW1,000 = 1 mile for every ride requested with TADA in Korea】即以 TADA 叫車順便賺里:http...

【韓國遊用 TADA 叫車 每程賺KRW1,000 = 1 里數】
【Earn KRW1,000 = 1 mile for every ride requested with TADA in Korea】

即以 TADA 叫車順便賺里:

想輕鬆自在咁𣈱遊韓國之旅?🚙 TADA 提供寬敞 5 人座小型客貨車以至豪華房車,為一家人或團體出遊提供舒適嘅體驗。TADA 確保司機服務質素安全可靠,令每段車程都暢通無阻,盡享韓國尊尚每一程!

國泰會員下載 TADA 程式並於選單頁面輸入會員號碼後,可享 KRW1,000 = 1 里數,韓國遊同時輕鬆賺里!☺️

Use TADA premium taxi service and earn miles:

Looking for a hassle-free trip in Korea?🚙 TADA has you covered with options ranging from spacious 5-seat minivans to luxury cars — ideal for families or groups. You'll enjoy a seamless and comfortable ride with their professional drivers, allowing you to sit back, relax, and fully savor the journey.

Cathay members who download the TADA app and enter your Cathay membership number can earn KRW1,000 = 1 mile for every ride. Enjoy your trip and collect miles along the way! ☺️


【家之歡聚 福滿團圓】
【There's no place like home at Lunar New Year】


無論係上 #國泰品味 選購賀年禮品送俾家人,定係到國泰夥伴餐廳聚首一堂,我哋都希望可以為你締造美滿嘅團圓時光。



Life can be hectic, but it's the beauty of chaos that make time with family and friends truly precious.

Whether you're picking out festive gifts for loved ones at , or savoring a meal together at one of Cathay’s partner restaurants, we’re here to help you create heartwarming memories this Lunar New Year.

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous Year of the Snake, filled with miles of love, laughter, and unforgettable reunions.🧧

Explore more Lunar New Year offers:

【蛇年新歲香港餐廳推介】【Where to dine in Hong Kong for the Year of the Snake】 蛇年饗宴好去處: 香港一眾餐飲熱點已經為你準備好節慶美食,畀...

【Where to dine in Hong Kong for the Year of the Snake】


香港一眾餐飲熱點已經為你準備好節慶美食,畀你喺今個農曆新年大快朵頤!無論你想享用豐盛火鍋,定喺絢爛煙花相伴之下飽嚐頂級牛扒,都可以點擊連結,以一系列賀年美饌迎接蛇年來臨 🐍😋

想新年過得加倍豐足?透過「連結里賞」喺精選夥伴餐廳簽賬,即可自動賺取高達HKD4 = 2 里數。🧧

Lunar New Year is a time for joy, family gatherings and feasting – and with Hong Kong's dining scene, you're truly spoilt for choice. Whether it's a hearty hotpot feast or premium steaks enjoyed with fireworks, head to Inspiration via the link for all the delicious ways to ring in the Year of the Snake 🐍😋

Want an even more prosperous start to the year? Enjoy up to HKD4 = 2 miles at these restaurants when you pay through Card Linked Earn 🧧:


【於NOC歎咖啡 「連結里賞」自動賺里☕️】【Sip, relax, and earn miles effortlessly at NOC with Card Linked Earn ☕️】盡享優質咖啡產品兼賺里:https://bit.l...

【於NOC歎咖啡 「連結里賞」自動賺里☕️】
【Sip, relax, and earn miles effortlessly at NOC with Card Linked Earn ☕️】


🎉 NOC COFFEE CO. 提供精品咖啡及時令輕食,仲有環球優質咖啡豆。鍾意咖啡嘅你不論喺店內定家中,都可以細味高品質咖啡。平時於 NOC 飲開咖啡兼賺里數嘅國泰會員,依家可透過「連結里賞」更方便賺里!

只要使用已綁定至國泰會員賬戶嘅 Mastercard 或 Visa 信用卡於 NOC 消費,即可自動賺取 HKD4 = 1 里數;綁定渣打國泰 Mastercard®,更可自動賺取 HKD4 = 2 里數。一齊歎啡賺里!🤎

Enjoy quality coffee while stacking up miles:

🎉 NOC COFFEE CO. offers a range of curated brews, seasonal bites, and specialty coffee beans sourced from around the world. Whether savouring it in-store or brewing at home, you can always count on NOC to deliver exceptional quality and flavour in every cup. Cathay members who frequently visit NOC can now earn miles seamlessly through Card Linked Earn!

Simply link your Mastercard or Visa credit card to your Cathay membership to earn HKD4 = 1 mile at NOC. Pay with your linked Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® to enjoy HKD4 = 2 miles! Coffee breaks just got more rewarding! 🤎

#國泰 #里賞連結

【去日本食飯Book枱其實唔難】【Book easily and earn miles at restaurants in Japan】   用TakeMe預訂日本當地餐廳都可以賺里:去日本pla...

【Book easily and earn miles at restaurants in Japan】



由即日起,國泰會員喺TakeMe訂座嘅時候輸入國泰會員號碼,並完成整個用餐體驗,就可以賺取JPY100 = 1里數!


Dine in Japan with TakeMe and earn miles:

As you finalize your to-do list for your Japan adventure, wonder how to secure a reservation at your favourite restaurants, worry no more. With TakeMe, our new dining partner, booking at over 500 restaurants in Japan is a breeze. The platform supports both English and Chinese, providing a hassle-free way for your reservations.

Starting today, Cathay members can earn 1 mile for every JPY 100 spent by providing your Cathay membership number and booking through TakeMe.

Before you take off, don’t forget to reserve a delightful dining experience with TakeMe!

TakeMe allows Cathay members to book Japanese top restaurants in advance.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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Our Story

A mile is a journey that can be as long as you want it to be. It can take you anywhere and get you anything you want as long as you earn it. It connects you to the things you love with the people you love, and enhances your travel and lifestyle experiences. We believe you can make the most of every mile with the things you do every day, whether you're travelling the world, shopping for treats or fine dining. These everyday journeys should be as rewarding as possible, and through our rewards, you can meet new friends, explore new destinations, and taste new experiences in a way you’ll always remember. As our member, we want to add delight to your life, and enable you to find your rewards and fulfill your dreams with purpose, because ultimately, life is more enriched when you live a Life Rewarded. Asia Miles is open to anyone aged 2 or above and is free to join. Click here to join now