My heart hurts saying this but I backed out of the Twin Steeples art market this weekend. It’s no secret that I’ve been struggling lately (with a capital S), so like last year I tried to suck it up and pull it all together but I just keep creatively collapsing, and I have been feeling so completely defeated. My heart is crushed with grief.
I’m taking a temporary break from everything Haunted Cypress related until further notice while I focus on my mental health and my home.
My house got DROPPED by lifters we hired last week, and while that really sucked, my partner and I have newly devised plans for a completely new rebuild, including a brand new studio for me👻🖤 Right now I feel steeped in chaos, but I know good things are coming.
I hope to return next year with a brand new home, a brand new studio (including a KILN🔥), and a renewed energy to put towards my work. I love all of you so much. I’ll be back🖤🐊