Skijoring, way more fun than anyone expected. We took turns going solo to see who would have the most spectacular crash at top speed. My head hit the snow between the front of my skis, the resulting flexion of body and skis caused a yard sale that sent 6 foot fiber glass cross-country skis careening high into the air, leaving 1 sticking perpendicular out of the snow. I gave the boys my camera and asked them to film it before hand, I almost broke my neck and they didn't get it on camera, this is why I carry a tripod.
I was trying to take a picture of Keith Mooney but the camera was set to video. Temp that day was balmy -55 plus wind and you can see she was howling. I took a piss that froze into tiny yellow crystals that blew away in the wind. I had to ask that the front sleds slow down because the white out conditions were completely obscuring the trail. A couple of times when the tail lights disappeared there was nothing but white and a real sick feeling in my stomach.
Calling all LAV Pilots, tag anyone you know who used to fly one of these beasts.
Finding ways to pass the time