Our mission is to decrease the stress around temporary housing for our community of Minds on the Move, and it’s always a pleasure to hear from our members that we’ve been an important part of the solution!
#sabbatical #sabbaticalhomes #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
Enjoy a #NewOrleans #Louisiana summer Uptown in a classic Nola shotgun house steeped in charm and close to restaurants, shops, the streetcar, #Tulane, #LoyolaNewOrleans and more!
#sabbatical #sabbaticalhomes #sabbatical_homes #AcaDowntime #Sabbaticalliving #Academictravel #Sabbaticaltravels #Sabbaticalyear #FamilyTravelMoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #TravelingWithKids #locationindependent #neverstoptravelling #AcademicChatter #phdlife
We have been connecting people to find and offer temporary housing since 2000, but the lifelong friendships between matched members are a silver lining!
#sabbatical #sabbaticalhomes #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
It’s always a pleasure to meet SabbaticalHomes members who use our website regularly to find tenants and homes to stay in – and even more fun when we have the opportunity to meet them in person at conferences like #MLA!
#sabbatical #sabbaticalhomes #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
We love to get to know our SabbaticalHomes.com members in person, like this dual-academic career couple coming to study and do research in #NewYork from #Budapest at #Columbia and #CUNY!
#sabbatical #sabbaticalhomes #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
As Anne Lamott said, “Almost everything will work again, if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” May your unplugging – whether for a few minutes, weeks, a month or longer – help you reset and recharge your perspective! sabbaticalhomes.com
#sabbatical #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
AWP23 Booth Time Lapse Video IMG_4142.MOV
The SabbaticalHomes.com #awp23 Bookfair booth setup…did you think we could move so fast? If you’re in #Seattle #Washington at the conference, find us in Booth 121!
#sabbatical_homes #AcaDowntime #Sabbaticalliving #Academictravel #Sabbaticaltravels #Sabbaticalyear #FamilyTravelMoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #TravelingWithKids #locationindependent #neverstoptravelling #AcademicChatter #phdlife
It’s always nice to hear from SabbaticalHomes.com members who have had success multiple times on our website, finding tenants around the world! #Boston #Paris #France
#sabbatical #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
Recently SabbaticalHomes.com founder Nadege Conger had the opportunity to travel back to Venice, Italy. It is such an inspiring place to us that the picture of the San Michele Cemetery Island has long held the honor of being the main image on our website home page. It’s always hard to say Arrivederci to #Venice #Italy!
#sabbatical_homes #AcaDowntime #Sabbaticalliving #Academictravel #Sabbaticaltravels #Sabbaticalyear #FamilyTravelMoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #TravelingWithKids #locationindependent #neverstoptravelling #AcademicChatter #phdlife
We love to hear from members who have used SabbaticalHomes.com to explore the world and meet wonderful people! #Victoria #BritishColumbia #Canada
#sabbatical #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
We started SabbaticalHomes.com over 20 years ago with the dream to provide a network of reasonably priced housing for academics. Members like Professor West are the reason why!
“Sabbaticalhomes.com is an amazing service! I found my sabbatical housing in Sydney, Australia through the site ten years ago, and since then I have hosted many visiting scholars in my home. The income from renting spaces in my house has saved me in a difficult time, and the friendships that I have made are invaluable. I often promote this site to my colleagues. The updates to the site are great and my life would be less interesting without the friends I meet through sabbaticalhomes.com! Thank you for this well designed and effective service!”
#sabbatical #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife
What a good feeling to hear that SabbaticalHomes can make it possible for our members to enjoy life as they want to live it! #Oakland #California
#sabbatical #sabbatical_homes #acadowntime #sabbaticaldiaries #sabbaticalliving #academictravel #sabbaticaltravels #sabbaticalyear #familytravelmoment #workabroad #academics #adventureislife #travelphotooftheday #collegestudents #adventureinspired #travellersnotebook #travelingwithkids #locationindependent #academicchatter #phdlife