Food & Nutrition during our treks
We have a specialist catering team to prepare food during our treks. They prepare delicious food.
Our breakfast menu includes muesli vita-wheat biscuits with butter, jam, vegemite and peanut butter, hot Milo, tea and coffee, muesli, weet-bix, porridge, milk, fruit salad.
We start our morning with tea, coffee and sweet biscuits.
We have take pasta, lebansese bread, tinned fish, luncheon meat, beans, cheddar, sweet and dry rolls Adventure Kokoda Catering on the Track often supplemented with new tropical soil grown foods, margarine, jam and vegemite, hot Milo, tea and espresso in the lunch.
When the arrived at their campsite like a daily routine, they organize their tent and rest around the fire. After some time trek catering team invite to dinner.
Dinner is our last and import meals. We included vegetables, rice, potato, pasta, peas and beans, corn, sweet biscuits, hot Milo, tea and coffee.
Click here to know more: - https://www.kokodatreks.com/